package Test::Tax;
use Test::MockTime qw( :all );
test 'tax tests' => sub {
my $self = shift;
my ( %countries, %states, $rset, @data, $result, %data, $data, $tax );
my $dt = DateTime->now;
# fixtures
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 37, "37 taxes in the table" );
# some country-level taxes + EU reverse charge
@data = (
[ 'DE VAT Reduced', 'DE VAT Reduced Rate', 7, '1983-07-01', 'DE' ],
[ 'DE VAT Exempt', 'DE VAT Exempt', 0, '1968-01-01', 'DE' ],
[ 'MT VAT Reduced', 'Malta VAT Reduced Rate', 5, '1995-01-01', 'MT' ],
[ 'MT VAT Hotel', 'Malta VAT Hotel Accomodation', 7, '2011-01-01', 'MT' ],
[ 'MT VAT Exempt', 'Malta VAT Exempt', 0, '1995-01-01', 'MT' ],
[ 'GB VAT Reduced', 'GB VAT Reduced Rate', 5, '1997-09-01', 'GB' ],
[ 'GB VAT Exempt', 'GB VAT Exempt', 0, '1973-04-01', 'GB' ],
[ 'EU reverse charge', 'EU B2B reverse charge', 0, '2000-01-01', undef ],
[ 'CA GST', 'Canada Goods and Service Tax', 5, '2008-01-01', 'CA' ],
sub {
$result = $self->taxes->populate(
'tax_name', 'description',
'percent', 'valid_from',
"Populate tax table"
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 46, "46 taxes in the table" );
# test some incorrect tax entries
$data = {
tax_name => 'IE VAT Standard',
description => 'Ireland VAT Standard Rate',
country_iso_code => 'FooBar',
percent => 21,
valid_from => '2010-01-01',
valid_to => '2011-12-31'
sub { $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/iso_code not valid/,
"Fail create with bad country_iso_code"
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 46, "46 taxes in the table" );
# create an old IE rate
$data = {
tax_name => 'IE VAT Standard',
description => 'Ireland VAT Standard Rate',
country_iso_code => 'IE',
percent => 21,
valid_from => '2010-01-01',
valid_to => '2011-12-31'
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
"Create previous IE VAT Standard rate"
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 47, "47 taxes in the table" );
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create identical tax"
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 47, "47 taxes in the table" );
$data->{valid_from} = '2011-01-01';
$data->{valid_to} = undef;
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create valid_from in tax 1 and valid_to undef"
$data->{valid_from} = '2013-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create valid_from in tax 2 and valid_to undef"
$data->{valid_from} = '2009-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create valid_from before tax 1 and valid_to undef"
$data->{valid_to} = '2010-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create valid_from before tax 1 and valid_to in tax 1"
$data->{valid_from} = '2011-01-01';
$data->{valid_to} = '2013-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/overlaps existing date range/,
"Fail to create valid_from in tax 1 and valid_to in tax 2"
$data->{valid_from} = '2011-01-01';
$data->{valid_to} = '2011-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/valid_to is not later than valid_from/,
"Fail to create valid_from eq valid_to"
$data->{valid_from} = '2011-01-01';
$data->{valid_to} = '2010-01-01';
sub { $result = $self->taxes->create($data) },
qr/valid_to is not later than valid_from/,
"Fail to create valid_from > valid_to"
cmp_ok( $self->taxes->count, '==', 47, "47 taxes in the table" );
# calculate tax
sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax() },
qr/tax_name not supplied/,
"Exception if no tax_name supplied"
sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('FooBar') },
qr/not found.*FooBar/,
"Exception if tax_name not found"
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('MT VAT Standard') },
"Get current MT tax" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47, tax_included => 1 } ),
'==', 2.05, "Tax on gross 13.47 should be 2.05" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47, tax_included => 0 } ),
'==', 2.42, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.42" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('IE VAT Standard') },
"Get current IE tax" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47, tax_included => 0 } ),
'==', 3.10, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 3.10" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('IE VAT Standard') },
"Get IE tax for this historical date" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47, tax_included => 0 } ),
'==', 2.83, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.83" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('IE VAT Standard') },
"Get current IE tax" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47, tax_included => 0 } ),
'==', 3.10, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 3.10" );
# mock time to before any valid ranges
sub { $tax = $self->taxes->current_tax('IE VAT Standard') },
qr/not found.*IE VAT/,
"Exception when tax not found for current date"
# some weird decimal_places/ceil/floor taxes
$data = {
tax_name => 'testing',
description => 'description',
country_iso_code => 'IE',
percent => 21.333,
valid_from => '2010-01-01',
decimal_places => 2,
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->create($data) },
"Create 21.33% decimal_places 2" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.87, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.87" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->rounding('f') }, "set rounding floor" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'f', "rounding is f" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.87, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.87" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->rounding('c') }, "set rounding ceiling" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'c', "rounding is c" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.88, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.88" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->rounding(undef) }, "set rounding default" );
is( $tax->rounding, undef, "rounding is undef" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->decimal_places(3) }, "set decimal_places 3" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.874, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.874" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->rounding('f') }, "set rounding floor" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.873, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.873" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->rounding('c') }, "set rounding ceiling" );
cmp_ok( $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ),
'==', 2.874, "Tax on nett 13.47 should be 2.874" );
# invalid/missing price
throws_ok( sub { $tax->calculate( { price => "qw" } ) },
qr/price.*not.*valid.*qw/, "Exception on invalid price" );
sub { $tax->calculate( { price => undef } ) },
qr/price is missing/,
"Exception on undef price"
sub { $tax->calculate( {} ) },
qr/price is missing/,
"Exception on no price"
# rounding input checks
$data = {
tax_name => '1',
description => 'description',
percent => 21.333,
valid_from => '2010-01-01',
rounding => 'c',
decimal_places => 2,
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->create($data) },
"new tax with rounding c" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'c', "rounding is c" );
my $taxid = $tax->taxes_id;
sub { $tax->update( { rounding => 2 } ) },
qr/value for rounding not/,
"fail rounding 2"
lives_ok( sub { $tax = $self->taxes->find($taxid) },
"reload tax from database" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'c', "rounding is still c" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->update( { rounding => 'C' } ) },
"set rounding to C" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'c', "rounding is c" );
lives_ok( sub { $tax->update( { rounding => 'F' } ) },
"set rounding to F" );
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'f', "rounding is f" );
# exception when impossible rounding value found in database
lives_ok {
sub {
my ( $storage, $dbh ) = @_;
$dbh->do(q| UPDATE taxes SET rounding='x' WHERE tax_name='1' |);
"change rounding to illegal value 'x'";
lives_ok( sub { $rset = $self->taxes->search( { tax_name => '1' } ) },
"search for tax with bad rounding in db" );
cmp_ok( $rset->count, '==', 1, "found it" );
$tax = $rset->next;
cmp_ok( $tax->rounding, 'eq', 'x', "rounding is x" );
sub { $tax->calculate( { price => 13.47 } ) },
qr/rounding value from database is invalid/,
"Throws rounding value from database is invalid"
lives_ok( sub { $self->clear_taxes }, "clear_taxes" );