package Test::Product;
use utf8;
test 'product tests' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $schema = $self->ic6s_schema;
my $products = $schema->resultset('Product');
my ( $product, $result, $i );
# generate_uri
my %data = (
"I can eat glass and it doesn't hurt me" =>
'Μπορώ να φάω σπασμένα γυαλιά χωρίς να πάθω τίποτα'
=> 'Μπορώ-να-φάω-σπασμένα-γυαλιά-χωρίς-να-πάθω-τίποτα',
'aɪ kæn iːt glɑːs ænd ɪt dɐz nɒt hɜːt miː' =>
'ᛖᚴ ᚷᛖᛏ ᛖᛏᛁ ᚧ ᚷᛚᛖᚱ ᛘᚾ ᚦᛖᛋᛋ ᚨᚧ ᚡᛖ ᚱᚧᚨ ᛋᚨᚱ'
=> 'ᛖᚴ-ᚷᛖᛏ-ᛖᛏᛁ-ᚧ-ᚷᛚᛖᚱ-ᛘᚾ-ᚦᛖᛋᛋ-ᚨᚧ-ᚡᛖ-ᚱᚧᚨ-ᛋᚨᚱ',
'私はガラスを食べられます。 それは私を傷つけません'
=> '私はガラスを食べられます。-それは私を傷つけません',
' banana apple ' => 'banana-apple-',
' / // banana / /// / apple / ' => '-banana-apple-',
use Encode;
my $sku = 1;
foreach my $key ( keys %data ) {
sub {
$product = $products->create(
name => $key,
sku => ++$sku,
description => '',
price => 1
"create product for name: " . Encode::encode_utf8($key)
lives_ok( sub { $product->get_from_storage }, "refetch nav from db" );
$product->uri, 'eq',
$data{$key} . "-$sku",
"uri is set correctly"
sub {
$result = $schema->resultset('Setting')->create(
scope => 'Product',
name => 'generate_uri_filter',
value => '$uri =~ s/[abc]/X/g',
'add filter to Setting: $uri =~ s/[abc]/X/g'
sub {
$product = $products->create(
name => 'one banana and a carrot',
sku => '1001',
description => '',
price => 1,
"create nav with name: one banana and a carrot"
lives_ok( sub { $product->get_from_storage }, "refetch nav from db" );
$product->uri, 'eq',
"uri is: one-XXnXnX-Xnd-X-XXrrot-1001"
lives_ok( sub { $result->delete }, "remove filter" );
sub {
$result = $schema->resultset('Setting')->create(
scope => 'Product',
name => 'generate_uri_filter',
value => '$uri = lc($uri)',
'add filter to Setting: $uri = lc($uri)'
sub {
$product = $products->create(
name => 'One BANANA and a carrot',
sku => '1002',
description => '',
price => 1,
"create nav with name: One BANANA and a carrot"
lives_ok( sub { $product->get_from_storage }, "refetch nav from db" );
$product->uri, 'eq',
"uri is: one-banana-and-a-carrot-1002"
lives_ok( sub { $result->delete }, "remove filter" );
sub {
$result = $schema->resultset('Setting')->create(
scope => 'Product',
name => 'generate_uri_filter',
value => '$uri =',
'add broken filter to Setting: $uri ='
sub {
$product = $products->create(
name => 'One BANANA and a carrot',
sku => '1003',
description => '',
price => 1,
qr/Product->generate_uri filter croaked/,
"generate_uri should croak"
lives_ok( sub { $result->delete }, "remove filter" );
# reset products fixture and make sure we have modifiers
$self->price_modifiers unless $self->has_price_modifiers;
my $num_products = $self->products->count;
# canonical_only
my $num_canonical =
$self->products->search( { canonical_sku => undef } )->count;
cmp_ok( $self->products->canonical_only->count,
'==', $num_canonical, "We have $num_canonical canonical products" );
# average_rating
lives_ok( sub { $products = $self->products->with_average_rating },
"get products with_average_rating" );
cmp_ok( $products->count, '==', $num_products, "$num_products products" );
# test on simple products rset and also with_average_rating
$i = 0;
foreach my $rset ( $self->products, $products ) {
lives_ok( sub { $product = $rset->find('os28066') },
"find product os28066" );
"we have a Product"
cmp_ok( $product->has_column_loaded('average_rating'),
'==', $i, "product has_column_loaded average_rating == $i" );
cmp_ok( $product->average_rating, '==', 4.3, "average_rating is 4.3" );
cmp_ok( $product->average_rating(2),
'==', 4.27, "average_rating to 2 DP is 4.27" );
lives_ok( sub { $product = $rset->find('os28066-E-P') },
"find product os28066-E-P" );
"we have a Product"
cmp_ok( $product->has_column_loaded('average_rating'),
'==', $i, "product has_column_loaded average_rating == $i" );
cmp_ok( $product->average_rating, '==', 4.3, "average_rating is 4.3" );
cmp_ok( $product->average_rating(2),
'==', 4.27, "average_rating to 2 DP is 4.27" );
cmp_ok( $product->average_rating('q'),
'==', 4.3,
"average_rating('q') ignores pricision 'q' so gives 4.3 to 1 DP" );
$i = 1;
# quantity_in_stock
# we need inventory & be paranoid about it
lives_ok( sub { $products = $self->products->with_quantity_in_stock },
"get products with_quantity_in_stock" );
cmp_ok( $products->count, '==', $num_products, "$num_products products" );
$i = 0;
while ( my $product = $products->next ) {
my $qis = $product->quantity_in_stock;
my $inventory = $product->inventory;
if ( defined $inventory ) {
cmp_ok $qis, '==', $inventory->quantity,
"quantity_in_stock == inventory->quantity for: "
. $product->sku;
cmp_ok $i, '==', 59, "found $i/59 products with quantity_in_stock";
lives_ok {
$product = $self->products->create(
name => "parent",
sku => "parent",
description => "parent",
price => 1,
variants => [
name => "variant",
sku => "variant",
description => "variant",
inventory_exempt => 1,
price => 1,
inventory => { quantity => 1 },
"Create product with inventory_exempt variant";
ok !defined $product->quantity_in_stock, "quantity_in_stock is undef";
lives_ok { $product->variants->delete } "delete the variant";
lives_ok { $product->delete } "delete the product";
# lowest_selling_price
sub { $products = $self->products->with_lowest_selling_price('foo') },
qr/argument to with_lowest_selling_price must be a hash reference/,
"with_lowest_selling_price with bad arg fails"
sub {
$products =
{ roles => ['user'] } );
"get products with_lowest_selling_price({roles => ['user']})"
lives_ok( sub { $products = $self->products->with_lowest_selling_price },
"get products with_lowest_selling_price" );
cmp_ok( $products->count, '==', $num_products, "$num_products products" );
throws_ok { $self->products->with_lowest_selling_price( "badarg" ) }
qr/argument to with_lowest_selling_price must be a hash reference/,
"call with_lowest_selling_price on products with bad arg";
lives_ok {
$products =
$self->products->with_lowest_selling_price( { roles => ['user'] } )
"with_lowest_selling_price OK with single role";
lives_ok {
$products =
{ roles => [ 'user', 'admin' ] } )
"with_lowest_selling_price OK with two roles";
lives_ok( sub { $product = $products->find('os28006') },
"get product os28006" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(29.99, 0.01), "price is 29.99" );
throws_ok { $product->selling_price(12) }
qr/Argument to selling_price must be a hash reference/,
"selling_price with bad arg throws exception";
throws_ok { $product->selling_price( { quantity => 'q' } ) }
qr/Bad quantity/,
"selling_price with bad quantity throws exception";
num( 24.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 24.99"
lives_ok { $product->selling_price( { roles => ['user'] } ) }
"selling_price with good roles";
cmp_ok( $product->discount_percent, '==', 17, "discount_percent is 17" );
lives_ok( sub { $product = $products->find('os28085') },
"get product os28085" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(36.99, 0.01), "price is 36.99" );
num( 34.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 34.99"
!defined $product->discount_percent,
"discount_percent is undef (parent product)"
lives_ok( sub { $product = $products->find('os28011') },
"get product os28011" );
cmp_deeply( $product->price, num(14.99, 0.01), "price is 14.99" );
num( 14.99, 0.01 ),
"selling_price is 14.99"
!defined $product->discount_percent,
"discount_percent is undef (price==selling_price)"
# variant_count
lives_ok( sub { $products = $self->products->with_variant_count },
"get products with_variant_count" );
cmp_ok( $products->count, '==', $num_products, "$num_products products" );
# test on simple products rset and also with_variant_count
$i = 0;
foreach my $rset ( $self->products, $products ) {
lives_ok( sub { $product = $rset->find('os28085') },
"get product os28085" );
"we have a Product"
cmp_ok( $product->has_column_loaded('variant_count'),
'==', $i, "product has_column_loaded variant_count == $i" );
cmp_ok( $product->variant_count,
'==', 2, "product variant_count is 2" );
ok $product->has_variants, "product has_variants is true";
lives_ok( sub { $product = $rset->find('os28085-12') },
"get product os28085-12" );
"we have a Product"
cmp_ok( $product->has_column_loaded('variant_count'),
'==', $i, "product has_column_loaded variant_count == $i" );
cmp_ok( $product->variant_count,
'==', 0, "product variant_count is 0" );
$i = 1;
# listing
sub {
$products =
"get products listing (with_*everything*)"
cmp_ok( $products->count, '==', $num_products, "$num_products products" );
# highest_price
foreach my $rset ( ( $products, $self->products ) ) {
while ( my $product = $rset->next ) {
my $type =
? "listing"
: "single";
my $variants;
sub {
$variants =
$schema->resultset('Product')->find( $product->sku )
"get product variants"
if ( $variants->count ) {
my ( $variants_max, $variants_min, $variants_min_rset );
sub { $variants_max = $variants->get_column('price')->max },
"get max price"
sub {
$variants_min_rset =
"get variants with_lowest_selling_price"
while ( my $variant = $variants_min_rset->next ) {
my $min =
defined $variant->selling_price
? $variant->selling_price
: $variant->price;
unless ( $variants_min ) {
$variants_min = $min;
$variants_min = $min if $min < $variants_min;
if ( $variants_min == $variants_max ) {
ok( !defined $product->highest_price,
"$type highest_price undef for: " . $product->sku );
else {
cmp_ok( $product->highest_price, '==', $variants_max,
"$type highest price OK for: " . $product->sku )
or diag join(" x ", $variants_min, $variants_max);
else {
ok( !defined $product->highest_price,
"$type highest_price undef for: " . $product->sku );
# cleanup