!init OPT_LOOK='infomap'; OPT_STYLE='manual'
# $Id$
# >>Copyright::
# Copyright (c) 1992-1996, Ian Clatworthy (ianc@mincom.com).
# You may distribute under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
# >>History::
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Who Change
# 29-Feb-96 ianc SDF 2.000
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Load the configuration
!define SDF_ROOT "../"
!inherit "sdf"
# Define variables
!define DOC_NAME "SDF"
!define DOC_TYPE "Reference"
!define DOC_AUTHOR "Ian Clatworthy"
!define DOC_TOC 2
!define DOC_IX
# For HTML, only put the chapter headings in the contents
!if $var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'html'
!define DOC_TOC 1
# Build the title page
# Make all level 3 headings plain
!on paragraph '[HA]3';; $style = 'P3'
# Include the document components
!include "reasdf.sdf"; about
!include "in_class.sdf"
!include "in_dstyl.sdf"
!include "in_esc.sdf"
!include "in_fmt.sdf"
!include "in_filt.sdf"
!include "in_mac.sdf"
!include "in_pattr.sdf"
!include "in_pstyl.sdf"
!include "in_oattr.sdf"
!include "in_ostyl.sdf"
!include "in_prog.sdf"
!include "in_sub.sdf"
!include "in_var.sdf"
!include "in_claif.sdf"; appendix
!include "in_filif.sdf"; appendix
!include "in_macif.sdf"; appendix
!include "gl_cli.sdf"; appendix