$Yukki::Web::Controller::Attachment::VERSION = '0.991_002'; # TRIAL
$Yukki::Web::Controller::Attachment::VERSION = '0.991002';use v5.24;
use utf8;
use Moo;
use JSON;
use Yukki::Error qw( http_throw );
# ABSTRACT: Controller for uploading, downloading, and viewing attachments
sub fire {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $action = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{action};
if ($action eq 'download') { $self->download_file($ctx) }
elsif ($action eq 'upload') { $self->upload_file($ctx) }
elsif ($action eq 'view') { $self->view_file($ctx) }
elsif ($action eq 'rename') { $self->rename_file($ctx) }
elsif ($action eq 'remove') { $self->remove_file($ctx) }
else {
http_throw('That attachment action does not exist.', {
status => 'NotFound',
sub lookup_file {
my ($self, $repo_name, $file) = @_;
my $repository = $self->model('Repository', { name => $repo_name });
my $final_part = pop @$file;
my $filetype;
if ($final_part =~ s/\.(?<filetype>[a-z0-9]+)$//) {
$filetype = $+{filetype};
my $path = join '/', @$file, $final_part;
return $repository->file({ path => $path, filetype => $filetype });
sub download_file {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $repo_name = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{repository};
my $path = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{file};
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repo_name, $path);
$ctx->response->body([ scalar $file->fetch ]);
sub view_file {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $repo_name = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{repository};
my $path = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{file};
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repo_name, $path);
$ctx->response->body([ scalar $file->fetch ]);
sub rename_file {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $repo_name = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{repository};
my $path = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{file};
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repo_name, $path);
if ($ctx->request->method eq 'POST') {
my $new_name = $ctx->request->parameters->{yukkiname_new};
my $part = qr{[_a-z0-9-.]+(?:\.[_a-z0-9-]+)*}i;
if ($new_name =~ m{^$part(?:/$part)*$}) {
if (my $user = $ctx->session->{user}) {
my $new_file = $file->rename({
full_path => $new_name,
comment => 'Renamed ' . $file->full_path . ' to ' . $new_name,
my $parent = $new_file->parent // $file->repository->default_file;
$ctx->response->redirect(join '/',
'/page/edit', $repo_name, $parent->full_path);
else {
$ctx->add_errors('the new name must contain only letters, numbers, underscores, dashes, periods, and slashes');
$self->view('Attachment')->rename($ctx, {
title => $file->title,
repository => $repo_name,
page => $file->full_path,
file => $file,
sub remove_file {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $repo_name = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{repository};
my $path = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{file};
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repo_name, $path);
my $return_to = $file->parent // $file->repository->default_file;
my $confirmed = $ctx->request->body_parameters->{confirmed};
if ($ctx->request->method eq 'POST' and $confirmed) {
if (my $user = $ctx->session->{user}) {
comment => 'Removing ' . $file->full_path . ' from repository.',
$ctx->response->redirect(join '/', '/page/view', $repo_name, $return_to->full_path);
$self->view('Attachment')->remove($ctx, {
title => $file->title,
repository => $repo_name,
page => $file->full_path,
file => $file,
return_link => join('/', '/page/view', $repo_name, $return_to->full_path),
sub upload_file {
my ($self, $ctx) = @_;
my $repo_name = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{repository};
my $path = $ctx->request->path_parameters->{file};
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repo_name, $path);
if (my $user = $ctx->session->{user}) {
my $upload = $ctx->request->uploads->{file};
filename => $upload->tempname,
comment => 'Uploading file ' . $upload->filename,
viewable => 1,
repository_path => join('/', $repo_name, $file->full_path),
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Yukki::Web::Controller::Attachment - Controller for uploading, downloading, and viewing attachments
=head1 VERSION
version 0.991_002
Handles uploading, downloading, and viewing attachments.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 fire
Maps download requests to L</download_file>, upload requests to L</upload_file>, and view requestst to L</view_file>.
=head2 lookup_file
my $file = $self->lookup_file($repository, $path);
This is a helper for locating and returning a L<Yukki::Model::File> for the
requested repository and path.
=head2 download_file
Returns the file in the response with a MIME type of "application/octet". This
should force the browser to treat it like a download.
=head2 view_file
Returns the file in the response with a MIME type reported by
=head2 rename_file
Handles attachment renaming via the page rename controller.
=head2 remove_file
Displays the remove confirmation.
=head2 upload_file
This uploads the file given into the wiki.
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <hanenkamp@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Qubling Software LLC.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.