#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Getopt::Long qw{ :config posix_default no_ignore_case gnu_compat pass_through };
my $opts = +{};
GetOptions( $opts, qw{ file=s webtailrc=s tail-opts=s v|verbose } ) or help();
help() if ( $ENV{MOJO_HELP} );
sub help { exec "perldoc $0" }
if ( !$opts->{webtailrc}
&& -e ( my $webtailrc = File::Spec->catfile( $ENV{HOGE}, '.webtailrc' ) )
$opts->{webtailrc} = $webtailrc;
app->log->level('info') unless ( $opts->{v} );
plugin 'Webtail', file => $opts->{file}, webtailrc => $opts->{webtailrc}, tail_opts => $opts->{'tail-opts'};
get '/' => sub { shift->redirect_to('/webtail') };
app->start('daemon', @ARGV);
=head1 NAME
mwtail - display tail to your browser
$ tail -f /path/to/logfile | mwtail
$ mwtail --file=/var/log/something.log
mwtail displays tail to your browser
=head1 OPTIONS
L<mwtail> supports the following options.
and supports L<Mojolicious::Command::daemon> options too.
=head2 C<-h|--help>
show this.
=head2 C<--file>
displays the contents of C<file> or, by default, its C<STDIN>.
$ mwtail --file=/path/to/logfile
=head2 C<--webtailrc>
define your custom callback in C<webtail> file.
the code in C<webtail> file is executed when a new line is inserted.
$ tail -f /path/to/logfile | mwtail --webtailrc=/path/to/webtailrc
L<mwtail> will find webtailrc in the following order.
=over 4
=item 1. --webtailrc option
=item 2. $ENV{HOME}/.webtailrc
=head2 C<--tail-opts>
define tail command options, by default, "-f -n 0"
$ mwtail --tail-opts="-F -n 0"
=head2 C<-v|--verbose>
turn on chatty output.
$ mwtail --verbose
=head1 AUTHOR
hayajo E<lt>hayajo@cpan.orgE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 LICENSE
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.