use lib File::Spec->catdir( 't', 'lib' );
unless ( $ENV{RELEASE_TESTING} ) {
plan( skip_all => "Author tests not required for installation" );
eval "use Module::Path";
plan skip_all => "Module::Path required" if $@;
test 'schema_sanity' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = $self->ic6s_schema;
foreach my $source_name ( sort $schema->sources ) {
next if $source_name =~ /^(ProductWithSellingPrice)$/;
my $source = $schema->source($source_name);
my $columns_info = $source->columns_info;
# check columns
foreach my $column ( sort keys %$columns_info ) {
my $data_type = $columns_info->{$column}->{data_type};
my $size = $columns_info->{$column}->{size};
# created/last_modified
if ( $column =~ /^(created|last_modified)$/ ) {
defined $columns_info->{$column}
"set_on_create exists for $source_name $column"
if ( $column eq 'last_modified' ) {
defined $columns_info->{$column}
"set_on_update exists for $source_name $column"
# auto_increment
if ( $columns_info->{$column}->{is_auto_increment} ) {
defined $data_type && $data_type eq 'integer',
"$source_name $column has integer auto_increment col"
# data_type specific checks
if ( $data_type =~ /^(integer|text)$/ ) {
# nothing to see
elsif ( $data_type eq 'boolean' ) {
my $default_value = $columns_info->{$column}->{default_value};
if ( defined $default_value ) {
fail "$source_name $column "
. "default_value for boolean should be 0 or 1"
unless $default_value =~ /^[01]$/;
elsif ( $data_type =~ /^(var)*char$/ ) {
ok( defined $size, "size is defined for $source_name $column" )
&& cmp_ok( $size, '>=', 1,
"size >= 1 for $source_name $column" );
elsif ( $data_type eq 'numeric' ) {
ok( defined $size, "size is defined for $source_name $column" )
&& ok( ref($size) eq 'ARRAY', "and is an array" )
&& cmp_ok( scalar @$size, '==', 2, "that has 2 elements" )
&& cmp_ok( $size->[0], '>=', $size->[1],
"and precision >= scale" );
elsif ( $data_type =~ /^(date(time)*|timestamp)$/ ) {
defined $columns_info->{$column}->{_ic_dt_method},
"InflateColumn::DateTime set for $source_name $column"
else {
"unexpected data_type $data_type for $source_name $column");
# POD comparison
# we need a mangled form of columns_info to cope with magic
# stuff handled by components
my $info = $columns_info->{$column};
delete $info->{_ic_dt_method};
delete $info->{_inflate_info};
if ( $info->{dynamic_default_on_create} ) {
delete $info->{dynamic_default_on_create};
$info->{set_on_create} = 1;
if ( $info->{dynamic_default_on_update} ) {
delete $info->{dynamic_default_on_update};
$info->{set_on_update} = 1;
# check relationships
my @source_relations = $source->relationships;
foreach my $relname (@source_relations) {
cmp_ok( $relname, 'eq', lc($relname),
"relname $relname is lc in $source_name" );
my $relationship = $source->relationship_info($relname);
( my $foreign_source_name = $relationship->{source} ) =~ s/.*://;
# check columns exist in self and foreign then check data_type and size
my $foreign_source = $schema->source($foreign_source_name);
my $foreign_columns_info = $foreign_source->columns_info;
# skip complex rels
next if ref($relationship->{cond}) eq 'CODE';
my @cond = %{ $relationship->{cond} };
my ($self_column) = grep { s/^self\.// } @cond;
my ($foreign_column) = grep { s/^foreign\.// } @cond;
"$source_name has column $self_column"
&& ok( $foreign_columns_info->{$foreign_column},
"foreign column $foreign_column exists for relation "
. "$source_name -> $relname" )
&& cmp_ok(
"data_type matches across relationship $relname in $source_name"
&& (
$columns_info->{$self_column}->{data_type} =~ /^(var)*char$/ )
&& cmp_ok(
"size matches across relationship $relname in $source_name"
if ( $columns_info->{$self_column}->{is_foreign_key}
&& $columns_info->{$self_column}->{is_nullable} )
like( $relationship->{attrs}->{join_type}, qr/^left$/i,
"nullable FK has join type LEFT for $relname in $source_name"
# pod
if ( $source_name eq 'Navigation'
&& $relname =~ /^(_parent|children|parents)$/ );