use strict;
use Digest::SHA1 ();
has sid_generator => sub {
sub {
Digest::SHA1::sha1_hex( rand() . $$ . {} . time );
has 'session_store';
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
if ( $self->session_store
&& !Mojolicious::Controller->can('session_options') )
session_options => sub {
return $self;
sub load {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::load($c) unless ( $self->session_store );
my $stash = $c->stash;
my ( $session_id, $session ) = $self->get_session($c);
unless ( $session_id && $session ) {
$session_id = $self->generate_id( $c->req->env );
$stash->{'mojox.session.options'} = { id => $session_id };
return unless $session;
# "expiration" value is inherited
my $expiration = $session->{expiration} // $self->default_expiration;
return if !(my $expires = delete $session->{expires}) && $expiration;
return if defined $expires && $expires <= time;
return unless $stash->{'mojo.active_session'} = keys %$session;
$stash->{'mojo.session'} = $session;
$session->{flash} = delete $session->{new_flash} if $session->{new_flash};
sub store {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
return $self->SUPER::store($c) unless ( $self->session_store );
# Make sure session was active
my $stash = $c->stash;
return unless my $session = $stash->{'mojo.session'};
return unless keys %$session || $stash->{'mojo.active_session'};
# Don't reset flash for static files
my $old = delete $session->{flash};
@{ $session->{new_flash} }{ keys %$old } = values %$old
if $stash->{'mojo.static'};
delete $session->{new_flash} unless keys %{ $session->{new_flash} };
# Generate "expires" value from "expiration" if necessary
my $expiration = $session->{expiration} // $self->default_expiration;
my $default = delete $session->{expires};
$session->{expires} = $default || time + $expiration
if $expiration || $default;
$self->set_session( $c, $session ) unless $c->session_options->{no_store};
my $options = {
domain => $self->cookie_domain,
expires => $session->{expires},
httponly => 1,
path => $self->cookie_path,
secure => $self->secure
sub generate_id {
my ( $self, $env ) = @_;
sub get_session {
my ( $self, $c ) = @_;
my $session_id = $c->signed_cookie( $self->cookie_name ) or return;
my $session = $self->session_store->fetch($session_id) or return;
return ( $session_id, $session );
sub set_session {
my ( $self, $c, $session ) = @_;
if ( $c->session_options->{expire} || ( defined $session->{expires} && $session->{expires} <= time ) ) {
$session->{expires} = 1;
$self->session_store->remove( $c->session_options->{id} );
elsif ( $c->session_options->{change_id} ) {
$self->session_store->remove( $c->session_options->{id} );
$c->session_options->{id} = $self->generate_id( $c->req->env );
$self->session_store->store( $c->session_options->{id}, $session );
else {
$self->session_store->store( $c->session_options->{id}, $session );
=encoding utf-8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable - Storable session manager for Mojolicious
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable;
use Plack::Session::Store::File;
my $sessions = Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable->new(
session_store => Plack::Session::Store::File->new
Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable is a storable session manager for L<Mojolicious>.
=head1 OPTIONS
Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable inherits all options from L<Mojolicious::Sessions> and supports the following new ones.
=head2 session_store
This is expected to be an instance of L<Plack::Session::Store> or an object that implements the same interface.
If no option is provided the default L<Mojolicious::Sessions> will be used.
=head2 sid_generator
This is a CODE ref use to generate unique session ids. by default it will generate a SHA1 using fairly sufficient entropy.
Mojolicious::Sessions::Storable inherits all methods from L<Mojolicious::Sessions>.
=head1 AUTHOR
hayajo E<lt>hayajo@cpan.orgE<gt>
Copyright 2013- hayajo
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Sessions>, L<Mojolicious::Plugin::SessionStore>, L<Plack::Middleware::Session>