use Test::MockTime qw( :all );
test 'pricing tests' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = $self->ic6s_schema;
my $rset_pm = $schema->resultset('PriceModifier');
my $rset_role = $schema->resultset('Role');
# fixtures
$self->products unless $self->has_products;
$self->navigation unless $self->has_navigation;
$self->price_modifiers unless $self->has_price_modifiers;
my ( $role_multi, $product, $nav, $products, @products );
cmp_ok( $rset_role->find({ name => 'trade' })->label,
'eq', 'Trade customer', "Trade customer role exists" );
cmp_ok( $rset_role->find({ name => 'user' })->label,
'eq', 'User', "User role exists" );
lives_ok( sub { $product = $self->products->find('os28005') },
"Find product os28005" );
# sqlite uses float for numerics and messes them up so use sprintf in
# all following tests that compare non-integer values
# price always fixed
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->price ),
'==', 8.99, "price is 8.99" );
# end of 1999
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price ),
'==', 8.99, "selling_price is 8.99" );
# during 2000
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price ),
'==', 7.50, "selling_price is 7.50" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "undef role qty 1 selling_price is 7.50" );
cmp_ok( sprintf ( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "undef role qty 15 selling_price is 7.50" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 30 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "undef role qty 30 selling_price is 7.50" );
my $user = $self->users->find({ username => 'customer1'});
my $trade_role = $self->roles->find({ name => 'trade' });
my $wholesale_role = $self->roles->find({ name => 'wholesale' });
ok $user, "we have user customer1";
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user($user) }
"set Schema's current_user to customer1 user object";
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "user qty 1 selling_price is 7.50" );
lives_ok { $user->add_to_roles($trade_role) }
"add trade role to user";
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ) ),
'==', 6.90, "trade qty 1 selling_price is 6.90" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 6.90, "trade qty 15 selling_price is 6.90" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 50 } ) ),
'==', 6.90, "trade qty 50 selling_price is 6.90" );
lives_ok { $user->remove_from_roles($trade_role) }
"remove trade role from user";
# 2001
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user(undef) }
"switch to anonymous user";
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price ),
'==', 8.99, "selling_price is 8.99" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ) ),
'==', 8.99, "undef role qty 1 selling_price is 8.99" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 8.49, "undef role qty 15 selling_price is 8.49" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 30 } ) ),
'==', 8.49, "undef role qty 30 selling_price is 8.49" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.02f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ) ),
'==', 8.99, "user qty 1 selling_price is 8.99" );
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user($user) }
"switch to current_user";
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 8.20, "user qty 15 selling_price is 8.20" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 25 } ) ),
'==', 8.00, "user qty 25 selling_price is 8.00" );
# stop mocking time
lives_ok { $user->add_to_roles($trade_role) }
"add trade role to user";
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ),
'==', 8, "trade qty 1 selling_price is 8" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 2 } ),
'==', 8, "trade qty 2 selling_price is 8" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 7.80, "trade qty 15 selling_price is 7.80" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 30 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "trade qty 30 selling_price is 7.50" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 50 } ),
'==', 7, "trade qty 50 selling_price is 7" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ),
'==', 8, "user & trade qty 1 selling_price is 8" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 2 } ),
'==', 8, "user & trade qty 2 selling_price is 8" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 7.80, "user & trade qty 15 selling_price is 7.80" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 30 } ) ),
'==', 7.50, "user & trade qty 30 selling_price is 7.50" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 50 } ),
'==', 7, "user & trade qty 50 selling_price is 7" );
lives_ok { $user->add_to_roles($wholesale_role) }
"add wholesale role to user";
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 1 } ),
'==', 7, "wholesale & trade qty 1 selling_price is 7" );
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price( { quantity => 2 } ),
'==', 7, "wholesale & trade qty 2 selling_price is 7" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 15 } ) ),
'==', 6.80, "wholesale & trade qty 15 selling_price is 6.80" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 30 } ) ),
'==', 6.70, "wholesale & trade qty 30 selling_price is 6.70" );
cmp_ok( sprintf( "%.2f", $product->selling_price( { quantity => 50 } ) ),
'==', 6.50, "wholesale & trade qty 50 selling_price is 6.50" );
lives_ok { $user->remove_from_roles($trade_role) }
"remove trade role from user";
lives_ok { $user->remove_from_roles($wholesale_role) }
"remove wholesale role from user";
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user(undef) }
"switch to anonymous user";
# NavigationProduct->product_with_selling_price
sub {
$nav =
{ uri => 'painting-supplies/paintbrushes' } );
"find paintbrushes in navigation"
cmp_ok( $nav->name, 'eq', "Paintbrushes", "nav has name Paintbrushes" );
# no args to product_with_selling_price
sub {
$products =
"find all active paintbrush products"
cmp_ok( $products->count, "==", 3, "we have 3 products" );
sub {
@products = $products->listing->search( undef,
{ order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' } } )->hri->all;
"get product listing order by sku desc"
my $expected = [
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Disposable Brush Set",
price => num(14.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(14.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Disposable Brush Set",
sku => "os28007",
uri => "disposable-brush-set",
variant_count => 0,
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Painters Brush Set",
price => num(29.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(24.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Painters Brush Set",
sku => "os28006",
uri => "painters-brush-set",
variant_count => 0,
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Trim Brush",
price => num(8.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(8.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Trim Brush",
sku => "os28005",
uri => "trim-brush",
variant_count => 0,
sub {
@products = $products->listing->search(
order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' },
rows => 2,
page => 1
"get product listing order by sku desc with 2 rows and page 1"
$expected = [
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Disposable Brush Set",
price => num(14.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(14.99, 0.01),
highest_price => num(14.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Disposable Brush Set",
sku => "os28007",
uri => "disposable-brush-set",
variant_count => 0,
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Painters Brush Set",
price => num(29.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(24.99, 0.01),
highest_price => num(29.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Painters Brush Set",
sku => "os28006",
uri => "painters-brush-set",
variant_count => 0,
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected products?" );
sub {
@products = $products->listing->search(
order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' },
rows => 2,
page => 2
"get product listing order by sku desc with 2 rows and page 2"
$expected = [
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Trim Brush",
price => num(8.99, 0.01),
average_rating => undef,
selling_price => num(8.99, 0.01),
highest_price => num(8.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Trim Brush",
sku => "os28005",
uri => "trim-brush",
variant_count => 0,
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected products?" );
# quantity 10
sub {
$products =
$products->columns( [qw/name price short_description sku uri/] )
->with_lowest_selling_price( { quantity => 10 } )
->search( undef, { order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' } } );
"get product listing { quantity => 10} order by sku desc"
@products = $products->hri->all;
$expected = [
name => "Disposable Brush Set",
price => num( 14.99, 0.01 ),
selling_price => num( 14.99, 0.01 ),
short_description => "Disposable Brush Set",
sku => "os28007",
uri => "disposable-brush-set",
name => "Painters Brush Set",
price => num( 29.99, 0.01 ),
selling_price => num( 24.99, 0.01 ),
short_description => "Painters Brush Set",
sku => "os28006",
uri => "painters-brush-set",
name => "Trim Brush",
price => num( 8.99, 0.01 ),
selling_price => num( 8.49, 0.01 ),
short_description => "Trim Brush",
sku => "os28005",
uri => "trim-brush",
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected products?" );
cmp_deeply $products->first->selling_price( { quantity => 2 } ),
num( 14.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price with arg from prefetched product with_lowest_selling_price";
# user customer1
my $users_id = $self->users->find({ username => 'customer1' })->id;
sub {
@products =
$products->columns( [qw/name price short_description sku uri/] )
->with_lowest_selling_price( { users_id => $users_id } )
->search( undef, { order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' } } )
"get product listing { users_id => (id of customer1) }"
$expected->[2]->{selling_price} = num(8.99, 0.01);
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected products?" );
# user customer1 & quantity = 10
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user($user) }
"switch to user customer1";
sub {
@products =
$products->columns( [qw/name price short_description sku uri/] )
{ quantity => 10 } )
->search( undef, { order_by => { -desc => 'product.sku' } } )
"get product listing { quantity => 10 }"
$expected->[2]->{selling_price} = num(8.20, 0.01);
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected products?" );
lives_ok { $schema->set_current_user($user) }
"switch to back to anonymous user";
# test average_rating and selling_price for variant
sub {
@products = $self->products->search( { "product.sku" => 'os28066' },
{ alias => 'product' } )->listing->hri->all;
"get product listing for just sku os28066"
$expected = [
quantity_in_stock => undef,
name => "Big L Carpenters Square",
price => num(14.99, 0.01),
average_rating => num(4.27, 0.01),
selling_price => num(11.99, 0.01),
highest_price => num(133.99, 0.01),
short_description => "Big L Carpenters Square",
sku => "os28066",
uri => "big-l-carpenters-square",
variant_count => 6,
cmp_deeply( \@products, $expected, "do we have expected product?" );
# TODO: add tier pricing tests
#$product->tier_pricing([qw/user trade wholesale/]);
# discount
lives_ok( sub { $product = $self->products->find('os28008') },
"find product os28008" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(29.99, 0.01), "price is 29.99" );
num( 29.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 29.99"
sub {
quantity => 1,
roles_id => undef,
price => 20,
discount => 10
qr/Cannot set both price and discount/,
"fail to create related PriceModifier with both price and discount"
my $price_modifier;
sub {
$price_modifier = $product->create_related(
quantity => 1,
roles_id => undef,
discount => 10
"create related PriceModifier with 10% discount"
isa_ok( $price_modifier, "Interchange6::Schema::Result::PriceModifier",
"result" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(29.99, 0.01), "price is 29.99" );
num( 26.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 26.99"
lives_ok( sub { $price_modifier->update( { discount => 20 } ) },
"change discount to 20%" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(29.99, 0.01), "price is 29.99" );
num( 23.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 23.99"
lives_ok( sub { $product->update( { price => 32.99 } ) },
"change price to 32.99" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(32.99, 0.01), "price is 32.99" );
num( 26.39, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 26.39"
lives_ok { $product->delete_related('price_modifiers') }
"delete price_modifiers for this product";
ok !$product->related_resultset('price_modifiers')->count,
"product has no related price_modifiers";
sub {
$price_modifier = $product->create_related(
quantity => 1,
roles_id => undef,
price => 100,
"create related PriceModifier with inflated price"
cmp_ok( $product->selling_price, 'eq', '32.99',
"selling_price is 32.99" );
# cleanup