#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.24;
use utf8;
use Yukki::TextUtil qw( load_file );
use autodie;
use File::ShareDir qw( module_dir );
use File::Copy::Recursive qw( dircopy );
my $site_dir = shift;
my $skel_dir = shift;
die "usage: $0 path/to/new-site-directory [path/to/skel]\n" unless $site_dir;
die qq[A file or directory named "$site_dir" already exists, will not overwrite.\n]
if -e $site_dir;
my $module_dir = $skel_dir // module_dir('Yukki::Web');
my @files = glob "$module_dir/*";
$File::Copy::Recursive::KeepMode = 0;
dircopy($module_dir, $site_dir);
my $root = dir($site_dir)->absolute;
my $yaml = file($root, 'etc', 'yukki.conf');
# Don't use YAML to load the file or we'll lose spaces and comments
rename $yaml, "$yaml~";
open my $out_config, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $yaml;
open my $in_config, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', "$yaml~";
while (my $line = <$in_config>) {
if ($line =~ /^root:/) {
$line = "root: $root\n";
print $out_config $line;
close $out_config;
close $in_config;
unlink "$yaml~";
chmod 0444, "$yaml";
my $config = load_file($yaml);
say "Please read the installation instructions if you have not:\n";
say "\tperldoc Yukki::Manual::Installation\n";
say "The rest of these remarks assume you run this first:\n";
say "\tcd $site_dir\n";
say "You probably want to setup your repositories by running:\n";
for (sort keys %{ $config->{repositories} }) {
if (/^yukki$/) { say "\tyukki-git-init $_ git://github.com/zostay/yukki-help.git" }
else { say "\tyukki-git-init $_" }
print "\n";
say "And then you'll want at least one user, so run:\n";
say "\tyukki-add-user\n";
say "To start your Yukki server, run:\n";
say "\tcd $site_dir; plackup yukki.psgi\n";
say "Have a nice day!";
# ABSTRACT: constructs the boilerplate needed to start a Yukki site
# PODNAME: yukki-setup
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
yukki-setup - constructs the boilerplate needed to start a Yukki site
=head1 VERSION
version 0.990_001
yukki-setup site-directory
Creates a new Yukki site directory at the location named in the single command line argument. Everything else is automatic.
After it completes it reminds you to take a few additional required actions.
Normally, this script tries to find F<etc/yukki.conf> from the current working
directory. If no configuraiton file is found, it checks C<YUKKI_CONFIG> for the
path to this file.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <hanenkamp@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Qubling Software LLC.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.