use v5.18.2; # needed for __SUB__, implies strict
use constant DEBUG => $ENV{MariaDB_NonBlocking_DEBUG} // 0;
sub TELL (@) {
say STDERR __PACKAGE__, ': ', join " ", @_;
use MariaDB::NonBlocking qw':all';
use EV;
sub new {
my ($class, $args) = @_;
$args //= {};
my $loop = delete $args->{ev} || EV::default_loop();
my $self = $class->SUPER::new($args);
$self->{loop} = $loop;
return $self;
sub _mysql_watchers_to_ev_watchers {
my $wait_on = 0;
$wait_on |= EV::READ if $_[0] & MYSQL_WAIT_READ;
$wait_on |= EV::WRITE if $_[0] & MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE;
return $wait_on;
sub _ev_event_to_mysql_event {
if $_[0] & EV::TIMER;
my $events = 0;
$events |= MYSQL_WAIT_READ if $_[0] & EV::READ;
$events |= MYSQL_WAIT_WRITE if $_[0] & EV::WRITE;
return $events;
# The following is used later to prevent a really annoying memory leak
sub empty;
# If a watcher is kept alive (because we tossed it into the pool)
# then the callback the watcher has attached will be kept alive.
# This means that the success and/or failure callbacks the user
# provided will be kept, which likely means keeping a bunch
# of closed-over variables alive too.
# So we always blank out callbacks before stopping/releasing timers.
sub __stop_watcher {
my ($watcher_type, $watcher) = @_;
return unless $watcher;
$watcher->stop; # includes $watcher->clear_pending;
$watcher->keepalive(0); # No need to keep the eventloop alive if we are running
our $WATCHER_POOL_MAX = 2; # keep two standby watchers alive at most
sub __return_watcher_to_pool {
my ($watcher_type, $watcher) = @_;
return unless $watcher;
my $pool = $WATCHER_POOL{$watcher_type} //= [];
__stop_watcher($watcher_type, $watcher); # Always stop it, even if the watcher pool is full; see
# the explanation in 'sub empty;'
return if @$pool >= $WATCHER_POOL_MAX;
push @$pool, $watcher;
sub _disarm_timer {
my ($maria) = @_;
# If this connection had a mysql-prompted timeout, odds are
# it'll have another one
sub _clean_object {
my ($maria) = @_;
my $watchers = delete $maria->{watcher_storage} // {};
return unless %$watchers;
foreach my $watcher_type ( keys %$watchers ) {
my $watcher = delete $watchers->{$watcher_type};
$watcher_type = 'io' if index($watcher_type, 'io') != -1;
$watcher_type = 'timer' if index($watcher_type, 'timer') != -1;
__return_watcher_to_pool($watcher_type, $watcher);
sub __wrap_ev_cb {
my ($cb) = @_;
return sub {
my (undef, $ev_event) = @_;
my $events_for_mysql = _ev_event_to_mysql_event($ev_event);
sub __restart_watcher {
my ($existing_watcher, $cb) = @_;
$existing_watcher->keepalive(1); # keep the eventloop alive if we are running
sub _set_io_watcher {
my ($maria, $fd, $wait_for, $original_cb) = @_;
my $storage = $maria->{watcher_storage} //= {};
my $wrapped_cb = __wrap_ev_cb($original_cb);
# If we are using EV, reuse a watcher if we can.
my $existing_watcher = $storage->{io} ||= pop @{ $WATCHER_POOL{io} //= [] };
my $ev_mask = _mysql_watchers_to_ev_watchers($wait_for);
if ( !$existing_watcher ) {
# No pre-existing watcher for us to use;
# make a new one!
DEBUG && TELL "Started new io watcher ($ev_mask)";
$storage->{io} = $maria->{loop}->io(
DEBUG && TELL "Reusing existing io watcher ($ev_mask)";
$existing_watcher->set( $fd, $ev_mask );
__restart_watcher($existing_watcher, $wrapped_cb);
sub _set_timer {
my ($maria, $watcher_type, $timeout_s, $cb) = @_;
my $storage = $maria->{watcher_storage} //= {};
my $wrapped_cb = __wrap_ev_cb($cb);
# If we are using EV, reuse a watcher if we can.
my $existing_watcher = $storage->{$watcher_type}
||= pop @{ $WATCHER_POOL{timer} //= [] };
if ( !$existing_watcher ) {
DEBUG && TELL "Started new $watcher_type watcher";
$storage->{$watcher_type} = $maria->{loop}->timer(
DEBUG && TELL "Reusing existing $watcher_type watcher";
$existing_watcher->set( $timeout_s, 0 );
__restart_watcher($existing_watcher, $cb);