use utf8;
=head1 NAME
use Scalar::Util qw(blessed);
use Interchange6::Schema::Candy -components =>
[qw(InflateColumn::DateTime TimeStamp)];
In the context of zones the term 'state' refers to state, province or other principal subdivision of a country as defined in L<ISO 3116-2|>. Countries to be added to a zone must already exist in L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country> and states in L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::State>.
Zones can contain any of the following:
=over 4
=item * No countries and no states
An empty zone must be created before countries/states are added but otherwise is probably not useful.
=item * Multiple countries
For example to create a trading group like the European Union.
=item * A single country
=item * A single country with a single state
For example Quebec in Canada which has GST + QST
=item * A single country with multiple states
For example a group containing all Canadian provinces that charge only GST.
The following combinations are NOT allowed:
=over 4
=item * Multiple countries with one or more states
=item * One or more states with no country
Countries and states should be added to and removed from the zone using these methods which are described further below:
=over 4
=item * add_countries
=item * remove_countries
=item * add_states
=item * remove_states
B<NOTE:> avoid using other methods from L<DBIx::Class::Relationship::Base> since you may inadvertently end up with an invalid zone.
=head2 zones_id
Primary Key.
primary_column zones_id => {
data_type => "integer",
is_auto_increment => 1,
sequence => "zones_id_seq"
=head2 zone
For example for storing the UPS/USPS zone code or a simple name for the zone.
Unique constraint.
unique_column zone => { data_type => "varchar", size => 255 };
=head2 created
Date and time when this record was created returned as L<DateTime> object.
Value is auto-set on insert.
column created => { data_type => "datetime", set_on_create => 1 };
=head2 last_modified
Date and time when this record was last modified returned as L<DateTime> object.
Value is auto-set on insert and update.
column last_modified => {
data_type => "datetime",
set_on_create => 1,
set_on_update => 1,
=head2 zone_countries
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneCountry>
zone_countries => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneCountry",
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 };
=head2 countries
Type: many_to_many
Accessor to related country results ordered by name.
countries => "zone_countries",
{ order_by => '' };
=head2 zone_states
Type: has_many
Related object: L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneState>
zone_states => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::ZoneState",
{ cascade_copy => 0, cascade_delete => 0 };
=head2 states
Type: many_to_many
Accessor to related state results ordered by name.
states => "zone_states",
"state", { order_by => '' };
=head2 shipment_destinations
C<has_many> relationship with
shipment_destinations => "Interchange6::Schema::Result::ShipmentDestination",
=head2 shipment_methods
C<many_to_many> relationship to shipment_method. Currently it ignores
the C<active> field in shipment_destinations.
many_to_many shipment_methods => "shipment_destinations", "shipment_method";
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Overloaded method. We allow a form of multi-create here so you can do something like:
zone => 'some states of the USA',
countries => [ 'US' ],
states => [ 'CA', 'PA' ],
If there is only a single country or state the value can be a scalar instead of a hashref.
sub new {
my ( $class, $attrs ) = @_;
my ( $countries, $states, $new );
if ( $attrs->{countries} ) {
if ( ref( $attrs->{countries} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push @$countries, @{ $attrs->{countries} };
else {
push @$countries, $attrs->{countries};
delete $attrs->{countries};
if ( $attrs->{states} ) {
if ( ref( $attrs->{states} ) eq 'ARRAY' ) {
push @$states, @{ $attrs->{states} };
else {
push @$states, $attrs->{states};
delete $attrs->{states};
elsif ( $attrs->{states} ) {
die "Cannot create Zone with states but without countries";
$new = $class->next::method($attrs);
$new->add_countries($countries) if $countries;
$new->add_states($states) if $states;
return $new;
=head2 add_countries
Argument is one of:
=over 4
=item an L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country> object
=item a country ISO code
=item an arrayref of the above (can include a mixture of both)
Returns the zone object on success.
# add/remove_countries can be passed all sorts of junk but we need Country obj
sub _get_country_obj {
my ( $self, $country ) = @_;
if ( !defined $country ) {
$self->throw_exception("Country must be defined");
elsif ( blessed($country) ) {
my $class = ref($country);
$self->throw_exception("Country cannot be a $class")
unless $country->isa('Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country');
elsif ( $country =~ m/^[a-z]{2}$/i ) {
my $result = $self->result_source->schema->resultset("Country")
->find( { country_iso_code => uc($country) } );
$self->throw_exception("No country found for code: $country")
unless defined $result;
$country = $result;
else {
$self->throw_exception("Bad country: $country");
return $country;
sub add_countries {
my ( $self, $arg ) = ( shift, shift );
my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
if ( $self->state_count > 0 ) {
"Cannot add countries to zone containing states");
elsif ( ref($arg) ne "ARRAY" ) {
# we need an arrayref
$arg = [$arg];
# use a transaction when adding countries so that all succeed or all fail
my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
foreach my $country (@$arg) {
$country = $self->_get_country_obj($country);
if ( $self->has_country($country) ) {
"Zone already includes country: " . $country->name );
return $self;
=head2 has_country
Argument can be Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country, country name or iso code. Returns 1 if zone includes that country else 0;
sub has_country {
my ( $self, $country ) = ( shift, shift );
my $rset;
# first try Country object
if ( blessed($country) ) {
if ( $country->isa('Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country') ) {
$rset = $self->countries->search(
{ "country.country_iso_code" => $country->country_iso_code, } );
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
else {
return 0;
else {
# maybe an ISO code?
if ( $country =~ /^[a-z]{2}$/i ) {
$rset = $self->countries->search(
{ "country.country_iso_code" => uc($country) } );
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
else {
# finally try country name
$rset = $self->countries->search( { "" => $country } );
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
# failed to find the country
return 0;
=head2 country_count
Takes no args. Returns the number of countries in the zone.
sub country_count {
my $self = shift;
return $self->countries->count;
=head2 remove_countries
Argument is either a L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::Country> object or an arrayref of the same.
Throws an exception on failure.
sub remove_countries {
my ( $self, $arg ) = ( shift, shift );
my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
if ( $self->state_count > 0 ) {
$self->throw_exception("States must be removed before countries");
elsif ( ref($arg) ne "ARRAY" ) {
# convert to arrayref
$arg = [$arg];
# use a transaction when removing countries so that all succeed or all fail
my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
foreach my $country (@$arg) {
$country = $self->_get_country_obj($country);
unless ( $self->has_country($country) ) {
"Country does not exist in zone: " . $country->name );
return $self;
=head2 add_states
Argument is one of:
=over 4
=item an L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::State> object
=item a state ISO code
=item an arrayref of the above (can include a mixture of both)
Returns the zone object on success.
# add/remove_states can be passed all sorts of junk but we need State obj
sub _get_state_obj {
my ( $self, $state ) = @_;
# let Devel::Cover watch this for us since it should never happen
# uncoverable branch true
if ( !defined $state ) {
# uncoverable statement
$self->throw_exception("State must be defined");
elsif ( blessed($state) ) {
my $class = ref($state);
$self->throw_exception("State cannot be a $class")
unless $state->isa('Interchange6::Schema::Result::State');
elsif ( $state =~ m/^[a-z]{2}$/i ) {
if ( $self->country_count == 1 ) {
my $result =
country_iso_code => {
-in => $self->countries->get_column('country_iso_code')
state_iso_code => uc($state),
$self->throw_exception("No state found for code: $state")
unless defined $result;
$state = $result;
else {
# We should have elsif/else as part of main if statement but
# since we have an uncoverable branch and Devel::Cover is a bit
# brain dead we have to split this up so. :(
# uncoverable branch false
if ( $self->country_count == 0 ) {
"Cannot resolve state_iso_code for zone with no country");
else {
# uncoverable statement
"Cannot resolve state_iso_code for zone with > 1 country");
else {
$self->throw_exception("Bad state: $state");
return $state;
sub add_states {
my ( $self, $arg ) = ( shift, shift );
my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
if ( $self->country_count > 1 ) {
"Cannot add state to zone with multiple countries");
elsif ( ref($arg) ne "ARRAY" ) {
# we need an arayref
$arg = [$arg];
# use a transaction when adding states so that all succeed or all fail
my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
foreach my $state (@$arg) {
$state = $self->_get_state_obj($state);
if ( $self->country_count == 0 ) {
# add the country first
$self->add_countries( $state->country );
else {
# make sure state is in the existing country
my $country = $self->countries->single;
unless ( $country->country_iso_code eq
$state->country->country_iso_code )
$self->throw_exception( "State "
. $state->name
. " is not in country "
. $country->name );
if ( $self->has_state($state) ) {
"Zone already includes state: " . $state->name );
# try to add the state
return $self;
=head2 has_state
Argument can be Interchange6::Schema::Result::State, state name or iso code. Returns 1 if zone includes that state else 0;
sub has_state {
my ( $self, $state ) = ( shift, shift );
my $rset;
# first try State object
if ( blessed($state) ) {
if ( $state->isa('Interchange6::Schema::Result::State') ) {
$rset = $self->states->search(
"state.country_iso_code" => $state->country_iso_code,
"state.state_iso_code" => $state->state_iso_code
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
else {
return 0;
else {
# maybe an ISO code?
if ( $state =~ /^[a-z]{2}$/i ) {
$rset = $self->states->search( { state_iso_code => uc($state) } );
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
else {
# finally try state name
$rset = $self->states->search( { name => $state } );
return 1 if $rset->count == 1;
# failed to find the state
return 0;
=head2 state_count
Takes no args. Returns the number of states in the zone.
sub state_count {
my $self = shift;
return $self->states->search( {} )->count;
=head2 remove_states
Argument is either a L<Interchange6::Schema::Result::State> object or an arrayref of the same.
Returns the Zone object or undef on failure. Errors are available via errors method inherited from L<Interchange6::Schema::Role::Errors>.
sub remove_states {
my ( $self, $arg ) = ( shift, shift );
my $schema = $self->result_source->schema;
if ( ref($arg) ne "ARRAY" ) {
# we need an arrayref
$arg = [$arg];
# use a transaction when removing states so that all succeed or all fail
my $guard = $schema->txn_scope_guard;
foreach my $state (@$arg) {
$state = $self->_get_state_obj($state);
return $self;