$Yukki::Web::Plugin::YukkiText::VERSION = '0.991_006'; # TRIAL
$Yukki::Web::Plugin::YukkiText::VERSION = '0.991006';use v5.24;
use utf8;
use Moo;
use Types::Standard qw( HashRef Str );
# ABSTRACT: format text/yukki files using markdown, etc.
has html_formatters => (
is => 'ro',
isa => HashRef[Str],
required => 1,
default => sub { +{
'text/yukki' => 'yukkitext',
} },
has markdown => (
is => 'ro',
isa => class_type('Text::MultiMarkdown'),
required => 1,
lazy => 1,
builder => '_build_markdown',
handles => {
'format_markdown' => 'markdown',
sub _build_markdown {
markdown_in_html_blocks => 1,
heading_ids => 0,
strip_metadata => 1,
sub yukkilink {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $file = $params->{file};
my $ctx = $params->{context};
my $repository = $file->repository_name;
my $link = $params->{link};
my $label = $params->{label};
$link =~ s/^\s+//; $link =~ s/\s+$//;
my ($repo_name, $local_link) = split /:/, $link, 2 if $link =~ /:/;
if (defined $repo_name and defined $self->app->settings->{repositories}{$repo_name}) {
$repository = $repo_name;
$link = $local_link;
# If we did not get a label, make the label into the link
if (not defined $label) {
($label) = $link =~ m{([^/]+)$};
$link = $self->app->munge_label($link);
my @base_name;
if ($file->full_path) {
$base_name[0] = $file->full_path;
$base_name[0] =~ s/\.yukki$//g;
$link = join '/', @base_name, $link if $link =~ m{^\./};
$link =~ s{^/}{};
$link =~ s{/\./}{/}g;
$label =~ s/^\s*//; $label =~ s/\s*$//;
my $b = sub { $ctx->rebase_url($_[0]) };
my $link_repo = $self->model('Repository', { name => $repository });
my $link_file = $link_repo->file({ full_path => $link });
my $class = $link_file->exists ? 'exists' : 'not-exists';
return qq{<a class="$class" href="}.$b->("page/view/$repository/$link").qq{">$label</a>};
sub yukkiplugin {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $ctx = $params->{context};
my $plugin_name = $params->{plugin_name};
my $arg = $params->{arg};
my $text;
my @plugins = $self->app->format_helper_plugins;
PLUGIN: for my $plugin (@plugins) {
my $helpers = $plugin->format_helpers;
if (defined $helpers->{ $plugin_name }) {
$text = try {
my $helper = $helpers->{ $plugin_name };
context => $ctx,
file => $params->{file},
helper_name => $plugin_name,
arg => $arg,
catch {
warn "Plugin Error: $_";
last PLUGIN if defined $text;
$text //= "{{$plugin_name:$arg}}";
return $text;
sub yukkitext {
my ($self, $params) = @_;
my $file = $params->{file};
my $position = 0 + ($params->{position} // -1);
my $repository = $file->repository_name;
my $yukkitext = $file->fetch // '';
$yukkitext =~ s[(.{$position}.*?)$][$1<span id="yukkitext-caret"></span>]sm
if $position >= 0;
# Yukki Links
$yukkitext =~ s{
(?<!\\) # \ will escape the link
\[\[ \s* # [[ to start it
(?: ([\w]+) : )? # repository: is optional
([^|\]]+) \s* # link/to/page is mandatory
(?: \| # | to split link from label
([^\]]+) # a pretty label (needs trimming)
)? # is optional
\]\] # ]] to end
repository => $1 // $repository,
link => $2,
label => $3,
# Handle escaped links, hide the escape
$yukkitext =~ s{
\\ # \ will escape the link
(\[\[ \s* # [[ to start it
(?: [\w]+ : )? # repository: is optional
[^|\]]+ \s* # link/to/page is mandatory
(?: \| # | to split link from label
[^\]]+ # a pretty label (needs trimming)
)? # is optional
\]\]) # ]] to end
# Yukki Plugins
$yukkitext =~ s{
(?<!\\) # \ will escape the plugin
\{\{ \s* # {{ to start it
([^:]+) : # plugin_name: is required
(.*?) # plugin arguments
\}\} # }} to end
plugin_name => $1,
arg => $2,
# Handle the escaped plugin thing
$yukkitext =~ s{
\\ # \ will escape the plugin
(\{\{ \s* # {{ to start it
[^:]+ : # plugin_name: is required
.*? # plugin arguments
\}\}) # }} to end
my $formatted = '<div>' . $self->format_markdown($yukkitext) . '</div>';
# Just in case markdown mangled the caret marker:
$formatted =~ s[&lt;span id="yukkitext-caret"&gt;&lt;/span&gt;]
[<span id="yukkitext-caret"></span>];
return $formatted;
=encoding UTF-8
=head1 NAME
Yukki::Web::Plugin::YukkiText - format text/yukki files using markdown, etc.
=head1 VERSION
version 0.991_006
# Plugins are not used directly...
my $repo = $self->model('Repository', { name => 'main' });
my $file = $repo->file({ full_path => "some-file.yukki' });
my $html = $file->fetch_formatted($ctx);
Yukkitext formatting is based on Multi-Markdown, which is an extension to regular markdown that adds tables, metadata, and a few other tidbits. In addition to this, yukkitext adds linking using double-bracket notation:
[[ A Link ]]
[[ ./A Sub-Page Link ]]
[[ ./A Sub-Dir/Sub-Page Link ]]
[[ ./a-sub-dir/sub-page-link.pdf | Sub-Page PDF ]]
This link format is based loosely upon the format used by MojoMojo, which I was using prior to developing Yukki.
It also adds support for format helpers usinga double-curly brace notation:
{{=:5 + 5}}
=head2 html_formatters
This returns the yukkitext formatter for "text/yukki".
=head2 markdown
This is the L<Text::MultiMarkdown> object for rendering L</yukkitext>. Do not
Provides a C<format_markdown> method delegated to C<markdown>. Do not use.
=head1 METHODS
=head2 yukkilink
Used to help render yukkilinks. Do not use.
=head2 yukkiplugin
Used to render plugged in markup. Do not use.
=head2 yukkitext
my $html = $view->yukkitext({
context => $ctx,
repository => $repository_name,
page => $page,
file => $file,
Yukkitext is markdown plus some extra stuff. The extra stuff is:
[[ main:/link/to/page.yukki | Link Title ]] - wiki link
[[ /link/to/page.yukki | Link Title ]] - wiki link
[[ /link/to/page.yukki ]] - wiki link
{{attachment:file.pdf}} - attachment URL
=head1 AUTHOR
Andrew Sterling Hanenkamp <hanenkamp@cpan.org>
This software is copyright (c) 2017 by Qubling Software LLC.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.