package Test::Payment;
test 'payment tests' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = $self->ic6s_schema;
my $user;
lives_ok( sub { $user = $self->users->find( { username => 'customer1' } ) },
"grab user from fixtures" );
sub {
sessions_id => '123412341234',
session_data => '',
"Create session"
my %insertion = (
payment_mode => 'PayPal',
payment_action => 'charge',
status => 'request',
sessions_id => '123412341234',
amount => '10.00',
payment_fee => 1.00,
users_id => $user->id,
my $payment;
sub {
$payment =
$schema->resultset('PaymentOrder')->create( \%insertion );
"Insert payment into db"
ok( $payment->payment_fee == 1 );
my $pid = $payment->payment_orders_id;
$payment = $schema->resultset('PaymentOrder')->find($pid);
ok ($payment, "Found the payment");
my $session = $schema->resultset('Session')->find('123412341234');
ok ($session, "Session found");
$payment = $schema->resultset('PaymentOrder')->find($pid);
ok ($payment, "Found the payment after session deletion");
# cleanup
lives_ok( sub { $schema->resultset("PaymentOrder")->delete_all },
"delete_all from PaymentOrder" );
lives_ok( sub { $schema->resultset("Session")->delete_all },
"delete_all from Session" );