use URI;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_base64);
use Amazon::MWS::TypeMap qw(:all);
use Exporter qw(import);
our @EXPORT_OK = qw(define_api_method new sign_request convert force_array);
our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( all => \@EXPORT_OK );
sub slurp_kwargs { ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : { @_ } }
sub define_api_method {
my $method_name = shift;
my $spec = slurp_kwargs(@_);
my $params = $spec->{parameters};
my $method = sub {
my $self = shift;
my $args = slurp_kwargs(@_);
my $body = '';
my %form = (
Action => $method_name,
AWSAccessKeyId => $self->{access_key_id},
Merchant => $self->{merchant_id},
SellerId => $self->{merchant_id},
SignatureVersion => 2,
SignatureMethod => 'HmacSHA256',
Timestamp => to_amazon('datetime', DateTime->now),
foreach my $name (keys %$params) {
my $param = $params->{$name};
unless (exists $args->{$name}) {
Amazon::MWS::Exception::MissingArgument->throw(name => $name) if $param->{required};
my $type = $param->{type};
my $array_names = $param->{array_names};
my $value = $args->{$name};
if ($type =~ /^List$/) {
my %valuehash;
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Invalid->throw(field => $name, value=>$value) unless (exists ($valuehash{$value}));
$form{$name} = $value;
# Odd 'structured list' notation handled here
if ($type =~ /(\w+)List/) {
my $list_type = $1;
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Invalid->throw(field => $name, value=>$value, message=>"$name should be of type ARRAY") unless (ref $value eq 'ARRAY');
my $counter = 1;
foreach my $sub_value (@$value) {
my $listKey = "$name.$list_type." . $counter++;
$form{$listKey} = $sub_value;
if ($type =~ /(\w+)Array/) {
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Invalid->throw(field => $name, value=>$value, message=>"$name should be of type ARRAY") unless (ref $value eq 'ARRAY');
my $list_type = $1;
my $counter = 0;
foreach my $sub_value (@$value) {
my $arr_col=0;
foreach my $array_name (@{$array_names}) {
if ( ! defined $sub_value->[$arr_col] ) { next; }
my $listKey = "$name.$list_type." . $counter;
$listKey .= ".$array_name";
$form{$listKey} = $sub_value->[$arr_col++];
if ($type eq 'HTTP-BODY') {
$body = $value;
else {
$form{$name} = to_amazon($type, $value);
$form{Version} = $spec->{version} || '2010-01-01';
my $endpoint = ( $spec->{service} ) ? "$self->{endpoint}$spec->{service}" : $self->{endpoint};
my $uri = URI->new($endpoint);
my $request = HTTP::Request->new;
my ($response, $content);
$spec->{method} = 'GET' unless $spec->{method};
if ($spec->{method} eq 'POST') {
my $signature = $self->sign_request($request, %form);
$response = $self->agent->request($request);
$content = $response->content;
} elsif ($body) {
$request->header('Content-MD5' => md5_base64($body) . '==');
$self->sign_request($request, %form);
$response = $self->agent->request($request);
$content = $response->content;
} else {
$response = $self->agent->request($request);
$content = $response->content;
if ($self->{debug}) {
open LOG, ">>$self->{logfile}";
print LOG Dumper($response);
my $xs = XML::Simple->new( KeepRoot => 1 );
if ($response->code == 400 || $response->code == 403) {
my $hash = $xs->xml_in($content);
my $root = $hash->{ErrorResponse};
force_array($root, 'Error');
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Response->throw(errors => $root->{Error}, xml => $content);
if ($response->code == 503) {
my $hash = $xs->xml_in($content);
my $root = $hash->{ErrorResponse};
force_array($root, 'Error');
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Throttled->throw(errors => $root->{Error}, xml => $content);
unless ($response->is_success) {
Amazon::MWS::Exception::Transport->throw(request => $request, response => $response);
if (my $md5 = $response->header('Content-MD5')) {
Amazon::MWS::Exception::BedChecksum->throw(response => $response)
unless ($md5 eq md5_base64($content) . '==');
return $content if ($spec->{raw_body} || $args->{raw_body});
my $hash = $xs->xml_in($content);
my $root = $hash->{$method_name . 'Response'}
->{$method_name . 'Result'};
return $spec->{respond}->($root);
my $module_name = $spec->{module_name} || 'Amazon::MWS::Client';
my $fqn = join '::', "$module_name", $method_name;
no strict 'refs';
*$fqn = $method;
sub force_array {
my ($hash, $key) = @_;
my $val = $hash->{$key};
if (!defined $val) {
$val = [];
elsif (ref $val ne 'ARRAY') {
$val = [ $val ];
$hash->{$key} = $val;
sub sign_request {
my ($self, $request, %form) = @_;
my $uri = $request->uri;
my %params = ($request->method eq 'GET' ) ? $uri->query_form : %form;
my $canonical = join '&', map {
my $param = uri_escape($_);
my $value = uri_escape($params{$_});
} sort keys %params;
my $path = $uri->path || '/';
my $string = $request->method . "\n"
. $uri->authority . "\n"
. $path . "\n"
. $canonical;
$params{Signature} = Digest::SHA::hmac_sha256_base64($string, $self->{secret_key});
while (length($params{Signature}) % 4) {
$params{Signature} .= '=';
if ($request->{_method} eq 'GET' || $request->{_content} ) {
} else {
$request->{_content} = "$canonical&Signature=$params{Signature}";
return $request;
sub convert {
my ($hash, $key, $type) = @_;
$hash->{$key} = from_amazon($type, $hash->{$key});
sub new {
my($pkg, %opts) = @_;
$opts{configfile} ||= 'amazon.xml';
if (-r $opts{configfile} ) {
my $xmlconfig = XML::Simple::XMLin("$opts{configfile}");
$opts{access_key_id} ||= $xmlconfig->{access_key_id};
$opts{secret_key} ||= $xmlconfig->{secret_key};
$opts{merchant_id} ||= $xmlconfig->{merchant_id};
$opts{marketplace_id} ||= $xmlconfig->{marketplace_id};
$opts{endpoint} ||= $xmlconfig->{endpoint};
$opts{debug} ||= $xmlconfig->{debug};
$opts{logfile} ||= $xmlconfig->{logfile};
my $attr = $opts->{agent_attributes};
$attr->{Language} = 'Perl';
my $attr_str = join ';', map { "$_=$attr->{$_}" } keys %$attr;
my $appname = $opts{Application} || 'Amazon::MWS::Client';
my $version = $opts{Version} || 0.5;
my $agent_string = "$appname/$version ($attr_str)";
die 'No access key id' unless $opts{access_key_id};
die 'No secret key' unless $opts{secret_key};
die 'No merchant id' unless $opts{merchant_id};
die 'No marketplace id' unless $opts{marketplace_id};
if ($opts{debug}) {
open LOG, ">$opts{logfile}" or die "Cannot open logfile.";
print LOG DateTime->now();
print LOG "\nNew instance created. \n";
print LOG Dumper(\%opts);
close LOG;
bless {
package => "$pkg",
agent => LWP::UserAgent->new(agent => $agent_string),
endpoint => $opts{endpoint} || '',
access_key_id => $opts{access_key_id},
secret_key => $opts{secret_key},
merchant_id => $opts{merchant_id},
marketplace_id => $opts{marketplace_id},
debug => $opts{debug},
logfile => $opts{logfile},
}, $pkg;
# Local Variables:
# tab-width: 8
# End: