# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl HTML-ScriptLoader.t'
# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
use Test::More tests => 7;
BEGIN { use_ok('HTML::ScriptLoader') };
my %scripts = (
'other-script' => {
'myscript' => {
'uri' => '/static/js/myscript.js',
'deps' => ['other-script'],
'params' => {
'apikey' => 'very-secret',
my $loader = HTML::ScriptLoader->new(\%scripts);
is(scalar keys %{ $loader->available }, 2, "The number of available scripts");
is(scalar @{ $loader->scripts }, 0, "The number of loaded scripts is 0 to begin with");
is(scalar @{ $loader->scripts }, 2, "The number of loaded scripts is 2 after loading myscript (dep on other-script)");
my $otherscript = $loader->scripts->[0];
is($otherscript->{'url'}, 'http://example.com/other-script.js', "Assemble the other-script URL");
my $myscript = $loader->scripts->[1];
is($myscript->{'url'}, '/static/js/myscript.js?apikey=very-secret', "Assemble the myscript URL with params");