use v5.24;
use fs::Promises qw(open_promise readline_promise slurp_promise);
use fs::Promises::Utils qw(await p_while);
my $does_not_exist = './does_not_exist_for_test';
throws_ok {
open my $fh, '<', $does_not_exist or die "File does not exist";
} qr/File does not exist/, "Sanity check: open() cannot open our nonexistent file";
throws_ok {
await open_promise($does_not_exist)->catch(sub { die "File does not exist" })
} qr/File does not exist/, "open_promise() fails in a similar way";
my $file_to_read = $0;
subtest 'readline' => sub {
open my $sync_fh, '<', $file_to_read;
ok($sync_fh, "open(this_file) worked");
my $async_fh = await open_promise($file_to_read);
ok($async_fh, "open_promise(this_file) worked");
my $first_line_sync = <$sync_fh>;
my $first_line_async = await readline_promise($async_fh);
"readline() for the first line seems to work the same, trying the rest of the file"
subtest 'read rest of file' => sub {
await(p_while { readline_promise($async_fh) } sub {
my $async_line = shift;
my $sync_line = <$sync_fh>;
"readline worked",
my $sync_content = do {
open my $fh, '<', $file_to_read;
local $/;
scalar <$fh>;
subtest 'readline with $/=undef' => sub {
my $async_content = await open_promise($file_to_read)->then(sub {
my $fh = shift;
local $/;
return readline_promise($fh);
is(length($sync_content), length($async_content), "local \$/ + readline_promise() works like with <>");
subtest 'slurp' => sub {
my $async_content = await slurp_promise($file_to_read);
is(length($sync_content), length($async_content), "slurp_promise() works like \$/=undef; <>");
subtest 'slurp missing file' => sub {
throws_ok {
await slurp_promise($file_to_read . '_does_not_exist');
} qr/No such file or directory/, "slurp_promise dies when given a missing file"
subtest 'slurp empty file' => sub {
my $tempfile = File::Temp->new(UNLINK => 1);
lives_ok {
await slurp_promise($tempfile->filename);
} "slurp_promise lives when given an empty file";