use strict;
use utf8;
use Test::More 0.82;
my $map = new_ok( 'Map::Tube::KoelnBonn' );
my $xml = XMLin( $map->xml() , KeyAttr => [ ], KeepRoot => 1, );
ok( exists $xml->{'tube'}, 'There should be a <tube> tag at the top level' );
ok( exists $xml->{'tube'}->{'name'}, 'There should be one <name> tag directly under the top level' );
ok( exists $xml->{'tube'}->{'lines'}, 'There should be one <lines> tag directly under the top level' );
ok( exists $xml->{'tube'}->{'stations'}, 'There should be one <stations> tag directly under the top level' );
cmp_ok( scalar( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'stations'}->{'station'} } ), '>=', 5, 'There should be several <station> tags directly under <stations>' );
cmp_ok( scalar( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'lines' }->{'line' } } ), '>=', 5, 'There should be several <line> tags directly under <lines>' );
for my $station( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'stations'}->{'station'} } ) {
ok( exists $station->{'id'}, '<station> tags should have an id attribute' );
ok( exists $station->{'name'}, '<station> tags should have a name attribute' );
ok( exists $station->{'line'}, '<station> tags should have a line attribute' );
ok( exists $station->{'link'}, '<station> tags should have a link attribute' );
for my $line( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'lines'}->{'line'} } ) {
ok( exists $line->{'id'}, '<line> tags should have an id attribute' );
ok( exists $line->{'name'}, '<line> tags should have a name attribute' );
ok( exists $line->{'color'}, '<line> tags should have a color attribute' );
like( $line->{'color'}, qr/^#[0-9A-F]{6}$/i, 'color attribute of <line> should be six-digit hex format HTML color spec' );