# -*- perl -*-
use strict;
use warnings qw(FATAL all NONFATAL misc);
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename ();
use Cwd ();
use Carp;
use List::MoreUtils qw/last_index/;
my ($app_root, @libdir);
# First, locate YATT library dir.
if (-r __FILE__) {
# detect where app.psgi is placed.
$app_root = File::Basename::dirname(File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__));
} else {
# older uwsgi do not set __FILE__ correctly, so use cwd instead.
$app_root = Cwd::cwd();
$app_root = do { $app_root =~ m{^(.*)$} && $& }; # Untaint.
if (-d (my $dn = "$app_root/lib")) {
push @libdir, $dn
} elsif (my ($found) = $app_root =~ m{^(.*?/)YATT/}) {
push @libdir, $found;
if (-d (my $dn = "$app_root/extlib")) {
push @libdir, $dn;
require lib; import lib @libdir;
if (not eval {require YATT::Lite::Breakpoint}
and -l __FILE__
and (my $d = last_index {$_ eq 'samples'}
my @d = File::Spec->splitdir(__FILE__)) >= 0) {
print STDERR "d=$d; @d\n" if $ENV{DEBUG_INC};
my $dir = File::Spec->catdir(@d[0 .. ($d - 1)]);
my $hook = sub {
my ($this, $orig_modfn) = @_;
return unless (my $modfn = $orig_modfn) =~ s!^YATT/!!;
Carp::cluck("orig_modfn=$orig_modfn\n") if $ENV{DEBUG_INC};
return unless -r (my $realfn = "$dir/../$modfn");
warn "=> found $realfn" if $ENV{DEBUG_INC};
open my $fh, '<', $realfn or die "Can't open $realfn:$!";
unshift @INC, $hook;
push @INC, $hook, $hook;
# XXX: @INC-hook Only Live Twice :-<
# Now, we are ready to load YATT libraries.
use YATT::Lite::WebMVC0::SiteApp -as_base;
use YATT::Lite qw/Entity *CON/; # For Entity and $CON.
use YATT::Lite::WebMVC0::Partial::Session;
# To add other option, use MFields like this:
# use YATT::Lite::MFields qw/cf_dbi_dsn cf_auto_deploy /;
my $site = MY->load_factory_for_psgi
(__FILE__, app_ns => 'MyYATT'
, namespace => ['yatt', 'perl', 'js']
, header_charset => 'utf-8'
, use_subpath => 1
, debug_cgen => $ENV{DEBUG_CGEN}
# Site wide entity can be defined here.
# Entity foo => sub {
# my ($this, $arg) = @_;
# };
my $app = $site->to_app;
unless (caller) {
# If this script is the toplevel.
require Plack::Runner;
my $runner = Plack::Runner->new(app => $app);
} elsif ($site->want_object) {
# When caller wants $site object itself rather than app sub.
# (Usually for yatt.lint and other utils)
return $site;
} else {
# Otherwise, returns psgi app.
return $app;