use strict;
sub create_session {
my($mw, $env) = @_;
my $session;
my $app = sub {
my $env = shift;
$session = Plack::Session->new($env);
return sub {
my $responder = shift;
$responder->([ 200, [], [] ]);
my $res = $mw->($app)->($env);
return ($session, $res);
sub run_all_tests {
my %params = @_;
my (
) = @params{qw[
my $m = sub { Plack::Middleware::Session->wrap($_[0], state => $state, store => $storage) };
$response_test ||= sub {
my($res_cb, $session_id, $check_expired) = @_;
$res_cb->(sub { my $res = shift });
my @sids;
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->());
push @sids, $s->id;
ok(!$s->get('foo'), '... no value stored in foo for session');
lives_ok {
$s->set( foo => 'bar' );
} '... set the value successfully in session';
is($s->get('foo'), 'bar', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
ok(!$s->get('bar'), '... no value stored in foo for session');
lives_ok {
$s->set( bar => 'baz' );
} '... set the value successfully in session';
is($s->get('bar'), 'baz', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { foo => 'bar', bar => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->($res, $sids[0]);
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->());
push @sids, $s->id;
isnt($sids[0], $sids[1], "no same Session ID");
ok(!$s->get('foo'), '... no value stored for foo in session');
lives_ok {
$s->set( foo => 'baz' );
} '... set the value successfully';
is($s->get('foo'), 'baz', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { foo => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->($res, $sids[1]);
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[0] }));
is($s->id, $sids[0], '... got a basic session id');
is($s->get('foo'), 'bar', '... got the value for foo back successfully from session');
lives_ok {
$s->remove( 'foo' );
} '... removed the foo value successfully from session';
ok(!$s->get('foo'), '... no value stored for foo in session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { bar => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $sids[0] );
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[1] }));
is($s->id, $sids[1], '... got a basic session id');
is($s->get('foo'), 'baz', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { foo => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $sids[1] );
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[0] }));
is($s->id, $sids[0], '... got a basic session id');
ok(!$s->get('foo'), '... no value stored for foo in session');
lives_ok {
$s->set( baz => 'gorch' );
} '... set the bar value successfully in session';
is_deeply( $s->dump, { bar => 'baz', baz => 'gorch' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $sids[0] );
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[0] }));
is($s->get('bar'), 'baz', '... got the bar value back successfully from session');
lives_ok {
} '... expired session successfully';
$response_test->( $res, $sids[0], 1 );
is_deeply( $s->dump, {}, '... got the session dump we expected');
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[0] }));
push @sids, $s->id;
isnt($s->id, $sids[0], 'expired ... got a new session id');
ok(!$s->get('bar'), '... no bar value stored');
is_deeply( $s->dump, {}, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $sids[2] );
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => $sids[1] }));
is($s->id, $sids[1], '... got a basic session id');
is($s->get('foo'), 'baz', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { foo => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $sids[1] );
# wrong format session_id
my($s, $res) = create_session($m, $env_cb->({ plack_session => "../wrong" }));
isnt('../wrong' => $s->id, '... regenerate session id');
ok(!$s->get('foo'), '... no value stored for foo in session');
lives_ok {
$s->set( foo => 'baz' );
} '... set the value successfully';
is($s->get('foo'), 'baz', '... got the foo value back successfully from session');
is_deeply( $s->dump, { foo => 'baz' }, '... got the session dump we expected');
$response_test->( $res, $s->id );