# $Id$
# >>Copyright::
# Copyright (c) 1992-1996, Ian Clatworthy (ianc@mincom.com).
# You may distribute under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
# >>History::
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Who Change
# 16-May-96 ianc SDF 2.000
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
H1: table Filter
H2: Interface
!filter_interface "table"
H2: Description
The {{table}} filter specifies a table in {{FMT:TBL}} format.
A brief description of each parameter is given below.
A tutorial-style introduction to SDF's table features is
also provided in the {{DOC:SDF User Guide}}.
!block table
Parameter Description
align alignment of table: one of Left, Center, Right, Inner, Outer
bgcolor background colour for a table (HTML only)
bmargin default bottom margin for table cells (MIF only)
cellpadding padding size for table cells (HTML only)
cellspacing spacing size between table cells (HTML only)
colaligns a comma-separated list of horizontal alignments \
values (Left, Center, Right) for columns; \
alternatively, a single word containing the letters L, C and R
coltags a comma-separated list of phrase styles to apply to columns
colvaligns a comma-separated list of vertical alignments \
values (Top, Middle, Bottom, Baseline) for columns; \
alternatively, a single word containing the letters T, M, B and L
delete a comma-separated list of columns to delete
footings the number of footing rows at the end of the table
format a comma-separated list of column width specifications; \
alternatively, a single number where each digit represents \
10% of the space available to the table
groups pattern of group-style rows (default is /:$/)
headings the number of heading rows at the top of the table
landscape display the table in landscape mode (MIF only)
listitem the list indent level (e.g. 1) of this table
lmargin default left margin for table cells (MIF only)
narrow if set, the table will only be as wide as required; \
otherwise the table will span the available space
niceheadings set to 0 to disable _ to space conversion in headings
nocalcs set to 0 to disable calculation processing within a table
noheadings suppress headings in output
objects alias for coltags (coltags is preferred)
oncell Perl code to execute for each cell (internal use only!)
parseline column headings parsing line (if not the first row in the text)
placement vertical placement of table: one of Float, Pagetop, Columntop, \
Lefttop, Righttop (MIF only)
rmargin default right margin for table cells (MIF only)
select a comma-separated list of columns to display
sort a comma-separated list of columns to sort the data rows by
style overall look of the table
tags alias for coltags (coltags is preferred)
title table caption
tmargin default top margin for table cells (MIF only)
type alias for style (style is preferred)
where an expression to filter the data rows with
wide table straddles the side head area of the page
wrap the number of data rows to display in a physical row
H2: Examples
A typical table is:
!block example; lang='sdf'
!block table; format=55; style="grid"; groups; title="Diary"
Time_of_day Appointment
10:00 Dentist
12:00 Lunch with friends
15:00 Meeting on SDF
The result is:
!block table; format=55; style="grid"; groups; title="Diary"
Time_of_day Appointment
10:00 Dentist
12:00 Lunch with friends
15:00 Meeting on SDF
#H2: Limitations & Future Directions