# Notice, tests will be skipped if not run as root.
$| = 1; print "1..";
if ($< == 0) { # UID check
print "3\n"; # (number of tests)
} else {
print "0 # Skip Need to be root\n";
my $testiter = 1;
# TEST: init
my $table = IPTables::libiptc::init('filter');
unless ($table) {
print STDERR "$!\n";
print "not ok $testiter\n";
#print "ok\n";
print "ok $testiter \n";
my $chainname = "testchain2";
# TEST: create_chain
if(! $table->create_chain("$chainname")) {
print STDERR "$!\n";
print "not ";
print "ok $testiter\n";
# TEST: Rules
my @arguments = ("-I", "$chainname", "-s", "", "-j", "ACCEPT");
if(! $table->iptables_do_command(\@arguments)) {
print STDERR "$!\n";
print "not ";
print "ok $testiter\n";
# TEST: commit
#if(! $table->commit()) {
# print "not ";
#print "ok $testiter\n";