use strict;
use utf8;
use Test::More 0.82;
my $map = new_ok( 'Map::Tube::KoelnBonn' );
my $xml = XMLin( $map->xml() , KeyAttr => [ ], KeepRoot => 1, );
my(%lines, %stations);
for my $line( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'lines'}->{'line'} } ) {
my $id = $line->{'id'};
my $name = $line->{'name'};
ok( !exists( $lines{$name} ), "Line name $name, id $id defined more than once" );
$lines{$name} = 0;
for my $station( @{ $xml->{'tube'}->{'stations'}->{'station'} } ) {
my $id = $station->{'id'};
my @lines = split( /,/, $station->{'line'} );
my @links = split( /,/, $station->{'link'} );
isnt( scalar(@lines), 0, "Station id $id should have at least one line" );
isnt( scalar(@links), 0, "Station id $id should have at least one link" );
ok( !exists( $stations{$id} ), "Station id $id defined more than once" );
$stations{$id}->{lines}->{$_}++ for @lines;
$stations{$id}->{links}->{$_}++ for @links;
ok( exists( $lines{$_} ), "Station id $id connected by undefined line named $_" ) for @lines;
$lines{$_}++ for @lines;
# Links should be symmetric: (not necessarily, but in our tube!)
for my $id( keys %stations ) {
ok( exists $stations{$_}->{links}->{$id}, "Station id $id linked to id $_ but not vice versa" ) for keys %{ $stations{$id}->{links} };
# Every line should have at least one station:
isnt( $lines{$_}, 0, "Line named $_ has no stations" ) for keys %lines;