use strict;
use Moo;
=head1 NAME
Class to handle the xml structures returned by ListOrders and
The constructor is meant to be called by L<Amazon::MWS::Uploader> when
C<get_orders> is called. A list of objects of this class will be
my $order = Amazon::MWS::XML::Order->new(order => $struct, orderline => \@struct);
my @items = $order->items;
print $order->order_number, $order->amazon_order_number;
They should be passed to the constructor and are complex structures
parsed from the output of L<Amazon::MWS::Client>.
=head2 order
It should be the output of C<ListOrders> or C<GetOrder> without the
root, e.g. C<$response->{Orders}->{Order}->[0]>
Field description:
=head2 orderline
It should be the output of C<ListOrderItems> without the root, like
=head2 retrieve_orderline_sub
If you want to save API calls, instead of initialize the orderline,
you may want to pass a subroutine (which will accept no arguments, so
it should be a closure) to the constructor instead, which will be
called lazily if the object needs to access the orderline.
=head2 order_number
Our order ID.
=head2 shipping_address
Shipping address as C<Amazon::MWS::Client::Address> object.
has order => (is => 'rw',
required => 1,
isa => HashRef);
has orderline => (is => 'lazy',
isa => ArrayRef);
has retrieve_orderline_sub => (is => 'ro',
isa => CodeRef);
sub _build_orderline {
my $self = shift;
my $sub = $self->retrieve_orderline_sub;
die "Missing retrieve_orderline_sub" unless $sub;
return $sub->();
has order_number => (is => 'rw');
=head1 METHODS
They are mostly shortcuts to retrieve the correct information.
sub amazon_order_number {
return shift->order->{AmazonOrderId};
=head2 amazon_order_number
The Amazon order id.
=head2 remote_shop_order_id
Same as C<amazon_order_number>
sub remote_shop_order_id {
return shift->amazon_order_number;
=head2 email
Buyer's email
sub email {
return shift->order->{BuyerEmail};
=head2 shipping_address
An L<Amazon::MWS::XML::Address> object with the shipping address.
has shipping_address => (is => 'lazy');
sub _build_shipping_address {
my $self = shift;
my $address = $self->order->{ShippingAddress};
return Amazon::MWS::XML::Address->new(%$address);
=head2 first_name
Buyer's first name (built lazily using euristics).
=head2 last_name
Buyer's last_name (built lazily using euristics)
has first_name => (is => 'lazy');
sub _build_first_name {
my $self = shift;
my ($first, $last) = $self->_get_first_last_name;
return $first || '';
has last_name => (is => 'lazy');
sub _build_last_name {
my $self = shift;
my ($first, $last) = $self->_get_first_last_name;
return $last || '';
sub _get_first_last_name {
my $self = shift;
my $address = $self->shipping_address;
die "Missing name in shipping address" unless $address->name;
# this is totally euristic
my ($first_name, $last_name) = split(/\s+/, $address->name, 2);
return ($first_name, $last_name);
has items_ref => (is => 'lazy');
sub _build_items_ref {
my ($self) = @_;
my $orderline = $self->orderline;
my @items;
foreach my $item (@$orderline) {
# print Dumper($item);
push @items, Amazon::MWS::XML::OrderlineItem->new(%$item);
return \@items;
=head2 items
Return a list of L<Amazon::MWS::XML::OrderlineItem> objects with the
ordered items.
sub items {
my $self = shift;
return @{ $self->items_ref };
=head2 order_date
Return a L<DateTime> object with th purchase date.
sub order_date {
my ($self) = @_;
return $self->_get_dt($self->order->{PurchaseDate});
sub _get_dt {
my ($self, $date) = @_;
return DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($date);
=head2 shipping_cost
The total shipping cost, built summing up the shipping cost of each
sub shipping_cost {
my $self = shift;
my @items = $self->items;
my $shipping = 0;
foreach my $i (@items) {
$shipping += $i->shipping;
return sprintf('%.2f', $shipping);
=head2 subtotal
The subtotal of the order, built summing up the subtotal of each
orderline's item.
sub subtotal {
my $self = shift;
my @items = $self->items;
my $total = 0;
foreach my $i (@items) {
$total += $i->subtotal;
return sprintf('%.2f', $total);
=head2 number_of_items
Total number of items ordered.
sub number_of_items {
my $self = shift;
my @items = $self->items;
my $total = 0;
foreach my $i (@items) {
$total += $i->quantity;
return $total;
=head2 total_cost;
Return OrderTotal.Amount. Throws an exception if it doesn't match
shipping_cost + subtotal.
sub total_cost {
my $self = shift;
my $total_cost = sprintf('%.2f', $self->order->{OrderTotal}->{Amount});
die "Couldn't retrieve the OrderTotal/Amount " . Dumper($self->order)
unless defined $total_cost;
my $subtotal = $self->subtotal;
my $shipping = $self->shipping_cost;
if (_kinda_equal($subtotal + $shipping, $total_cost)) {
return $total_cost;
else {
die "subtotal $subtotal + shipping $shipping is not $total_cost\n";
=head2 currency
The currency of the order. Looked up in OrderTotal.CurrencyCode.
sub currency {
my $self = shift;
my $currency = $self->order->{OrderTotal}->{CurrencyCode};
die "Couldn't find OrderTotal/Currency " . Dumper($self->order)
unless $currency;
return $currency;
=head2 as_ack_order_hashref
Return an hashref suitable to build an order ack feed.
sub as_ack_order_hashref {
my $self = shift;
my @items;
foreach my $item ($self->items) {
push @items, $item->as_ack_orderline_item_hashref;
return {
AmazonOrderID => $self->amazon_order_number,
MerchantOrderID => $self->order_number,
Item => \@items,
sub _kinda_equal {
return abs($_[0] - $_[1]) < 0.01;
=head2 reported_order_number
If the order was acknowlegded, we should find our order number in this
method (read-only, use the C<order_number> setter if you need to
sub reported_order_number {
return shift->order->{SellerOrderId};
=head2 order_is_shipped
Return true if the order is marked as shipped by Amazon
sub order_is_shipped {
my $self = shift;
my $status = $self->order_status;
$status eq 'Shipped' ? return 1 : return;
=head2 order_status
Shortcut to orders' OrderStatus
sub order_status {
return shift->order->{OrderStatus};
=head2 can_be_imported
Return false if the status is Pending or Canceled.
sub can_be_imported {
my $self = shift;
my $status = $self->order_status;
if ($status eq 'Pending' or
$status eq 'Canceled') {
else {
return 1;
=head2 shop_type
Returns C<amazon>
=head2 comments
Returns an empty string.
=head2 payment_method
Always returns C<Amazon>
=head2 shipping_method
Returns the empty string. Nothing available.
sub shop_type {
return 'amazon';
sub comments {
# unclear if we have something like that
return '';
sub payment_method {
return 'Amazon';
sub shipping_method {
# empty so far
return '';