# $Id$
$VERSION{''.__FILE__} = '$Revision$';
# >>Title:: SDFGET Support Library
# >>Copyright::
# Copyright (c) 1992-1997, Ian Clatworthy (ianc@mincom.com).
# You may distribute under the terms specified in the LICENSE file.
# >>History::
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Date Who Change
# 04-Oct-97 ianc Fixed bug with * in reports
# 10-Jul-97 marks Initial writing
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# >>Purpose::
# This library provides support for document extraction via
# {{CMD:sdfget}}.
# >>Description::
# This module is a collection of subroutines that are used for the
# processsing of special {{CMD:sdfget}} directives.
# >>Note::
# These directives are quite distinct and separate from{{CMD:sdf}}
# directives.
# >>!use Package; scope=PUBLIC
# >>Name::
# Sdfget
# >>Description::
# The {{B:Sdfget}} package describes the interface to the data
# structures used in the extraction, storage and regeneration of
# embedded documentation within source code.
package Sdfget;
# constants for the Sdfget package
%_ScopeList = (
'PUBLIC', 1,
# >>!use Methods.new
# >>Name::
# new
# >>Synopsis::
# create an instance of the {{B:Sdfget}} class
# >>Description::
# {{Y:new}} creates an instance of the {{B:Sdfget}} class.
# >>Return Values::
# returns a reference to the created {{B:Sdfget}} instance
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $this = {};
bless $this;
# >>!use Methods.addText
# >>Name::
# addText
# >>Parameters::
# {{B:$section}} - the section this text belongs to
# {{B:@buffers}} - the list of buffers to which this key will apply
# >>Description::
sub addText {
my ($this, $section, $textref, @buflist) = @_;
my ($bufname, $bufref, $docref);
for $bufname (@buflist) {
if (!defined ($$this{$bufname})) {
$$this{$bufname} = new Sdfbuffer;
$bufref = $$this{$bufname};
$bufref->Sdfbuffer::addText($section, @$textref);
sub getScope {
my ($this, $scope) = @_;
return $_ScopeList{$scope};
sub getKeysDocs {
my ($this, $bufname) = @_;
my $bufref;
$bufref = $$this{$bufname};
return $$bufref{'key'}, $$bufref{'doc'};
sub printDict {
my $this = shift;
my $buf;
my $bufref;
for $buf (keys %$this) {
print "Buffer: $buf...";
$bufref = $$this{$buf};
# >>!use main
# >>Description::
# {{Y:UseArgs}} extracts the buffer names and the documentation
# scope from the {{E:!use}} directive line.
# >>Parameter::
# {{B:$directive}} - the directive line to be parsed
# >>Return Values::
# {{B:$doc_scope}} - the scope to which this documentation segment is
# applicable.
# {{B:@buffers}} - array of buffer names to which the documentation
# can be applied.
sub UseArgs {
local($directive) = @_; # the directive line being parsed
local ($bufpart, $scopepart);
local(@buffers) = ();
local($buffers) = '';
local($doc_scope) = 0;
($bufpart, $scopepart) = split (/;/, $directive);
$bufpart =~ /^.*!use (.+)$/;
$buffers = $1;
@buffers = split(/,/, $buffers);
if ($directive =~ /scope=(.+)$/){
$doc_scope = $_ScopeList{$1};
else {
$doc_scope = $_ScopeList{'PUBLIC'};
return ($doc_scope, @buffers);
# >>!use NextSection
# >>Description::
# {{Y:NextSection}} consume lines from the input stream up to
# the next {{E:"!use ..."}} entry. When found, parse the line
# returning any found scope and buffer names. Otherwise return a Null
# scope string and an empty buffer name list.
sub NextSection {
local($this, $istream) = @_; # the input stream
while (<$istream>) {
if (/^!use (.+)/) {
return &UseArgs($_);
# nothing found so return the set of the Null string
# and an empty array
return 0, ();
# >>!use main
# >>Description::
# {{Y:TrimDesc}} trims the newline characters from each description
# field in the buffers list
sub TrimDesc {
my ($this) = @_;
my ($bufref, $buffer);
for $buffer (keys %$this) {
$bufref = $$this{$buffer};
$bufref->Sdfbuffer::TrimDesc ();
#### new package #####
package Sdfbuffer;
##### constants #####
$KeyIndex = 0;
$HashIndex = 1;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $this = {};
bless $this;
sub addText {
my ($this, $section, @desc) = @_;
# If this is the first time this key has occurred,
# append it to the "order found" list.
if (!defined $this->{'doc'}{$section}) {
push (@{ $this->{'key'} }, $section);
$this->{'doc'}{$section} .= join ('', @desc);
sub TrimDesc {
my ($this) = @_;
my ($docref, $section, $ch);
$docref = $$this{'doc'};
for $section (keys %$docref) {
do {
$ch = chop($$docref{$section});
} while $ch eq "\n";
$$docref{$section} .= $ch;
sub printBuffer {
my $this = shift;
my $lkey;
my $keys = $$this{'key'};
my $doc;
for $lkey (@$keys){
print "lkey: $lkey ";
print "\n";
print "Documentation...\n";
$doc = $$this{'doc'};
for $lkey (keys %$doc) {
print "lkey: $lkey\n$$doc{$lkey}\n";
# package return value