use strict;
use Mouse;
use Digest::SHA qw( sha1_hex );
our $VERSION = '2.16.1';
has ua => (
is => 'rw',
lazy => 1,
builder => sub {
my $ua = Lemonldap::NG::Common::UserAgent->new( $_[0]->{conf} );
return $ua;
has apiURL => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has hibpRequired => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Bool',
use constant hook => { passwordBeforeChange => 'checkHIBP', };
sub init {
my ($self) = @_;
$self->logger->debug('checkHIBP: initialization');
if ( $self->conf->{checkHIBPURL} ) {
$self->apiURL( $self->conf->{checkHIBPURL} );
else {
$self->logger->error('checkHIBP: missing checkHIBPURL parameter');
return 0;
if ( exists $self->conf->{checkHIBPRequired} ) {
$self->hibpRequired( $self->conf->{checkHIBPRequired} );
else {
$self->logger->error('checkHIBP: missing checkHIBPRequired parameter');
return 0;
# Declare REST route
checkhibp => '_checkHIBP',
checkhibp => '_checkHIBP',
return 1;
# Check user password against an URL listing compromised passwords
# Method called before the password change, blocking if the password is compromised
sub checkHIBP {
my ( $self, $req, $user, $password, $old ) = @_;
if ( $self->hibpRequired ) {
my $res = $self->_checkHIBP( $req, $password, $self->hibpRequired );
return $res->{code} == 0 ? PE_OK : PE_PP_INSUFFICIENT_PASSWORD_QUALITY;
else {
# Do not verify new password if checkHIBPRequired parameter has not been set
return PE_OK;
# Check user password against an URL listing compromised passwords
# Input : new user password, flag noJSONResponse
# Output: JSON response, including a code.
# code = 0 = success
# code > 0 = error
sub _checkHIBP {
my ( $self, $req, $pass, $noJSONResponse ) = @_;
my $response_params = {};
my $password;
# Password already given, so take it directly
if ($pass) {
$password = $pass;
else {
# use password value submitted in form
my $password_base64 = $req->param('password');
unless ($password_base64) {
$response_params->{"code"} = 1;
$response_params->{"message"} = "missing parameter password";
return $noJSONResponse
? $response_params
: $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $response_params );
$password = decode_base64($password_base64);
my $digestFull = sha1_hex($password); # Compute sha1 hash of new password
my $digestPrefix = substr $digestFull, 0,
5; # take only 5 first characters of the hash
# Prepare connection to blacklist URL
my $reqAPI;
$reqAPI = HTTP::Request->new( "GET", $self->apiURL . $digestPrefix );
$reqAPI->header( 'Content-type' => 'text/html' );
$reqAPI->header( 'User-Agent' => 'libwww-perl/6.05 (LemonLDAPNG)' );
my $response = $self->ua->request($reqAPI);
my $debugstr =
'checkHIBP: requesting '
. $reqAPI->as_string
. $response->status_line;
my $digest;
if ( $response->is_success || $response->is_info ) {
# Parse compromised keys
foreach ( split /[\r\n]/, $response->content ) {
# Exclude empty lines
if ( $_ ne "" ) {
$digest = lc("$digestPrefix$_");
"checkHIBP: Check if new password matches compromised password $digest"
if ( $digest =~ /$digestFull/i ) {
my ( $dig, $num ) = split /:/, $digest;
"checkHIBP: password $dig compromised $num times");
$response_params->{"code"} = 2;
$response_params->{"message"} =
"password $dig compromised $num times";
return $noJSONResponse
? $response_params
: $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $response_params );
else {
"checkHIBP: error while requesting " . $self->apiURL );
$self->logger->error( "checkHIBP: " . $response->status_line );
$response_params->{"code"} = 1;
$response_params->{"message"} =
"error while requesting " . $self->apiURL;
return $noJSONResponse
? $response_params
: $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $response_params );
$self->logger->info("checkHIBP: password $digestFull is not compromised");
$response_params->{"code"} = 0;
$response_params->{"message"} = "password $digestFull not compromised";
return $noJSONResponse
? $response_params
: $self->sendJSONresponse( $req, $response_params );