use strict;
use DBR;
use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptionsFromArray);
use Switch;
my @CLASSES = qw'master query';
my @MODULES = qw'Mysql SQLite';
my %opts;
getopt('f:', \%opts);
my $conffile = $opts{f} || $ENV{DBR_CONF};
my ( $command, @params ) = @ARGV;
my $confdb = 'dbrconf';
$command = lc($command);
my %commands = map{ $_ => 1 } qw'list assert';
my $ERR;
print "\n";
if ( !$conffile ){
print STDERR " ERROR: DBR conf file must be specified.\n";
$ERR = 1;
$command or $ERR = 1;
if( $command && !$commands{$command} ){
print STDERR "ERROR: $command is not a valid command\n";
$ERR = 1;
my $dbrh;
if( $conffile && $command ){
my $logger = new DBR::Util::Logger(-logpath => 'dbr_schema.log', -logLevel => 'debug3') or die "Failed to create logger";
my $dbr = new DBR( -logger => $logger, -conf => $conffile ) or die "Failed to create DBR";
$dbrh = $dbr->connect( $confdb ) or die "No config found for confdb $confdb";
my $sub = \&$command || die "Sanity error";
eval { $sub->( @params ) };
if ($@){
my $ex = $@;
$ex = $$ex . "\n" if ( ref $ex eq 'SCALAR' );
print STDERR " ERROR: $ex\n";
$ERR = 1;
if ( $ERR ){
print STDERR " Usage: \n";
print STDERR " dbr-config [ -f /path/to/my/DBR.conf ] COMMAND [ command options ]\n\n";
print STDERR " Commands:\n\n";
print STDERR " list \n";
print STDERR " schema # list schemas\n";
print STDERR " instance # list instances\n";
print STDERR " assert \n";
print STDERR " schema 'schema_handle' ['Schema Display Name'] # Create / Update a schema record\n";
print STDERR " instance *params* # Create / Update a schema record\n";
print STDERR "\n";
print STDERR " Note: DBR conf file may be specied via the -f flag, or the DBR_CONF environment variable\n\n";
exit 1;
print "\n";
sub assert{
switch ( lc(shift) ){
case 'schema' { assert_schema ( @_ ) }
case 'instance' { assert_instance ( @_ ) }
else { die \"Invalid assertion type" }
sub list{
switch ( lc(shift) ){
case 'schema' { list_schema ( @_ ) }
case 'instance' { list_instance ( @_ ) }
else { die \"Invalid list type '$_'" }
sub assert_schema{
my ( $handle, $name ) = @_;
$handle || die "Schema handle is required";
my $schema = $dbrh->select(
-table => 'dbr_schemas',
-fields => 'schema_id',
-where => { handle => $handle },
-single => 1
if ($schema){
if ($name) {
-table => 'dbr_schemas',
-fields => { display_name => $name },
-where => { schema_id => $schema->{schema_id} }
-table => 'dbr_schemas',
-fields => { handle => $handle, display_name => $name }
return list_schema();
sub list_schema{
my $schemas = $dbrh->select( -table => 'dbr_schemas', -fields => 'schema_id handle display_name' );
return print "\nNo schemas found\n\n" unless @$schemas;
my $t1 = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new( captions => ['ID','Handle','Display Name'] );
foreach my $schema ( @$schemas ){
$t1->row( map { $_ || '' } @$schema{qw'schema_id handle display_name'} );
print "Schemas:\n";
print $t1->draw;
return 1;
sub list_instance{
my $instances = $dbrh->select( -table => 'dbr_instances',
-fields => 'instance_id schema_id handle class module dbname dbfile username host readonly' );
return print "\nNo instances found\n\n" unless @$instances;
my $t1 = Text::SimpleTable::AutoWidth->new( captions => ['ID','Schema ID','Handle', 'Module', 'Connect', 'Class', 'Mode' ] );
foreach my $instance ( @$instances ){
my $connect;
if ($instance->{dbfile}){
$connect = $instance->{dbfile};
}else{ #if ( $instance->{username} && $instance->{dbname} ){
$connect = $instance->{username} . '@' . $instance->{host} . ':' . $instance->{dbname};
map { $_ || '' } @$instance{qw'instance_id schema_id handle module'},
$instance->{class} || '',
$instance->{readonly} ? 'RO' : 'RW',
print "Instances:\n";
print $t1->draw;
return 1;
sub assert_instance{
my %params = ();
my @fields = qw'class dbfile dbname username password host module';
GetOptionsFromArray( \@_, \%params,
map {"$_=s"} ( @fields, 'schema' ),
my ($class) = grep { lc($_) eq lc($params{class}) } @CLASSES;
$class || die \"-class is required, Must be one of @CLASSES";
my $schemahandle = lc(delete $params{schema}) || die "-schema handle is required";
my $schema = $dbrh->select( -table => 'dbr_schemas', -fields => 'schema_id handle', -where => { handle => $schemahandle }, -single => 1 )
or die \"Could not find schema '$schemahandle'";
my $instance = $dbrh->select(
-table => 'dbr_instances',
-fields => [@fields,qw'instance_id schema_id'],
-where => {
schema_id => $schema->{schema_id},
class => $class
-single => 1
if ($instance){
map { $params{$_} ||= $instance->{$_} } @fields
my ($module) = grep { lc($_) eq lc($params{module}) } @MODULES;
$module || die \"-module is required, Must be one of @MODULES";
$params{module} = $module;
if (lc $module eq 'sqlite'){
$params{dbfile} || die \"-dbfile is required";
$params{host} || die \"-host is required";
$params{dbname} || die \"-dbname is required";
$params{username} || die \"-username is required";
$params{password} || die \"-password is required";
map { delete $params{$_} if $params{$_} eq $instance->{$_} } keys %params;
if (%params){
-table => 'dbr_instances',
-fields => \%params,
-where => { instance_id => $instance->{instance_id} }
$params{schema_id} = $schema->{schema_id};
$params{handle} = $schema->{handle};
-table => 'dbr_instances',
-fields => \%params
return list_instance();