=head1 NAME
Kwiki::MindMap - Display what's on your mind.
Display what's on your mind.
Thanks to dngor for providing beautiful GraphViz mindmap rendering code :)
Copyright 2004 by Kang-min Liu <gugod@gugod.org>.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
use strict;
use Kwiki::Plugin '-Base';
use YAML;
our $VERSION = '0.06';
const class_id => 'mindmap';
const class_title => 'MindMap Blocks';
const screen_template => 'site_mindmap_screen.html';
sub register {
my $registry = shift;
$registry->add(wafl => mindmap => 'Kwiki::MindMap::Wafl');
field fontsize => 12;
field fontname => 'Times';
sub to_html {
# XXX: I think cleanup should be called ony once per-page.
# (If a page is modified, re-generate all the mindmap inside)
# but put it in here will make it be called once per-mindmap-block.
sub cleanup {
my $path = $self->hub->mindmap->plugin_directory;
my $page =$self->hub->pages->current;
my $page_id = $page->id;
for(<$path/$page_id/*.png>) {
my $mt = (stat($_))[9];
unlink($_) if $mt < $page->modified_time;
sub read_pageconf {
if(my $obj = $self->hub->load_class('config_blocks')) {
my $conf = $obj->pageconf;
$self->fontsize($conf->{mindmap_fontsize}) if defined $conf->{mindmap_fontsize};
$self->fontname($conf->{mindmap_fontname}) if defined $conf->{mindmap_fontname};
# use md5 as filename because I don't want to regenerate all the graphs
# on every page rendering. That's totally a waste of time.
sub render_mindmap {
my $reldump = shift;
my $page = $self->hub->pages->current->id;
my $digest = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($reldump);
my $path = $self->hub->mindmap->plugin_directory;
my ($title,$tree) = $self->load_mindmap($reldump);
my $file = io->catfile($path,$page,"$digest.png")->assert;
my $svg = io->catfile($path,$page,"$digest.svg")->assert;
unless(-f "$file") {
my $grvz = $self->hash2graph($tree,$title);
$grvz->as_png > $file;
$grvz->as_svg > $svg;
if(my $obj = $self->hub->load_class('config_blocks')) {
my $conf = $obj->pageconf;
if(defined $conf->{mindmap_as_svg}) {
my $width = $conf->{mindmap_svg_width} || 800;
my $height = $conf->{mindmap_svg_height} || $width;
return qq{<embed src="$svg" name="$title" width="$width" height="$height" type="image/svg-xml" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/">};
return qq{<img src="$file">};
my $hue = 0;
sub hash2graph {
my ($tree,$title) = @_;
my $g = GraphViz->new(graph => {rankdir=>"LR", ranksep=>'0.05', nodesep=>'0.10'},
node => {label=>"",width=>0.04,height=>0.04,style=>'filled',fixedsize=>'true'},
edge => {arrowhead=>'none',style=>"setlinewidth(2)",
fontsize=> $self->fontsize,fontname=>$self->fontname },
$g->add_edge('root_right' => 'root_left', label => $title);
my @kids = sort { $self->count_kids($tree->{$a}) <=> $self->count_kids($tree->{$b}) } keys %$tree;
my $hue_step = 1 / @kids;
my (@left, @right);
while (@kids) {
push @left, shift @kids;
push @right, shift @kids if @kids;
push @right, pop @kids if @kids;
push @left, pop @kids if @kids;
foreach my $left (@left) {
$hue += $hue_step;
foreach my $right (@right) {
$hue += $hue_step;
$hue = 0;
return $g;
sub load_mindmap {
my $dump = shift;
my @lines = split/\n/,$dump;
my $title = shift @lines;
my $tree = $self->load_mindmap_subtree(@lines);
return ($title,$tree);
sub load_mindmap_subtree {
my @lines = @_;
return '' unless(defined($lines[0]));
my $tree = {};
my @scope = $self->subtree_scopes(@lines);
my $i = 0;
while($i < @scope) {
my $node = $lines[$i]; $node =~ s/^=+\s*//;
$tree->{$node} = $self->load_mindmap_subtree(@lines[$i+1..$scope[$i]]);
$i = $scope[$i] + 1;
return $tree;
sub subtree_scopes {
my @lines = @_;
my @levels = $self->all_node_level(@lines);
my @scope;
# O(n^2). Could be better.
for my $i (0..$#lines) {
$scope[$i] = $i;
for my $j ($i+1..$#lines) {
if($levels[$j] > $levels[$i]) {
$scope[$i] = $j
} else {
return @scope;
sub all_node_level {
my @lines = @_;
my @levels;
for(@lines) {
push @levels, $self->node_level($_);
return @levels;
sub node_level {
my $line = shift;
if ($line =~ /^(=+)/) {
return length($1);
} else {
return -1;
sub draw_left_kids {
my ($graph, $parent_symbol,$this_symbol,$tree) = @_;
$graph->add_node($this_symbol, label=>'',color=>"$hue,1,1");
$graph->add_edge($parent_symbol => $this_symbol,
color => "$hue,1,1",
label => (split('/',$this_symbol))[-1],
return unless (ref($tree) eq 'HASH');
foreach my $kid (keys %$tree) {
$self->draw_left_kids($graph,$this_symbol, "$this_symbol/$kid", $tree->{$kid});
sub draw_right_kids {
my ($graph, $parent_symbol,$this_symbol,$tree) = @_;
$graph->add_node($this_symbol, label=>'',color=>"$hue,1,1");
$graph->add_edge($this_symbol => $parent_symbol,
color => "$hue,1,1",
label => (split('/',$this_symbol))[-1],
return unless (ref($tree) eq 'HASH');
foreach my $kid (keys %$tree) {
$self->draw_right_kids($graph,$this_symbol, "$this_symbol/$kid", $tree->{$kid});
sub count_kids {
my $root = shift;
return 0 unless ref($root) eq 'HASH';
my @kids = keys %$root;
my $count = @kids;
foreach my $kid (@kids) {
$count += $self->count_kids($root->{$kid});
return $count;