use strict;
use Moo;
=head1 NAME
Class to validate and generate a shipping confirmation feed. While
L<Amazon::MWS::XML::Order> is meant to be used to parse the response,
this is meant to produce the XML, generating a structure suitable to
satisfy the Amazon XSD.
my $shipped = Amazon::MWS::XML::ShippedOrder->new(....); # see below the accessors
print Dumper($shipped->as_shipping_confirmation_hashref);
=head2 amazon_order_id
=head2 merchant_order_id
This will be used if amazon_order_id is not provided. This should work
as long as the order aknowledgement sent it back, so Amazon is able to
pair it with its own id.
=head2 merchant_fulfillment_id
Optional and not used by Amazon
=head2 fulfillment_date
The date the item was actually shipped or picked up, depending on the
fulfillment method specified in the order.
A DateTime object is required. It will default to the current datetime
if not provided.
=head2 carrier
The "standard" carrier code or the carrier name. The module will try
to match it with the Amazon codes.
=head2 shipping_method
The shipping method for the carrier. Optional.
=head2 shipping_tracking_number
The tracking number. Optional.
=head2 items
A arrayref of hashrefs with the codes and quantities of shipped items.
The following keys (most of them optional) are expected:
=over 4
=item amazon_order_item_code
If not provided will use C<merchant_order_item_code> instead (provided
that the orderline id was passed in the aknowledgement).
=item merchant_order_item_code
Our orderline ID which should have been passed to in the order
=item merchant_fulfillment_item_id
=item quantity
The quantity shipped (if more than one of a given item was
purchased, and all of them are not shipped together).
has amazon_order_id => (is => 'ro');
has merchant_order_id => (is => 'ro');
has merchant_fulfillment_id => (is => 'ro');
has fulfillment_date => (is => 'ro',
isa => sub {
my $dt = $_[0];
die "Not a DateTime object"
unless ref($dt) && $dt->isa('DateTime');
default => sub { DateTime->now(time_zone => 'Europe/Berlin')},
has carrier => (is => 'ro', required => 1);
has shipping_method => (is => 'ro');
has shipping_tracking_number => (is => 'ro');
has items => (is => 'ro',
isa => \&_validate_items,
required => 1,
sub _validate_items {
my $items = $_[0];
die "items should be an hashref"
unless ($items and ref($items) eq 'ARRAY');
foreach my $item (@$items) {
die "An item passed is not an hashref"
unless ($item and ref($item) eq 'HASH');
die "An item is missing amazon_order_item_code or merchant_order_item_code"
$item->{amazon_order_item_code} || $item->{merchant_order_item_code};
=head1 METHODS
=head2 as_shipping_confirmation_hashref
Return an hashref which can be fed into an Amazon message XSD.
sub as_shipping_confirmation_hashref {
my $self = shift;
my %struct;
# priority goes to the amazon id
if ($self->amazon_order_id) {
$struct{AmazonOrderID} = $self->amazon_order_id;
elsif ($self->merchant_order_id) {
$struct{MerchantOrderID} = $self->merchant_order_id;
else {
die "Missing amazon_order_id or merchant_order_id";
if ($self->merchant_fulfillment_id) {
$struct{MerchantFulfillmentID} = $self->merchant_fulfillment_id;
my $shipping_date = $self->fulfillment_date->iso8601;
# little hack to have the timezone
my $tz = $self->fulfillment_date->strftime('%z');
$tz =~ s/(\d\d)(\d\d)/$1:$2/;
$struct{FulfillmentDate} = $shipping_date.$tz;
if ($self->_carrier_is_recognized) {
$struct{FulfillmentData}{CarrierCode} = $self->carrier;
else {
$struct{FulfillmentData}{CarrierName} = $self->carrier;
if ($self->shipping_method) {
$struct{FulfillmentData}{ShippingMethod} = $self->shipping_method;
if ($self->shipping_tracking_number) {
$struct{FulfillmentData}{ShipperTrackingNumber} = $self->shipping_tracking_number;
my @items;
foreach my $item (@{ $self->items }) {
my %item_struct;
# precedence to amazon order item
if ($item->{amazon_order_item_code}) {
$item_struct{AmazonOrderItemCode} = $item->{amazon_order_item_code};
elsif ($item->{merchant_order_item_code}) {
$item_struct{MerchantOrderItemID} = $item->{merchant_order_item_code};
else {
die "This shouldn't happen, item was validated";
if ($item->{merchant_fulfillment_item_id}) {
$item_struct{MerchantFulfillmentItemID} = $item->{merchant_fulfillment_item_id};
# more items and partial shipping
if ($item->{quantity}) {
$item_struct{Quantity} = $item->{quantity};
push @items, \%item_struct;
$struct{Item} = \@items;
return \%struct;
sub _carrier_is_recognized {
my $self = shift;
my $carrier = $self->carrier;
my %carriers = (
'AFL/Fedex' => 1,
Aramex => 1,
"Blue Package" => 1,
BlueDart => 1,
"Canada Post" => 1,
Chronopost => 1,
"City Link" => 1,
DHL => 1,
"DHL Global Mail" => 1,
DPD => 1,
DTDC => 1,
Delhivery => 1,
"Deutsche Post" => 1,
FEDEX_JP => 1,
Fastway => 1,
FedEx => 1,
"FedEx SmartPost" => 1,
"First Flight" => 1,
GLS => 1,
'GO!' => 1,
"Hermes Logistik Gruppe" => 1,
"India Post" => 1,
"La Poste" => 1,
Lasership => 1,
NITTSU => 1,
Newgistics => 1,
NipponExpress => 1,
OSM => 1,
OnTrac => 1,
Other => 1,
"Overnite Express" => 1,
Parcelforce => 1,
Parcelnet => 1,
"Poste Italiane" => 1,
Professional => 1,
"Royal Mail" => 1,
SAGAWA => 1,
SDA => 1,
SagawaExpress => 1,
Smartmail => 1,
Streamlite => 1,
TNT => 1,
Target => 1,
UPS => 1,
"UPS Mail Innovations" => 1,
UPSMI => 1,
USPS => 1,
YAMATO => 1,
YamatoTransport => 1,
Yodel => 1,
return $carriers{$carrier};