use 5.006;
use Moo 2.005_001;
use strictures 2;
use Params::Validate qw(validate_with OBJECT SCALAR ARRAYREF UNDEF);
=head1 NAME
Config::IniFiles::Check::Health - check ini-files for needed values
our $VERSION = '0.03';
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.03
use Config::IniFiles::Check::Health;
# see new()
Working with Config::IniFiles needs to check the ini-files
* checking for existing, needed values in the sections
* double-vars in a single section
* do all needed sections exist
my $ini_fn = 'utf8convertbin.ini';
my $ini_obj = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $ini_fn );
{ ini_obj => $ini_obj, }
my $logger = get_logger();
my $ini_health_checker_obj = Config::IniFiles::Check::Health->new({
logger => $logger,
ini_obj => $ini_obj
# Work to be done:
values_must_exists => [
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_latin1_dn' },
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_utf8_dn' },
sections_must_exist => [ qw(log4perl inifiles) ]
values_must_exists => [
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_latin1_dn' },
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_utf8_dn' },
=head2 new
my $ini_fn = 'utf8convertbin.ini';
my $ini_obj = Config::IniFiles->new( -file => $ini_fn );
my $ini_health_checker_obj = Config::IniFiles::Check::Health->new({
# Log4perl-definition is a section in the inifile
# so: firstly undef
logger => undef,
ini_obj => $ini_obj
# optional, with default value
errors_are_fatal => 1
sections_must_exist => [ qw(log4perl inifiles) ]
{ ini_obj => $ini_obj, }
my $logger = get_logger();
# Tell about our
values_must_exists => [
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_latin1_dn' },
{ section => 'inifiles', varname => 'findus_ini_utf8_dn' },
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
sub _check_new_params {
my $self = shift;
my @all_params_must = qw( logger ini_obj);
my $params_wanted_href = { map { $_ => $self->$_ } @all_params_must };
my $params_spec = {
logger => {
type => UNDEF | OBJECT,
ini_obj => {
type => OBJECT,
isa => "Config::IniFiles"
params => $params_wanted_href,
spec => $params_spec,
=head2 logger
You can set logger to a real Perl-Log-Objekt or to undef. This is to
starte the object and make some tests without having a log-object in
the very beginning because the log-object is built with information
from the ini-file.
$obj->new({ logger => undef, ...})
# Later...
$obj->logger( Log::Log4perl::get_logger('Bla::Foo') )
has 'logger' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => sub {
# undef is ok
if (! defined($_[0])) {
} elsif (ref($_[0]) eq 'Config::IniFiles') {
} else {
die "logger must be undef or of type Log::Log4perl"
has 'ini_obj' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => sub {
die "ini_obj must be of type Config::IniFiles" unless ref($_[0]) eq 'Config::IniFiles'
=head2 errors_are_fatal
You can switch behaviour of the following tests:
$obj->errors_are_fatal(1); # default
# There should be errors, but not die
has 'errors_are_fatal' => (
is => 'rw',
default => sub { 1 },
=head2 check_for_duplicate_vars_in_one_section
sub check_for_duplicate_vars_in_all_sections {
my $self = shift;
my $logger = $self->logger;
my $ini_obj = $self->ini_obj;
for my $cur_section ($ini_obj->Sections) {
$self->check_for_duplicate_vars_in_one_section({ section => $cur_section });
=head2 check_for_duplicate_vars_in_one_section
Try to avoid double vars entries like this:
; my.ini
$obj->check_for_duplicate_vars_in_one_section({ section => 'berlin' });
sub check_for_duplicate_vars_in_one_section {
my $self = shift;
my $args_href = validate_with(
params => shift,
spec => {
section => {
type => SCALAR,
my $logger = $self->logger;
my $ini_obj = $self->ini_obj;
my $section = $args_href->{section};
my $log_msg;
my $nr_of_errors = 0;
for my $current_varname ($ini_obj->Parameters($section)) {
# List context gives an element per line:
my @all_values = $ini_obj->val($section, $current_varname);
if (@all_values > 1) {
$log_msg = sprintf "Found duplicate line in section '%s' with varname='%s'",
if ($self->errors_are_fatal && $nr_of_errors > 0) {
$log_msg = sprintf 'Too many errors in check_for_duplicate_vars_in_section';
=head2 check_for_sections
sections_must_exist => [ qw(berlin vienna) ]
sub check_for_sections {
my $self = shift;
my $args_href = validate_with(
params => shift,
spec => {
sections_must_exist => {
type => ARRAYREF,
my $logger = $self->logger;
my $ini_obj = $self->ini_obj;
my @sections_must_exist = @{$args_href->{sections_must_exist}};
my $errors_are_fatal = $args_href->{errors_are_fatal};
my $log_msg;
my $nr_of_errors = 0;
for my $section_name (@sections_must_exist) {
if (! $ini_obj->SectionExists($section_name)) {
$log_msg = sprintf "Section '%s' does not exist in inifile", $section_name;
if ($self->errors_are_fatal && $nr_of_errors > 0) {
$log_msg = sprintf 'Too many errors in check_inifile_for_sections';
=head2 check_inifile_for_values
values_must_exists => [
{ section => 'bla', varname => 'nr_of_cars'},
{ section => 'bla', varname => 'nr_of_dogs'},
sub check_inifile_for_values {
my $self = shift;
my $args_href = validate_with(
params => shift,
spec => {
values_must_exist => {
type => ARRAYREF,
my $logger = $self->logger;
my $ini_obj = $self->ini_obj;
my @values_must_exist = @{$args_href->{values_must_exist}};
my $errors_are_fatal = $args_href->{errors_are_fatal};
my $nr_of_errors = 0;
my $log_msg;
for my $values_must_exist_href (@values_must_exist) {
my $section = $values_must_exist_href->{section};
my $varname = $values_must_exist_href->{varname};
my $value_from_inifile = $ini_obj->val($section, $varname);
if (! defined $value_from_inifile) {
$log_msg = sprintf "value MUST exist in inifile, but does not: section='%s', value='%s'",
$section, $varname;
if ($self->errors_are_fatal && $nr_of_errors > 0) {
$log_msg = 'Too many errors in check_inifile_for_values';
=head2 _log_error
$self->_log_error("Bad thing");
sub _log_error {
my $self = shift;
my $log_msg = shift;
my $logger = $self->logger;
if ($logger) {
} else {
printf "ERROR - %s\n", $log_msg;
=head2 _log_error
if ($self->errors_are_fatal && $nr_of_errors > 0) {
$log_msg = sprintf 'Too many errors in check_inifile_for_sections';
sub _log_fatal {
my $self = shift;
my $log_msg = shift;
my $logger = $self->logger;
if ($logger) {
} else {
print "ERROR - $log_msg\n";
if ($self->errors_are_fatal) {
die $log_msg;
=head1 AUTHOR
Richard Lippmann, C<< <horshack at> >>
=head1 BUGS
Please report any bugs or feature requests to C<bug-config-inifiles-check-health at>, or through
the web interface at L<>. I will be notified, and then you'll
automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes.
=head1 SUPPORT
You can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command.
perldoc Config::IniFiles::Check::Health
You can also look for information at:
=over 4
=item * RT: CPAN's request tracker (report bugs here)
=item * CPAN Ratings
=item * Search CPAN
This software is Copyright (c) 2024 by Richard Lippmann.
This is free software, licensed under:
The Artistic License 2.0 (GPL Compatible)