use utf8;
=head1 NAME
use Interchange6::Schema::Candy -components =>
[qw(InflateColumn::DateTime TimeStamp)];
The C<payment_sessions_id> is used to store the session id provided by the gateway.
For example, with L<Business::OnlinePayment::IPayment> you put the session id into
the HTML form for the silent CGI mode.
The C<sessions_id> is used here so we can track down payments without orders.
We usually turn a guest user into a real user after confirmation of a successful payment,
so we need the session information here in the case the payment is made but
the confirmation didn't reach the online shop.
=head2 payment_orders_id
Primary key.
primary_column payment_orders_id => {
data_type => "integer",
is_auto_increment => 1,
sequence => "payment_orders_payment_orders_id_seq",
=head2 payment_mode
Payment mode, e.g.: PayPal.
Defaults to empty string.
column payment_mode =>
{ data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", size => 32 };
=head2 payment_action
Payment action, e.g.: charge.
Defaults to empty string.
column payment_action =>
{ data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", size => 32 };
=head2 payment_id
Payment ID.
Defaults to empty string.
column payment_id =>
{ data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", size => 32 };
=head2 auth_code
Payment auth code.
Defaults to empty string.
column auth_code => {
data_type => "varchar",
default_value => "",
size => 255
=head2 users_id
FK on L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::User/users_id>.
Is nullable.
column users_id =>
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 };
=head2 sessions_id
FK on L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Session/sessions_id>.
Is nullable.
column sessions_id => {
data_type => "varchar",
is_nullable => 1,
size => 255
=head2 orders_id
FK on L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Order/orders_id>.
Is nullable.
column orders_id =>
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 };
=head2 amount
Amount of payment.
Defaults to 0.
column amount => {
data_type => "numeric",
default_value => 0,
size => [ 21, 3 ],
=head2 status
Status of this payment.
Defaults to empty string.
column status =>
{ data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", size => 32 };
=head2 payment_sessions_id
FK on L<Interchange::Schema::Result::Session/sessions_id>.
column payment_sessions_id => {
data_type => "varchar",
default_value => "",
size => 255
=head2 payment_error_code
Error message returned from payment gateway.
Defaults to empty string.
column payment_error_code =>
{ data_type => "varchar", default_value => "", size => 32 };
=head2 payment_error_message
Error message returned from payment gateway.
Is nullable.
column payment_error_message => { data_type => "text", is_nullable => 1 };
=head2 payment_fee
Some gateways (notably PayPal) charge a fee for each transaction. This
column should be used to store the transaction fee (if any).
column payment_fee => {
data_type => "numeric",
default_value => 0,
size => [ 12, 3 ],
=head2 created
Date and time when this record was created returned as L<DateTime> object.
Value is auto-set on insert.
column created =>
{ data_type => "datetime", set_on_create => 1 };
=head2 last_modified
Date and time when this record was last modified returned as L<DateTime> object.
Value is auto-set on insert and update.
column last_modified => {
data_type => "datetime",
set_on_create => 1,
set_on_update => 1,
=head2 order
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Order>
order => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::Order",
is_deferrable => 1,
on_delete => "CASCADE",
on_update => "CASCADE",
join_type => "left"
=head2 user
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::User>
user => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::User",
is_deferrable => 1,
on_delete => "CASCADE",
on_update => "CASCADE",
join_type => "left"
=head2 session
Type: belongs_to
Related object: L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Session>
session => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::Session",
{ join_type => 'left', on_delete => 'SET NULL' };