use utf8;
use strict;
binmode STDOUT, ':utf8';
binmode STDERR, ':utf8';
my $feed_dir = 't/feeds';
if (-d 'schemas') {
plan tests => 26;
else {
plan skip_all => q{Missing "schemas" directory with the xsd from Amazon, skipping feeds tests};
unless (-d $feed_dir) {
mkdir $feed_dir or die "Cannot create $feed_dir $!";
my %constructor = (
merchant_id => '__MERCHANT_ID__',
access_key_id => '12341234',
secret_key => '123412341234',
marketplace_id => '123412341234',
feed_dir => $feed_dir,
schema_dir => 'schemas',
my $uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor);
ok($uploader->client->can('agent'), "Client can call agent");
ok($uploader->schema, "schema built");
ok($uploader->xml_reader, "Reader ok");
ok($uploader->xml_writer, "Writer ok");
is($uploader->_unique_shop_id, $constructor{merchant_id});
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
shop_id => 'shoppe');
is($uploader->_unique_shop_id, 'shoppe');
eval {
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
reset_errors => '! 2341 , 1234 , 1234 ,'
ok (!$@, "No exception");
negate => 1,
codes => {
2341 => 1,
1234 => 1,
}, "reset error structure ok")
or diag Dumper($uploader->_reset_error_structure);
eval {
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
reset_errors => '2341 , 1234 , 1234 ,'
ok (!$@, "No exception");
negate => 0,
codes => {
2341 => 1,
1234 => 1,
}, "reset error structure ok (no negate)")
or diag Dumper($uploader->_reset_error_structure);
eval {
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
reset_errors => 'balklasdfl'
ok ($@, "Found exception") and diag $@;
eval {
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
db_options => undef);
ok (!$@, "undef as db_options is fine") and diag $@;
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor,
skus_warnings_modes => {
8002 => 'warn',
8003 => 'print',
8001 => 'invalid',
my @warned;
local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {
my ($warn) = @_;
like $warn, qr/\(800\d\)/;
push @warned, $warn;
foreach my $code (qw/8001 8002 8003 8008/) {
$uploader->_error_logger(warning => $code => "$code ć warn");
is (scalar(@warned), 2) or diag Dumper(\@warned);
is_deeply(\@warned, [
"Invalid mode invalid for warning: 8001 ć warn (8001)\n",
"warning: 8002 ć warn (8002)\n",
my $now = DateTime->now;
my $old = $now->clone->subtract(hours => 2);
ok (!$uploader->job_timed_out({
task => 'order_ack',
job_started_epoch => $old->epoch,
"order_ack doesn't timeout in 2 hours since " . $old->ymd);
ok (!$uploader->job_timed_out({
task => 'upload',
job_started_epoch => $old->epoch,
"upload doesn't timeout in 2 hours since " . $old->ymd);
$old = $now->clone->subtract(days => 4);
ok (!$uploader->job_timed_out({
task => 'order_ack',
job_started_epoch => $old->epoch,
"order_ack doesn't timeout in 4 days since " . $old->ymd);
ok ($uploader->job_timed_out({
task => 'upload',
job_started_epoch => $old->epoch,
"upload timeouts in 4 days since " . $old->ymd);
$old = $now->clone->subtract(days => 31);
ok ($uploader->job_timed_out({
task => 'order_ack',
job_started_epoch => $old->epoch,
"order_ack doesn't timeout in 31 days since " . $old->ymd);
my @warns = $uploader->_print_or_warn_error("test me\n");
is $warns[0], 'warn';
$uploader = Amazon::MWS::Uploader->new(%constructor, quiet => 1);
@warns = $uploader->_print_or_warn_error("test me\n");
is $warns[0], 'print';