$Yukki::Web::Plugin::Role::FormatHelper::VERSION = '0.991_001'; # TRIAL
$Yukki::Web::Plugin::Role::FormatHelper::VERSION = '0.991001';use v5.24;
use utf8;
# ABSTRACT: interface for quick format helpers
requires qw( format_helpers );
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Yukki::Web::Plugin::Role::FormatHelper - interface for quick format helpers
=head1 VERSION
version 0.991_001
package MyPlugins::LowerCase;
use 5.12.1;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw( HashRef Str );
extends 'Yukki::Web::Plugin';
has format_helpers => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
default => sub { +{
'lc' => 'lc_helper',
} },
with 'Yukki::Web::Plugin::Role::FormatHelper';
sub lc_helper {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
return lc $params->{arg};
This role defines the interface for quick yukkitext helpers. Each plugin implementing this role may provide code references for embedding content in yukkitext using a special C<{{...}}> notation.
An implementor must provide the following methods.
=head2 format_helpers
This must return a reference to hash mapping quick helper names to method names that may be called to handle them.
The names may be any text that does not contain a colon (":").
The methods will be called with the following parameters:
=item context
The curent L<Yukki::Web::Context> object.
=item file
This is the L<Yukki::Model::File> being formatted.
=item helper_name
The helper name the user used.
=item arg
The string argument passed to it.
When called the method must return a scalar value to insert into the page. This is generally a string and may include any markup that should be added to the page.
If the method throws and exception or returns C<undef> or something other than a scalar, the yukkitext formatter will include the original C<{{...}}> string as-is.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <hanenkamp@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Qubling Software LLC.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.