use strict;
use utf8;
# testing requires a directory with the schema
if (-d 'schemas') {
plan tests => 51;
else {
plan skip_all => q{Missing "schemas" directory with the xsd from Amazon, skipping feeds tests};
my $writer = XML::Compile::Schema->new([glob File::Spec->catfile('schemas',
->compile(WRITER => 'AmazonEnvelope');
my @products;
foreach my $product ({
sku => '1234',
ean => '1234123412343',
brand => 'blabla',
title => 'title',
price => '10.00',
description => 'my desc',
category_code => '111111',
product_data => { CE => { ProductType => { PhoneAccessory => {} } } },
manufacturer => 'A manufacturer',
manufacturer_part_number => '1234123412343',
condition => 'Refurbished',
condition_note => 'Looks like new',
inventory => 1,
search_terms => [qw/a b c d e f g/],
features => [qw/f1 f2 f3/, '', qw/f4 f5 f6 f7/],
shipping_weight => '5',
shipping_weight_unit => 'GR',
package_weight => 290,
sku => '3333',
ean => '4444123412343',
brand => 'brand',
title => 'title2',
price => '12.00',
description => 'my desc 2',
category_code => '111111',
product_data => { Sports => { ProductType => 'SportingGoods' } },
manufacturer_part_number => '4444123412343',
inventory => 2,
shipping_weight => 0,
package_weight => 0,
}) {
push @products, Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%$product);
my $feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(
products => \@products,
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
my $exp_product_feed = <<'XML';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ConditionNote>Looks like new</ConditionNote>
<Description>my desc</Description>
<PackageWeight unitOfMeasure="GR">290</PackageWeight>
<ShippingWeight unitOfMeasure="GR">5</ShippingWeight>
<Manufacturer>A manufacturer</Manufacturer>
<Description>my desc 2</Description>
my $exp_inventory_feed = <<'XML';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
my $exp_price_feed = <<'XML';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<StandardPrice currency="EUR">10.00</StandardPrice>
<StandardPrice currency="EUR">12.00</StandardPrice>
my $exp_image_feed = <<'XML';
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
my $exp_variants_feed;
is ($feeder->product_feed, $exp_product_feed, "product feed ok");
is ($feeder->inventory_feed, $exp_inventory_feed, "inventory feed ok");
is ($feeder->price_feed, $exp_price_feed, "price feed ok");
is ($feeder->image_feed, $exp_image_feed, "image feed ok");
is ($feeder->variants_feed, $exp_variants_feed, "variants feed ok (undef)");
my $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(sku => '12345',
price => '10',
ean => '4444123412343',
condition => 'UsedAcceptable');
is $test->condition, 'UsedAcceptable';
is $test->condition_type_for_lowest_price_listing, 'Used';
my %testconstructor = (
sku => '3333',
ean => '4444123412343',
brand => 'brand',
title => 'title2',
price => '12.00',
description => 'my desc 2',
category_code => '111111',
category => 'CE',
subcategory => 'PhoneAccessory',
manufacturer_part_number => '4444123412343',
inventory => 2,
manufacturer => '',
$testconstructor{condition} = 'blablabla';
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor); };
like $@, qr/condition/, "Found exception for garbage in condition";
delete $testconstructor{condition};
$testconstructor{manufacturer} = 'abc' x 50;
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor); };
like $@, qr/Max characters is 50/, "Found exception when manufacturer is too long";
delete $testconstructor{manufacturer};
$testconstructor{ean} = '1'x 7;
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor) };
like $@, qr/Min characters is 8/, "Found exception when ean is not long enough";
$testconstructor{ean} = '1' x 17;
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor) };
like $@, qr/Max characters is 16/, "Found exception when ean is not long enough";
$testconstructor{ean} = '1' x 8;
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor) };
ok (!$@, "No exception");
$testconstructor{ean} = '1' x 16;
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor) };
ok (!$@, "No exception");
$testconstructor{ean} = '4444123412343';
eval { $test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(%testconstructor) };
ok (!$@, "No exception");
$feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(products => [ $test ],
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
unlike($feeder->product_feed, qr/<Manufacturer>/,
"No manufacturer found in the feed");
diag $feeder->product_feed;
$test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(sku => '12345',
price => '10',
ean => '4444123412343',
condition => 'UsedAcceptable');
eval {
$test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(sku => '12345',
price => '-10',
ean => '4444123412343',
condition => 'UsedAcceptable');
like $@, qr/is negative/, "Exception with negative price: $@";
$test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(sku => '12345',
price => '0.000000',
ean => '4444123412343',
inventory => 10,
images => ['a.jpg'],
children => ['123414-XXL'],
condition => 'New');
is($test->as_price_hash, undef, "zero priced item gets no price feed");
is($test->inventory, 10);
is($test->as_inventory_hash->{Quantity}, 0,
"zero priced items get an inventory of 0");
is($test->as_images_array, undef, "zero priced items gets no image feed");
is($test->as_variants_hash, undef, "zero priced items gets no variant feed");
$feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(products => [ $test ],
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
like($feeder->product_feed, qr/SKU>12345</, "Product feed found");
like($feeder->inventory_feed, qr/Quantity>0</, "Quantity found");
ok(!$feeder->price_feed, "No price feed");
ok(!$feeder->image_feed, "No image feed");
ok(!$feeder->variants_feed, "No variant feed");
$test = Amazon::MWS::XML::Product->new(sku => '12345',
price => '100',
ean => '4444123412343',
inventory => -1,
images => ['a.jpg'],
children => ['123414-XXL'],
condition => 'New');
is($test->as_price_hash, undef, "inactive items get no price feed");
is($test->inventory, -1);
is($test->as_inventory_hash->{Quantity}, 0,
"inactive items get an inventory of 0");
is($test->as_images_array, undef, "inactive items gets no image feed");
is($test->as_variants_hash, undef, "inactive items gets no variant feed");
$feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(products => [ $test ],
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
like($feeder->product_feed, qr/SKU>12345</, "Product feed found");
like($feeder->inventory_feed, qr/Quantity>0</, "Quantity found");
ok(!$feeder->price_feed, "No price feed");
ok(!$feeder->image_feed, "No image feed");
ok(!$feeder->variants_feed, "No variant feed");
$feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(products => [ $test ],
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
ok(!$feeder->product_feed, "No product feed found");
ok(!$feeder->inventory_feed, "No quantity found");
ok(!$feeder->price_feed, "No price feed");
ok(!$feeder->image_feed, "No image feed");
ok(!$feeder->variants_feed, "No variant feed");
$feeder = Amazon::MWS::XML::Feed->new(products => [ $test ],
xml_writer => $writer,
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
ok(!$feeder->product_feed, "No product feed found");
ok($feeder->inventory_feed, "Inventory found");
ok(!$feeder->price_feed, "No price feed");
ok(!$feeder->image_feed, "No image feed");
ok(!$feeder->variants_feed, "No variant feed");