# $Id$
$VERSION{''.__FILE__} = '$Revision$';
# >>Title:: SDF Macros Library
# >>Copyright::
# Copyright (c) 1992-1996, Ian Clatworthy (ianc@mincom.com).
# You may distribute under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
# >>History::
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Who Change
# 24-Oct-98 ianc added jump macro, variables parameter for classes
# 29-Feb-96 ianc SDF 2.000
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# >>Purpose::
# This library provides the built-in macros (implemented in [[Perl]]) for
# [[SDF]] files.
# >>Description::
# For default values within argument tables:
# * the empty string means there is no default
# * the symbol _NULL_ means the default is the empty string.
# >>Limitations::
# >>Implementation::
# The block macros (i.e. block/endblock, macro/endmacro) work as follows:
# ^ the starting macro sets the following global variables:
# - {{$sdf_block_start}} to the current line number
# - {{$sdf_block_type}} to {{block}} or {{macro}}
# - {{@sdf_block_text}} to empty
# - {{%sdf_block_args}} to the arguments
# + the main parser then builds {{@sdf_block_text}} by searching
# until it finds the end of the structure (i.e. the end-style macro
# at the same nesting level)
# + the ending macro then:
# - clears {{$sdf_block_type}}
# - processes {{@sdf_block_text}} using {{%sdf_block_args}}
# This strategy minimises the work these macros have to do.
# The conditional text macros (i.e. if, elsif, etc.) work by changing
# the following global stacks:
# * {{@sdf_if_start}} - the starting line number (needed for errors)
# * {{@sdf_if_now}} - is the current text section to be included?
# * {{@sdf_if_yet}} - has a section been included yet?
# * {{@sdf_if_else}} - has the else directive been found yet?
# Switch to the user package
package SDF_USER;
##### Constants #####
'Name Type Rule',
'data boolean',
'cited boolean',
'root string',
'columns string',
'style string',
'compact boolean',
'wide boolean',
'headings boolean',
'where string',
'sort string',
'select string',
'delete string',
'colaligns string',
'colvaligns string',
'wrap integer',
'variables boolean',
##### Variables #####
# Loaded modules
%_loaded = ();
# User variables, macros, export lookup table
%var = ();
%macro = ();
%export = ();
# Header/footer parts
%page_hf = ();
# Class definitions
%_class = ();
# Object properties
%obj_name = ();
%obj_long = ();
# Stack of file-related information
@_file_info = ();
# Subsection prefixes
%subsection_prefix = ();
# Event data - paragraphs
@evcode_paragraph = ();
@evmask_paragraph = ();
@evid_paragraph = ();
# Event data - phrases
@evcode_phrase = ();
@evmask_phrase = ();
@evid_phrase = ();
# Event data - variables
@evcode_variable = ();
@evmask_variable = ();
@evid_variable = ();
# Event data - macros
@evcode_macro = ();
@evmask_macro = ();
@evid_macro = ();
# Event data - filters
@evcode_filter = ();
@evmask_filter = ();
@evid_filter = ();
# Event data - tables
@evcode_table = ();
@evmask_table = ();
@evid_table = ();
# Lookup table of readonly & restricted variable families
%restricted = ();
%readonly = ();
##### Initialisation #####
# >>Description::
# {{Y:InitMacros}} initialises the global variables in this module.
sub InitMacros {
# local() = @_;
# local();
%_loaded = ();
%var = ();
%macro = ();
%export = ();
%page_hf = ();
%_class = ();
%obj_name = ();
%obj_long = ();
@_file_info = ();
%subsection_prefix = ();
@evcode_paragraph = ();
@evmask_paragraph = ();
@evid_paragraph = ();
@evcode_phrase = ();
@evmask_phrase = ();
@evid_phrase = ();
@evcode_variable = ();
@evmask_variable = ();
@evid_variable = ();
@evcode_macro = ();
@evmask_macro = ();
@evid_macro = ();
@evcode_filter = ();
@evmask_filter = ();
@evid_filter = ();
@evcode_table = ();
@evmask_table = ();
@evid_table = ();
%readonly = ();
%restricted = ();
for $name (keys %'sdf_target) {
$name =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
$restricted{$name} = 1;
##### Support Routines #####
# >>_Description::
# {{Y:_PageHF}} builds headers or footers.
# {{type}} is 'HEADER' or 'FOOTER'.
# If {{overwrite}} is true, the existing header/footer macros are cleared.
# Otherwise the existing macros are edited.
# {{pages}} is a comma separated list of page names (i.e. First,Right,Left).
# {{component}} is the manual component, if any.
# {{%parts}} is the assocative array of parts within the macro.
sub _PageHF {
local($type, $overwrite, $component, *pages, *parts) = @_;
local($page, $comp_page);
local($mac_name, $mac_value, %mac_parts);
local($line, $first, $last);
local($posn, @posns);
local($sep, $part, $varname);
# Build the pages
for $page (@pages) {
$comp_page = $component ne '' ? "\U${component}_$page" : "\U$page";
$mac_name = "PAGE_${comp_page}_$type";
# Get and save the parts within this macro
if ($overwrite) {
%mac_parts = %parts;
else {
%mac_parts = &'SdfAttrSplit($page_hf{$comp_page});
@mac_parts{keys %parts} = values %parts;
$page_hf{$comp_page} = &'SdfAttrJoin(*mac_parts);
# Get the part ordering information
$first = 1;
$last = $var{'OPT_HEADINGS'};
if ($type eq 'HEADER') {
$last = 2 if $last > 2;
elsif ($last > 3) {
@posns = "\U$page" eq 'LEFT' ?
('outer', 'center', 'inner') :
('inner', 'center', 'outer');
# Build the macro value
$mac_value = $last >= 3 ? "${type}[size='7pt']" : "$type:";
$sep = '';
for $line ($first .. $last) {
for $posn (@posns) {
$part = $posn . $line;
$varname = $mac_name . "_\U$part";
$var{$varname} = $mac_parts{$part};
$var{$varname} = '' unless defined $var{$varname};
$mac_value .= $sep . '[[' . $varname . ']]';
$sep = '[[tab]]';
$sep = '[[nl]]';
# Add this macro to the result
#print STDERR "$mac_name macro is:\n$mac_value\n";
push(@result, "!macro $mac_name", $mac_value, "!endmacro");
# Return result
return @result;
# >>_Description::
# {{Y:_EventFind}} finds a name in a list of event names.
# The index of the event is returned, or -1 if the event is
# not found.
sub _EventFind {
local(*stack, $name) = @_;
# Search through the stack of names
for ($index = $#stack; $index >= 0; $index--) {
return $index if $stack[$index] eq $name;
# If we reach here, no luck
return -1;
# >>_Description::
# {{Y:_ClassHandler}} is the implementation for class filters.
sub _ClassHandler {
local($class, *rules, *text, %param) = @_;
local(@tbl, @flds, $rec, %values);
local($name_style, $name_fld, $long_fld);
local(@out_fields, @out_styles, $out_values);
local($field, $style, $value);
local($name, $long, $jump);
local($make_vars, $var_name);
@tbl = &'TableParse(@text);
@text = ();
&'TableValidate(*tbl, *rules);
# Get the class details
$name_style = $_class{$class,'name_style'};
$name_fld = $_class{$class,'name_fld'};
$long_fld = $_class{$class,'long_fld'};
# Get the processing action
if ($param{'data'}) {
$process = 'data';
elsif ($param{'cited'}) {
$process = 'cited';
else {
$process = 'display';
# Get the 'make variables' flag
$make_vars = $param{'variables'};
$var_name = '';
# For display tables, get the fields to be output
@out_fields = ();
@out_styles = ();
if ($process eq 'display') {
if ($param{'columns'}) {
for $field (split(/,/, $param{'columns'})) {
if ($field =~ /^(\w+):(.+)$/) {
push(@out_fields, $2);
push(@out_styles, $1);
else {
push(@out_fields, $field);
push(@out_styles, '');
else {
@out_fields = ($name_fld, $long_fld);
@out_styles = ($name_style, '');
# Process the data
(@flds) = &'TableFields(shift @tbl);
$root = $param{'root'};
for $rec (@tbl) {
if ($rec =~ /^!/) {
push(@text, $rec);
%values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);
# Get the fields of interest
$name = $values{$name_fld};
$long = $values{$long_fld};
$long = $obj_name{$class,$name,$long_fld} if $long eq '';
$jump = $values{'Jump'};
$jump = $root . $jump if $jump ne '';
$jump = $obj_name{$class,$name,'Jump'} if $jump eq '';
# Convert the name to a legal variable name, if necessary
if ($make_vars) {
$var_name = $name;
$var_name =~ s/\W/_/g;
# Store the data - we call an internal macro to do this (rather
# than doing it directly) as this approach ensures that macros
# embedded in the original data table (e.g. !if) have the
# expected effect.
$values{'Jump'} = $jump;
push(@text, "!_store_ " . join("\000", $class, $process ne 'data',
$name_fld, $name, $long_fld, $long, %values));
push(@text, "!define $var_name '{{$name_style:$name}}'") if $var_name ne '';
# For display tables, build the output
if ($process eq 'display') {
if ($long_fld && $long eq '' && $jump eq '') {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unknown object '$name' in class '$class'");
@out_values = ();
for ($i = 0; $i <= $#out_fields; $i++) {
$field = $out_fields[$i];
$style = $out_styles[$i];
# Get the view, if any.
if ($field =~ /^(\w+)\&/) {
$field = $1;
$view = $';
else {
$view = '';
# Note: The logic below was originally put there for
# speed reasons, I think? However, the introduction of
# views means that Value should now always be called.
# However, doing that breaks some tests at the moment?
# Get the value
if ($field eq $name_fld) {
$value = $name;
elsif ($field eq $long_fld) {
$value = $long;
elsif (defined($values{$field})) {
$value = $values{$field};
else {
my $ok_class = $class; $ok_class =~ s/['\\]/\\$&/g;
my $ok_name = $name; $ok_name =~ s/['\\]/\\$&/g;
my $ok_field = $field; $ok_field =~ s/['\\]/\\$&/g;
my $ok_view = $view; $ok_view =~ s/['\\]/\\$&/g;
$value = "[[&Value('$ok_class', '$ok_name', '$ok_field', '$ok_view')]]";
# Apply the format or style
if ($style ne '') {
if (defined($var{"FORMAT_$style"})) {
if (substr($value, 0, 2) eq '[[') {
$value = "[[$style:" . substr($value, 2);
else {
$value = "[[$style:$value]]";
else {
$params = $view ? "[view='$view']" : ":";
$value = "{{$style$params$value}}";
push(@out_values, $value);
push(@text, join("~", @out_values));
# Build the field parsing line.
# We replace the & with a _ within the field name so that
# column name parsing doesn't screw up if views are specified.
my $fields_heading = join("~", @out_fields);
$fields_heading =~ tr/&/_/;
# For display tables, finish generating the table
if ($process eq 'display') {
$tbl_style = $param{'style'} ? $param{'style'} : 'plain';
$params = "style='$tbl_style'";
$params .= "; cellpadding=0; cellspacing=0" if $param{'compact'};
$params .= "; wide" if $param{'wide'};
$params .= "; noheadings" unless $param{'headings'};
$params .= "; where='$param{'where'}'" if $param{'where'} ne '';
$params .= "; sort='$param{'sort'}'" if $param{'sort'} ne '';
$params .= "; select='$param{'select'}'" if $param{'select'} ne '';
$params .= "; delete='$param{'delete'}'" if $param{'delete'} ne '';
$params .= "; colaligns='$param{'colaligns'}'" if $param{'colaligns'} ne '';
$params .= "; colvaligns='$param{'colvaligns'}'" if $param{'colvaligns'} ne '';
$params .= "; wrap='$param{'wrap'}'" if $param{'wrap'} ne '';
"!block table; $params",
push(@text, "!endblock");
#printf STDERR "%s<\n", join("<\n", @text);
# >>_Description::
# {{Y:_ObjectNameEP}} is the event processing for objects in a class.
sub _ObjectNameEP {
local($class, $long_style, $long_fld) = @_;
# Validate the object
if (! $obj_name{$class,$text}) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unknown object '$text' in class '$class' (name EP)");
# Generate the hypertext, if any
if ($attr{'jump'} eq '' && defined $obj_name{$class,$text,'Jump'}) {
$attr{'jump'} = $obj_name{$class,$text,'Jump'};
# Expand the object name, if requested
if ($attr{'expand'}) {
delete $attr{'expand'};
if ($long_fld && $obj_name{$class,$text,$long_fld} ne '') {
$style = $long_style if $long_style ne '';
$text = $obj_name{$class,$text,$long_fld};
else {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to expand object '$text' in class '$class'");
# Cite the object number, if requested
elsif ($attr{'cite'}) {
delete $attr{'cite'};
$style = 'N';
$text = &Value($class, $text, 'Cite', $attr{'view'});
# >>_Description::
# {{Y:_ObjectLongEP}} is the event processing for object long names in a class.
sub _ObjectLongEP {
local($class, $name_style, $name_fld) = @_;
# Validate the object
if (! $obj_long{$class,$text}) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unknown object '$text' in class '$class' (long EP)");
# Generate the hypertext, if any
if ($attr{'jump'} eq '' && defined $obj_long{$class,$text,'Jump'}) {
$attr{'jump'} = $obj_long{$class,$text,'Jump'};
# Shrink the object name, if requested
if ($attr{'shrink'}) {
delete $attr{'shrink'};
if ($obj_long{$class,$text,$name_fld} ne '') {
$style = $name_style;
$text = $obj_long{$class,$text,$name_fld};
else {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to shrink object '$text' in class '$class'");
# Cite the object number, if requested
elsif ($attr{'cite'}) {
delete $attr{'cite'};
$style = 'N';
$text = &Value($class, $text, 'Cite', $attr{'view'});
##### General Macros #####
# block - begin a block of text
@_block_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'filter filter',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub block_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
#print STDERR "sb1 file: $'ARGV, lineno: $'app_lineno<\n";
# Update the parser state
$'sdf_block_start = $'app_lineno;
$'sdf_block_type = 'block';
@'sdf_block_text = ();
%'sdf_block_arg = %arg;
# Return result
return ();
# endblock - end a block of text
@_endblock_MacroArgs = ();
sub endblock_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Check the state
if ($'sdf_block_type ne 'block') {
&'AppMsg("error", "endblock macro not expected");
return ();
# Update the parser state
$'sdf_block_type = '';
# Filter the text
&ExecFilter($'sdf_block_arg{'filter'}, *'sdf_block_text,
$'sdf_block_arg{'params'}, $'sdf_block_start, $'ARGV, 'filter on ');
# Mark the text as a section, if necessary
if (@'sdf_block_text) {
"!_bos_ $'sdf_block_start;block on ");
push(@'sdf_block_text, "!_eos_ $'app_lineno;$'app_context");
# Return result
return @'sdf_block_text;
# include - include another file
@_include_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'filename string',
'filter filter _NULL_',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub include_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($filename, $fullname);
# Get the file location
$filename = $arg{'filename'};
$fullname = &FindFile($filename);
if ($fullname eq '') {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to find '$filename'");
return ();
# Get the text
unless (&FileFetch(*text, $fullname)) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to read '$fullname'");
return ();
# Filter the text
&ExecFilter($arg{'filter'}, *text, $arg{'params'});
# Return result
return ("!_bof_ '$fullname'", @text, "!_eof_");
# use - load a library module
@_use_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'filename string',
'filter filter sdf',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub use_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($filename, $fullname);
# Add the sdm extension, if there is none
$filename = $arg{'filename'};
$filename .= ".sdm" unless $filename =~ /\.\w+$/;
# Get the file location
$fullname = &FindModule($filename);
if ($fullname eq '') {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to find '$filename'");
return ();
# If already loaded, do nothing
return () if $_loaded{$fullname};
# Get the text
unless (&FileFetch(*text, $fullname)) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to read '$fullname'");
return ();
# Mark the library as loaded
$_loaded{$fullname} = 1;
# Filter the text
&ExecFilter($arg{'filter'}, *text, $arg{'params'});
# Return result
return ("!_bof_ '$fullname'", @text, "!_eof_");
# inherit - load a library
@_inherit_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'library string',
sub inherit_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($library, $dos_library);
# Add the library to the include and module paths
$library = $arg{'library'};
$dos_library = $library;
$dos_library =~ s#/#\\#g;
$module = (&'NameSplit($library))[1];
if (-f "$module.sdm") {
# Module is in the current directory
$library = '.';
elsif (&'NameIsAbsolute($library)) {
push(@include_path, $library);
push(@module_path, $library);
$var{'HLP_OPTIONS_ROOT'} .= ", $dos_library";
else {
my $lib_dir = &FindLibrary($library);
if ($lib_dir ne '') {
push(@include_path, $lib_dir);
push(@module_path, $lib_dir);
$var{'HLP_OPTIONS_ROOT'} .= ", $var{'SDF_DOSHOME'}\\$dos_library";
else {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to find library '$library'");
return ();
# Load the matching module
@text = ("!use '$library/$module'");
# Return result
return @text;
# execute - include output from a command
@_execute_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'cmd string',
'filter filter sdf',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub execute_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Get the text
$cmd = $arg{'cmd'};
unless (&FileFetch(*text, "$cmd|")) {
&'AppMsg("error", "failed to execute '$cmd'");
return ();
# Filter the text
#&ExecFilter($arg{'filter'}, *text, $arg{'params'}, 0, "'$cmd'", 'line ');
&ExecFilter($arg{'filter'}, *text, $arg{'params'});
# Return result
return ("!_bof_ '$cmd'", @text, "!_eof_");
# import - import an object (e.g. figure) from another package
@_import_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'filename string',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub import_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
# Process the filename and attributes
$filename = $arg{'filename'};
%params = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'params'});
&ProcessImageAttrs(*filename, *params);
# Return result
return (&'SdfJoin('__import', $filename, %params));
# jumps - create jump lines
@_jumps_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'labels string',
'layout string Center <Left|Center|Right|left|center|right>',
sub jumps_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local(@subs, $sub, $jump);
# Build the jumps
@subs = split(/,/, $arg{'labels'});
$sep = '';
for $sub (@subs) {
if ($sub eq '') {
$sub = "{{CHAR:nl}}";
$sep = '';
else {
$jump = &TextToId($sub);
$sub = $sep . "{{[jump='#$jump']$sub}}";
$sep = ' | ';
# Build the output
@text = ();
$layout = $arg{'layout'};
substr($layout, 0, 1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
@text = ("[align='$layout']" . join("", @subs));
# Return result
return @text;
# subsections - list topic subsections (and create a jump line for HTML)
@_subsections_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'labels string',
'prefix string Topic <Topic|Noprefix|noprefix>',
'layout string Left <Left|Center|Right|None|left|center|right|none>',
sub subsections_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local(@subs, $sub, $jump);
# Get the list of subsections
@subs = split(/,/, $arg{'labels'});
# Get the prefix, if any
$prefix = '';
if ($arg{'prefix'} eq 'Topic') {
$prefix = $topic ne '' ? "$topic - " : '';
# Save the sub-section data and build the jumps
$sep = '';
for $sub (@subs) {
if ($sub eq '') {
$sub = "{{CHAR:nl}}";
$sep = '';
else {
$subsection_prefix{$sub} = $prefix;
$jump = &TextToId($prefix . $sub);
$sub = $sep . "{{[jump='#$jump']$sub}}";
$sep = ' | ';
# Build the output (HTML only for now)
@text = ();
if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'html') {
$layout = $arg{'layout'};
substr($layout, 0, 1) =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/;
if ($layout ne 'None') {
@text = ("[align='$layout']" . join("", @subs));
# Return result
return @text;
# continued - continue a heading onto another page
@_continued_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'style string',
'suffix string , {{N:Continued}}',
sub continued_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($style, $suffix);
# Build result
$target = $var{'OPT_TARGET'};
if ($target eq 'html' || $target eq 'hlp') {
@text = ();
else {
$style = $arg{'style'};
$suffix = $arg{'suffix'};
@text = $style . "[notoc;noid;continued][[&Previous($style)]]$suffix";
# Return result
return @text;
# clear - insert a BR CLEAR for HTML
@_clear_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'type string All <Left|Right|All>',
sub clear_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Build the result
if ($var{'OPT_TARGET'} eq 'html') {
@text = (
"!block inline",
"<BR CLEAR=\"" . $arg{'type'} . '">',
else {
@text = ();
# Return result
return @text;
# catalog - build a catalog of the objects already loaded for a class
@_catalog_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'class symbol',
'mask string',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub catalog_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($class, $name_fld);
local($object, $mask);
# Get the class and its name field
$class = $arg{'class'};
$name_fld = $_class{$class,'name_fld'};
# Build the output header
@text = ("!block $class; $arg{'params'}", $name_fld);
# Build the result
$mask = $arg{'mask'};
if ($mask eq 'cited') {
for $object (split("\n", $_class{$class,'cited'})) {
push(@text, $object);
elsif ($mask =~ /^(\w+):/) {
my $attr = $1;
$mask = $';
my $value;
for $object (split("\n", $_class{$class,'catalog'})) {
$value = &Value($class, $object, $attr);
next if $mask ne '' && $value !~ /^$mask$/;
push(@text, $object);
else {
for $object (split("\n", $_class{$class,'catalog'})) {
next if $mask ne '' && $object !~ /^$mask$/;
push(@text, $object);
push(@text, "!endblock");
# Return result
return @text;
# namevalues - insert a set of object attributes using a namevalues filter
@_namevalues_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'class string',
'object string',
'attributes string',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub namevalues_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($class, $object, @attrs, $attr);
# Get the details
$class = $arg{'class'};
$object = $arg{'object'};
@attrs = sort split(/,/, $arg{'attributes'});
# Build result
@text = ("!block namevalues; $arg{'params'}", "Name|Value");
for $attr (@attrs) {
push(@text, "$attr:|" . &Value($class, $object, $attr));
push(@text, "!endblock");
# Return result
return @text;
##### Variables Macros #####
# define - define a variable
@_define_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
'value string 1',
sub define_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name, $value);
local($type, $rule);
# Get the name and value
$name = $arg{'name'};
$value = $arg{'value'};
## If the variable looks like an enum, output an error
#if ($name =~ /^[A-Z][a-z]+$/) {
# &'AppMsg("error", "'variable '$name' looks like an enumerated value");
# return ();
# If the variable is in a family, check it has been declared
if ($name =~ /^([A-Z]+)_/ && $restricted{$1} &&
!$variables_name{$name}) {
$status = (defined($var{$name}) || $readonly{$1}) ? 'read-only' : 'unknown';
&'AppMsg("warning", "'$1' variable '$name' is $status - ignoring definition");
return ();
# If the variable has been declared, validate it
if ($variables_name{$name}) {
$type = $variables_type{$name};
$rule = $variables_rule{$name};
unless (&'MiscCheckRule($value, $rule, $type)) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "bad value '$value' for variable '$name'");
# Save the definition
$var{$name} = $value;
# Export the variable, if necessary
if ($export{$name}) {
@text = (&'SdfJoin('__object', 'Variable',
'Name', $name,
'value', $value));
# Return result
return (@text);
# default - define a variable (if not already set)
@_default_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
'value string 1',
sub default_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
$name = $arg{'name'};
# Save the definition, if necessary
&define_Macro(%arg) unless defined($var{$name});
# Return result
return ();
# undef - undefine a variable
@_undef_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
sub undef_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Clear the definition
delete $var{$arg{'name'}};
# Return result
return ();
# init - initialise a set of variables
@_init_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'vars rest _NULL_',
sub init_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local(%vars, $name, $value);
# Convert the name-value pairs to define macros
%vars = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'vars'});
for $name (sort keys %vars) {
$value = $vars{$name};
$value =~ s/'/\\'/g;
push(@text, "!default $name '$value'");
# Return result
return @text;
# export - mark a variable for export
@_export_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
sub export_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Mark for export
$name = $arg{'name'};
$export{$name} = 1;
# If already defined, export it immediately
if (defined $var{$name}) {
@text = (&'SdfJoin('__object', 'Variable',
'Name', $name,
'value', $var{$name}));
# Return result
return @text;
##### Configuration Macros #####
# macro - begin a macro definition
@_macro_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
sub macro_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Update the parser state
$'sdf_block_start = $'app_lineno;
$'sdf_block_type = 'macro';
@'sdf_block_text = ();
%'sdf_block_arg = %arg;
# Return result
return ();
# endmacro - end a macro definition
@_endmacro_MacroArgs = ();
sub endmacro_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Check the state
if ($'sdf_block_type ne 'macro') {
&'AppMsg("error", "endmacro macro not expected");
return ();
# Update the parser state
$'sdf_block_type = '';
# Save the definition
$macro{$'sdf_block_arg{'name'}} = join("\n", @'sdf_block_text);
# Return result
return ();
# class - declare a class of objects
@_class_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
'styles string',
'ids string Name,Long',
'properties string Jump',
sub class_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name_style, $long_style);
local($name_fld, $long_fld);
local($fld, @rest, @rules);
# Store the class details
$name = $arg{'name'};
($name_style, $long_style) = split(/,/, $arg{'styles'});
($name_fld, $long_fld) = split(/,/, $arg{'ids'});
$_class{$name} = 1;
$_class{$name,'name_style'} = $name_style;
$_class{$name,'long_style'} = $long_style;
$_class{$name,'name_fld'} = $name_fld;
$_class{$name,'long_fld'} = $long_fld;
$_class{$name,'properties'} = $arg{'properties'};
# Build the rules table
($fld, @rest) = split(/,/, $arg{'ids'});
push(@rest, split(/,/, $arg{'properties'}));
@rules = ('Field:Category:Rule', "$fld:mandatory");
push(@rules, "$fld:optional") while ($fld = shift(@rest));
# Build the filter
$code = <<end_of_code;
\@_${name}_FilterParams = \@_CLASS_PARAMS;
\@_${name}_FilterModel = &'TableParse(\@rules);
sub ${name}_Filter {
local(*text, %param) = \@_;
&_ClassHandler('$name', *_${name}_FilterModel, *text, %param);
# Create the filter
eval $code;
if ($@) {
&'AppMsg("error", "filter creation failed: $@");
# Declare the object styles
@text = ("!block phrasestyles", "Name", $name_style);
push(@text, $long_style) if $long_style ne '';
push(@text, "!endblock");
# Declare the event processing
push(@text, "!on phrase '$name_style';;" .
"&_ObjectNameEP('$name', '$long_style', '$long_fld')");
push(@text, "!on phrase '$long_style';;" .
"&_ObjectLongEP('$name', '$name_style', '$name_fld')") if $long_style;
# Return result
return @text;
# restrict - declare a restricted variable family
@_restrict_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name string',
sub restrict_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
$restricted{$arg{'name'}} = 1;
return ();
# readonly - declare a readonly variable family
@_readonly_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name string',
sub readonly_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
$readonly{$arg{'name'}} = 1;
return ();
# path_prepend - prepend a directory to the search path
@_path_prepend_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'dir string',
sub path_prepend_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
$dir = $arg{'dir'};
unshift(@include_path, $dir) unless $include_path[0] eq $dir;
return ();
# path_append - append a directory to the search path
@_path_append_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'dir string',
sub path_append_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
$dir = $arg{'dir'};
push(@include_path, $dir) unless $include_path[$#include_path] eq $dir;
return ();
# script - execute a Perl script
@_script_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'code rest',
sub script_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# execute the code
eval $arg{'code'};
if ($@) {
&'AppMsg("error", "script failed: $@");
# Return result
return ();
# targetobject - define a target object
@_targetobject_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'type string',
'name string',
'parent string _NULL_',
'attributes rest _NULL_',
sub targetobject_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($type, $name, $parent, $attrs);
# Get the defails
$type = $arg{'type'};
$name = $arg{'name'};
$parent = $arg{'parent'};
$attrs = $arg{'attributes'};
# Return result (efficiently)
return ("__object[Name='$name';Parent='$parent';$attrs]$type");
# div - begin a division
@_div_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
sub div_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Update the parser state
# to do ...
# Return result
return (&'SdfJoin("__div", $arg{'name'}, ()));
# enddiv - end a macro definition
@_enddiv_MacroArgs = ();
sub enddiv_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
## Check the state
#if ($'sdf_block_type ne 'macro') {
# &'AppMsg("warning", "enddiv macro not expected");
# return ();
# Return result
return (&'SdfJoin("__enddiv", "", ()));
##### Conditional Text Macros #####
# if - begin conditional text
@_if_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'value condition',
sub if_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# If we are nested inside a section of an if macro which is not
# to be included, we exclude all sections of this macro.
push(@'sdf_if_start, $'app_lineno);
if (@'sdf_if_now && ! $'sdf_if_now[$#main'sdf_if_now]) {
push(@'sdf_if_now, 0);
push(@'sdf_if_yet, 1);
push(@'sdf_if_else, 0);
# Otherwise, evaluate the expression and process accordingly.
else {
$expr_value = $arg{'value'};
push(@'sdf_if_now, $expr_value);
push(@'sdf_if_yet, $expr_value);
push(@'sdf_if_else, 0);
# Return result
return ();
# elsif - begin a conditional section within conditional text
@_elsif_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'value condition',
sub elsif_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# elsif not permitted outside an if macro
unless (@'sdf_if_now) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!elsif not expected");
return ();
# Get the current nesting level
$level = $#main'sdf_if_yet;
# elsif after an else is not permitted
if ($'sdf_if_else[$level]) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!elsif found after else macro");
return ();
# Only evaluate the expression if we haven't included a section yet
if (! $'sdf_if_yet[$level]) {
$expr_value = $arg{'value'};
$'sdf_if_now[$level] = $expr_value;
$'sdf_if_yet[$level] = $expr_value;
else {
$'sdf_if_now[$level] = 0;
# Return result
return ();
# elseif - begin a conditional section within conditional text
@_elseif_MacroArgs = @_elsif_MacroArgs;
sub elseif_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
return &elsif_Macro(%arg);
# else - begin an else section within conditional text
@_else_MacroArgs = ();
sub else_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# else not permitted outside an if macro
unless (@'sdf_if_now) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!else not expected");
return ();
# Get the current nesting level
$level = $#main'sdf_if_yet;
# record that we have encountered the else
# (this is needed for checking that an elsif does not follow it)
$'sdf_if_else[$level] = 1;
# Only include this section if we haven't included a section yet
if (! $'sdf_if_yet[$level]) {
$'sdf_if_now[$level] = 1;
$'sdf_if_yet[$level] = 1;
else {
$'sdf_if_now[$level] = 0;
# Return result
return ();
# endif - end conditional text
@_endif_MacroArgs = ();
sub endif_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# endif not permitted outside an if macro
unless (@'sdf_if_now) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!endif not expected");
return ();
# Return result
return ();
##### Looping Macros #####
# for - begin a loop
@_for_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
'values rest',
sub for_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
return ();
# endfor - end loop
@_endfor_MacroArgs = ();
sub endfor_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
@text = ();
return @text;
##### Table Macros #####
# table - begin a table
@_table_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'columns integer',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub table_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local(@format, $format);
local($lower, $sep, $upper);
local($col, $unspecified);
# Update the state
push(@'sdf_tbl_state, 1);
push(@'sdf_tbl_start, $'app_lineno);
# Validate and clean the parameters
%param = &SdfTableParams('table', $arg{'params'}, *tableparams_name,
*tableparams_type, *tableparams_rule);
# Use the default style, if necessary
$param{'style'} = &Var('DEFAULT_TABLE_STYLE') if $param{'style'} eq '';
# Expand the format attribute to make processing within the driver
# routines easier:
# * % is appended for percentages
# * '*' is expanded to '1*'
# * '-' is expanded to '0%-100%' (likewise for =)
# * '-d' is expanded to '0%-d' (likewise for =)
# * 'd-' is expanded to 'd-100%' (likewise for =)
# * defaults are applied for unspecified widths:
# - the last unspecified width is 1* (or 0%-100% for narrow tables)
# - other unspecified widths are 0%-100%.
@format = ();
if ($param{'format'} =~ /^\d+$/) {
for $format (split(//, $param{'format'})) {
push(@format, $format * 10 . "%");
else {
for $format (split(/\s*,\s*/, $param{'format'})) {
if ($format =~ /^\d+$/) {
$format .= '%';
elsif ($format eq '*') {
$format = "1*";
elsif ($format =~ /([-=])/) {
$lower = $` eq '' ? '0%' : $`;
$sep = $1;
$upper = $' eq '' ? '100%' : $';
$lower .= '%' if $lower =~ /^\d+$/;
$upper .= '%' if $upper =~ /^\d+$/;
$format = "$lower$sep$upper";
push(@format, $format);
$unspecified = $param{'narrow'} ? '0%-100%' : '1*';
for ($col = $arg{'columns'} - 1; $col >= 0; $col--) {
if ($format[$col] eq '') {
$format[$col] = $unspecified;
$unspecified = '0%-100%';
$param{'format'} = join(",", @format);
delete $param{'narrow'};
# Build the result
@text = (&'SdfJoin("__table", $arg{'columns'}, %param));
# Return result
return @text;
# row - begin a table row
@_row_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'type string Body <Body|Heading|Footing|Group>',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub row_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Check the state
unless (@'sdf_tbl_state) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!row not expected");
return ();
# For performance, handle the empty parameters case first
return ('__row[]Body') unless $arg{'type'}.$arg{'params'};
# Validate and clean the parameters
%param = &SdfTableParams('row', $arg{'params'}, *rowparams_name,
*rowparams_type, *rowparams_rule);
# Build the result
@text = (&'SdfJoin("__row", $arg{'type'}, %param));
# Return result
return @text;
# cell - begin a table cell
@_cell_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub cell_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Check the state
unless (@'sdf_tbl_state) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!cell not expected");
return ();
# For performance, handle the empty parameters case first
return ('__cell[]') if $arg{'params'} eq '';
# Validate and clean the parameters
%param = &SdfTableParams('cell', $arg{'params'}, *cellparams_name,
*cellparams_type, *cellparams_rule);
# Build the result
@text = (&'SdfJoin("__cell", '', %param));
# Return result
return @text;
# endtable - end a table
@_endtable_MacroArgs = ();
sub endtable_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Check the state
unless (@'sdf_tbl_state) {
&'AppMsg("error", "!endtable not expected");
return ();
# Update the state
# Build the result
@text = (&'SdfJoin("__endtable", ''));
# Return result
return @text;
##### Header/footer Macros #####
# build_header - build a header macro
@_build_header_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'pages string',
'component string _NULL_',
'parts rest _NULL_',
sub build_header_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local(@pages, %parts);
# Get the arguments
@pages = split(/,/, $arg{'pages'});
%parts = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'parts'});
# Return result
return &_PageHF('HEADER', 1, $arg{'component'}, *pages, *parts);
# build_footer - build a footer macro
@_build_footer_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'pages string',
'component string _NULL_',
'parts rest _NULL_',
sub build_footer_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local(@pages, %parts);
# Get the arguments
@pages = split(/,/, $arg{'pages'});
%parts = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'parts'});
# Return result
return &_PageHF('FOOTER', 1, $arg{'component'}, *pages, *parts);
# edit_header - edit a header macro
@_edit_header_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'pages string',
'component string _NULL_',
'parts rest _NULL_',
sub edit_header_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local(@pages, %parts);
# Get the arguments
@pages = split(/,/, $arg{'pages'});
%parts = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'parts'});
# Return result
return &_PageHF('HEADER', 0, $arg{'component'}, *pages, *parts);
# edit_footer - edit a footer macro
@_edit_footer_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'pages string',
'component string _NULL_',
'parts rest _NULL_',
sub edit_footer_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local(@pages, %parts);
# Get the arguments
@pages = split(/,/, $arg{'pages'});
%parts = &'SdfAttrSplit($arg{'parts'});
# Return result
return &_PageHF('FOOTER', 0, $arg{'component'}, *pages, *parts);
##### Extraction Macros #####
# getdoc - get (SDF) documentation from a file
@_getdoc_MacroArgs = @_include_MacroArgs;
sub getdoc_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
return &CommandMacro("sdfget -r -g", %arg);
# getcode - get source code (i.e. non-documentation) from a file
@_getcode_MacroArgs = @_include_MacroArgs;
sub getcode_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
return &CommandMacro("sdfget -i -g", %arg);
# getusage - get the Command Line Interface for a script
@_getusage_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'command string',
'filter filter _NULL_',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub getusage_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Execute the command
my $command = $arg{'command'};
unless (&FileFetch(*text, "sdfcli $command|")) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to execute sdfcli on '$command'");
return ();
# Filter the text
&ExecFilter($arg{'filter'}, *text, $arg{'params'});
# Return result
return ("!_bof_ 'sdfcli $command'", @text, "!_eof_");
# perlapi - get the Application Programming Interface for a Perl library
@_perlapi_MacroArgs = @_include_MacroArgs;
sub perlapi_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
return &CommandMacro('sdfapi -j', %arg);
##### Event Processing Macros #####
# on - specify processing for an event
@_on_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'type symbol <paragraph|phrase|macro|filter|table>',
'mask string',
'id eventid _NULL_ <\w+>',
'code rest',
sub on_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Store the event
$type = $arg{'type'};
if ($type eq 'paragraph') {
push(@evcode_paragraph, $arg{'code'});
push(@evmask_paragraph, $arg{'mask'});
push(@evid_paragraph, $arg{'id'});
elsif ($type eq 'phrase') {
push(@evcode_phrase, $arg{'code'});
push(@evmask_phrase, $arg{'mask'});
push(@evid_phrase, $arg{'id'});
elsif ($type eq 'macro') {
push(@evcode_macro, $arg{'code'});
push(@evmask_macro, $arg{'mask'});
push(@evid_macro, $arg{'id'});
elsif ($type eq 'filter') {
push(@evcode_filter, $arg{'code'});
push(@evmask_filter, $arg{'mask'});
push(@evid_filter, $arg{'id'});
elsif ($type eq 'table') {
push(@evcode_table, $arg{'code'});
push(@evmask_table, $arg{'mask'});
push(@evid_table, $arg{'id'});
# Return result
return ();
# off - begin conditional text
@_off_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'type symbol <paragraph|phrase|macro|filter|table>',
'id eventid <\w+>',
sub off_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($type, $id, $num);
# Find & delete the event, if any
$type = $arg{'type'};
$id = $arg{'id'};
if ($type eq 'paragraph') {
$num = &_EventFind(*evid_paragraph, $id);
if ($num != -1) {
$evcode_paragraph[$num] = '';
$evid_paragraph[$num] = '';
elsif ($type eq 'phrase') {
$num = &_EventFind(*evid_phrase, $id);
if ($num != -1) {
$evcode_phrase[$num] = '';
$evid_phrase[$num] = '';
elsif ($type eq 'macro') {
$num = &_EventFind(*evid_macro, $id);
if ($num != -1) {
$evcode_macro[$num] = '';
$evid_macro[$num] = '';
elsif ($type eq 'filter') {
$num = &_EventFind(*evid_filter, $id);
if ($num != -1) {
$evcode_filter[$num] = '';
$evid_filter[$num] = '';
elsif ($type eq 'table') {
$num = &_EventFind(*evid_table, $id);
if ($num != -1) {
$evcode_table[$num] = '';
$evid_table[$num] = '';
# Check the event exists
if ($num == -1) {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unknown event '$id'");
# Return result
return ();
##### Miscellaneous Macros #####
# insert - insert the output from a macro
@_insert_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'macro string',
'missing string ok <ok|error|warning>',
sub insert_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name, $args);
# Return result
($name, $args) = split(/\s+/, $arg{'macro'}, 2);
return &ExecMacro($name, $args, $arg{'missing'});
# output - change the output file
@_output_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'outfile string',
sub output_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Return result
return ("__output[]" . $arg{'outfile'});
# message - output a message during execution
@_message_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'text string',
'type string Object <Object|Warning|Error|warning|error>',
sub message_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Output the message
$type = "\L$arg{'type'}";
&'AppMsg($type, $arg{'text'});
# Return result
return ();
# line - change message parameters
@_line_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'lineno integer',
'filename string _NULL_',
'context string line',
sub line_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Update the message variables
$'app_lineno = $arg{'lineno'};
$'app_context = $arg{'context'};
$'app_context .= " " unless $'app_context =~ / $/;
if ($arg{'filename'} ne '') {
$'ARGV = $arg{'filename'};
$var{'FILE_PATH'} = &'NameAbsolute($'ARGV);
# Update the file and document modified times. Note that
# we use a constant (1e9 = 09-Sep-2001) during regression
# testing to minimise file differences.
$var{'FILE_MODIFIED'} = $var{'SDF_TEST'} ? 1e9 : (stat($'ARGV))[9];
$var{'DOC_MODIFIED'} = $var{'FILE_MODIFIED'} if
# For the first file, set the document wide values
if (!defined $var{'DOC_BASE'}) {
$var{'DOC_PATH'} = $var{'FILE_PATH'};
$var{'DOC_DIR'} = $var{'FILE_DIR'};
$var{'DOC_BASE'} = $var{'FILE_BASE'};
$var{'DOC_EXT'} = $var{'FILE_EXT'};
$var{'DOC_SHORT'} = $var{'FILE_SHORT'};
# Return result
return ();
# macro_interface - build the interface section for an SDF macro
@_macro_interface_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name string',
'sep_reqd string _NULL_',
sub macro_interface_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name, @arg_list);
local($format, @rules);
local(@flds, $rec, %values);
local($sep_reqd, $sep, $arg, $type);
# Build usage
$name = $arg{'name'};
@text = ("The general syntax is:",
"E: !{{2:$name}}");
# Add the arguments, if any
@arg_list = eval "\@_${name}_MacroArgs";
if (@arg_list) {
"The arguments are:",
"!block table; format='16,16,20,48'",
# Update the usage
($format, @rules) = &'TableParse(@arg_list);
@flds = &'TableFields($format);
$sep = '';
$sep_reqd = $arg{'sep_reqd'};
for $rec (@rules) {
%values = &'TableRecSplit(*flds, $rec);
$arg = $values{'Name'};
if ($sep_reqd eq $arg) {
$arg = "$sep [$arg]";
else {
$arg = "$sep $arg" if $sep;
$arg = "[$arg]" if $values{'Default'} ne '';
$text[1] .= " $arg";
# Get the separator for the NEXT argument
$type = $values{'Type'};
$sep = ($type =~ /^symbol$|^rest$/) ? '' : ';';
# Add the help text, if any
unshift(@text, "!insert 'MACRO_INTERFACE_BEGIN'");
push(@text, "!insert 'MACRO_INTERFACE_END'");
# Return result
return @text;
# filter_interface - build the interface section for an SDF filter
@_filter_interface_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name string',
sub filter_interface_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name, @params, @fields);
# Build usage
$name = $arg{'name'};
@text = (
"The general syntax is:",
"E: !block {{2:$name}}",
"E: ...",
"E: !endblock");
# Add the parameters, if any
@params = eval "\@_${name}_FilterParams";
if (@params) {
$text[1] .= "[; parameters]";
if ($params[0] ne 'ANY') {
"The parameters are:",
"!block table",
# Add the fields, if any
@fields = eval "\@_${name}_FilterModel";
if (@fields) {
$text[2] =~ s/\.\.\./{{table}}/;
"The table fields are:",
"!block table",
# Add the help text, if any
unshift(@text, "!insert 'FILTER_INTERFACE_BEGIN'");
push(@text, "!insert 'FILTER_INTERFACE_END'");
# Return result
return @text;
# class - build the interface section for an SDF class
@_class_interface_MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name string',
sub class_interface_Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($name, @fields);
# Build usage
$name = $arg{'name'};
@text = (
"The general syntax is:",
"E: !block {{2:$name}}[; parameters]",
"E: table of objects",
"E: !endblock");
# Add the fields, if any
@fields = eval "\@_${name}_FilterModel";
if (@fields) {
"The object attributes are:",
"!block table",
# Add the help text, if any
unshift(@text, "!insert 'CLASS_INTERFACE_BEGIN'");
push(@text, "!insert 'CLASS_INTERFACE_END'");
# Return result
return @text;
##### Internal Macros #####
# _bof_ - beginning of file processing
@__bof__MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'filename string _NULL_',
sub _bof__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Push the state stack
push(@_file_info, join("\000", $'ARGV, $'app_lineno, $'app_context,
scalar(@'sdf_if_now), scalar(@'sdf_tbl_state)));
# Update the message state
$new_file = $arg{'filename'};
if ($new_file ne '') {
@text = ("!line 0; '$new_file'");
# Return result
return (@text);
# _eof_ - end of file processing
@__eof__MacroArgs = ();
sub _eof__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
local($old_file, $old_line, $if_level, $tbl_level);
local($missing, $last_index);
# Pop the state stack
($old_file, $old_line, $old_context, $if_level, $tbl_level) =
split(/\000/, pop(@_file_info));
# Adjust the line number & set the context for messages
$'app_context = "EOF at ";
# Check not in a block or macro
if ($'sdf_block_type ne '') {
$start = $'sdf_block_start;
&'AppMsg("error", "!end$'sdf_block_type missing for !$'sdf_block_type on line $start");
# restore the state to something safe
$'sdf_block_type = '';
# Check if nesting level is ok
$missing = scalar(@'sdf_if_now) - $if_level;
if ($missing != 0) {
$start = $'sdf_if_start[$#main'sdf_if_start];
&'AppMsg("error", "!endif missing for !if on line $start");
# pop unexpected ones so that things resync
$last_index = $if_level - 1;
$#main'sdf_if_start = $last_index;
$#main'sdf_if_now = $last_index;
$#main'sdf_if_yet = $last_index;
$#main'sdf_if_else = $last_index;
# Check table nesting level is ok
$missing = scalar(@'sdf_tbl_state) - $tbl_level;
if ($missing != 0) {
$start = $'sdf_tbl_start[$#main'sdf_tbl_start];
&'AppMsg("error", "!endtable missing for !table on line $start");
# pop unexpected ones so that things resync
$last_index = $tbl_level - 1;
$#main'sdf_tbl_start = $last_index;
$#main'sdf_tbl_state = $last_index;
# Restore the message state
@text = ("!line $old_line; '$old_file'; '$old_context'");
# Return result
return (@text);
# _bos_ - begin a section
# The performance of this routine is critical so it handles its own arguments
sub _bos__Macro {
local($args) = @_;
# Update the line number and context
($'app_lineno, $'app_context) = split(/\;/, $args, 2);
# Update the section counter
# _eos_ - end of section
# The performance of this routine is critical so it handles its own arguments
sub _eos__Macro {
local($args) = @_;
# Update the line number and context
($'app_lineno, $'app_context) = split(/\;/, $args, 2);
# Update the section counter
# _bor_ - beginning of report processing
@__bor__MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'name symbol',
'params rest _NULL_',
sub _bor__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local();
# Update the state
$name = $arg{'name'};
push(@'sdf_report_names, $name);
# Load the report
$rpt_file = &FindModule(&'NameJoin('', $name, 'sdr'));
if ($rpt_file) {
unless (require $rpt_file) {
&'AppMsg("error", "unable to load report '$rpt_file'");
return ();
else {
&'AppMsg("error", "unable to find report '$name'");
return ();
# Begin the report
$begin_fn = $name . "_ReportBegin";
if (defined &$begin_fn) {
&$begin_fn(&SdfFilterParams($name, $params));
# Return result
return ();
# _eor_ - end of report processing
@__eor__MacroArgs = ();
sub _eor__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Update the state
$name = pop(@'sdf_report_names);
# End the report
$end_fn = $name . "_ReportEnd";
if (defined &$end_fn) {
@text = &$end_fn();
else {
&'AppMsg("warning", "unable to find report end routine '$end_fn'");
# Return result
return @text;
# _store_ - store an object
@__store__MacroArgs = (
'Name Type Default Rule',
'object rest',
sub _store__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# local();
local($class, $cited, $name_fld, $name, $long_fld, $long, %values);
local($prop, @properties);
# Get the arguments. Note that Perl 5.004 explicitly warns about
# an odd number of elements in a hash list, so we need to explicitly
# check for this and work around it. :-(
$args = $arg{'object'};
($class, $cited, $name_fld, $name, $long_fld, $long, %values) =
$args =~ /\000$/ ?
(split(/\000/, $args), '') :
split(/\000/, $args);
# Add the name to the catalog for the class, if not already done
$_class{$class,'catalog'} .= "$name\n" unless $obj_name{$class,$name};
# Mark the object as cited, if requested
if ($cited && ! $obj_name{$class, $name, 'Cite'}) {
$_class{$class,'cited'} .= "$name\n";
$cite = ++$_class{$class,'cite_count'};
$values{'Cite'} = "[$cite]";
# Store the name(s)
$obj_name{$class,$name} = 1;
$obj_name{$class,$name,$long_fld} = $long;
$obj_long{$class,$long} = 1;
$obj_long{$class,$long,$name_fld} = $name;
# Store the properties, if any
@properties = split(/,/, $_class{$class,'properties'});
push(@properties, 'Cite') if $cited;
for $prop (@properties) {
if ($values{$prop} ne '') {
$obj_name{$class,$name,$prop} = $values{$prop};
#printf STDERR "%s=%s<\n", "$class.$name.$prop", $values{$prop};
$obj_long{$class,$long,$prop} = $values{$prop};
# _load_look_ - load the look library
@__load_look__MacroArgs = ();
sub _load_look__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Get the look and style
$look = $var{'OPT_LOOK'};
$style = $var{'OPT_STYLE'};
# Support old style names to improve backwards compatibility
if ($look eq 'plain') {
$look = 'simple';
$var{'OPT_LOOK'} = $look;
if ($style eq 'newsletter') {
$style = 'newslttr';
$var{'OPT_STYLE'} = $style;
# If paged output is being generated:
# * Init the page size,
# * load the look library,
# * load the style module, and
# * calculate the layout variables.
@text = ();
if ($var{'DOC_PAGED'}) {
"!inherit 'look/$look'",
"!use '$style.sds'",
# Return result
return @text;
# _init_page_size - initialise the page width and height
@_init_page_size__MacroArgs = ();
sub _init_page_size__Macro {
# local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local($page_size, $page_width, $page_height);
$page_size = $'sdf_pagesize{$var{'OPT_PAGE_SIZE'}};
if ($page_size ne '') {
($page_width, $page_height) = split(/\000/, $page_size, 2);
else {
# Custom size
($page_width, $page_height) = split(/x/, $var{'OPT_PAGE_SIZE'}, 2);
$page_width = &'SdfPoints($page_width);
$page_height = &'SdfPoints($page_height);
$var{'DOC_PAGE_WIDTH'} = $page_width;
$var{'DOC_PAGE_HEIGHT'} = $page_height;
# Return result
return ();
# _calc_layout_vars_ - calculate the layout information variables
@__calc_layout_vars__MacroArgs = ();
sub _calc_layout_vars__Macro {
# local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
local($h_top, $h_height, $f_height, $f_top, $m_top, $m_height);
local($full_width, $text_width, $columns, $col_width);
# Calculate the height information
$h_top = &'SdfVarPoints("OPT_MARGIN_TOP");
$h_height = &'SdfPageInfo("RIGHT", "HEADER_HEIGHT", "pt");
$f_height = &'SdfPageInfo("RIGHT", "FOOTER_HEIGHT", "pt");
$f_top = $var{'DOC_PAGE_HEIGHT'} - $f_height -
$m_top = $h_top + $h_height +
&'SdfPageInfo("RIGHT", "HEADER_GAP", "pt");
$m_height = $f_top - $m_top -
&'SdfPageInfo("RIGHT", "FOOTER_GAP", "pt");
# Initialise the number of columns
$var{'OPT_COLUMNS'} = 1 if $var{'OPT_COLUMNS'} < 1;
$columns = $var{'OPT_COLUMNS'};
# Calculate the width information
$full_width = $var{'DOC_PAGE_WIDTH'} - &'SdfVarPoints("OPT_MARGIN_OUTER") -
$text_width = $full_width - &'SdfVarPoints("OPT_SIDEHEAD_WIDTH") -
$col_width = ($text_width - ($columns - 1) * $var{"OPT_COLUMN_GAP"}) /
# Set the variables
$var{'DOC_TEXT_HEIGHT'} = $m_height;
$var{'DOC_FULL_WIDTH'} = $full_width;
$var{'DOC_TEXT_WIDTH'} = $text_width;
$var{'DOC_COLUMN_WIDTH'} = $col_width;
# Return result
return ();
# _load_tuning - load the tuning for a document
@_load_tuning__MacroArgs = ();
sub _load_tuning__Macro {
local(%arg) = @_;
# Tell the output driver when we start
$name = $var{'OPT_TUNING'};
@text = (&'SdfJoin("__tuning", $name));
# Add the driver-specific stuff, if any
$target_module = &FindModule(&'NameJoin('', $var{'OPT_DRIVER'}, 'sdn'));
if ($target_module) {
push(@text, "!include '$target_module'");
# Tell the output driver when we reach the end
push(@text, "__endtuning[]");
# Return the result
return @text;
# _load_config_ - load the configuration library
@_load_config__MacroArgs = ();
sub _load_config__Macro {
# local(%arg) = @_;
# local(@text);
$config = $var{'OPT_CONFIG'};
return ($config ne '') ? ("!inherit '$config'") : ();
# package return value