use strict;
no warnings 'uninitialized';
$| = 1;
use lib './lib';
my $dbr = setup_schema_ok('music');
my $dbh = $dbr->connect('music');
ok($dbh, 'dbr connect');
my $rv;
my $sth = $dbh->select(
-table => 'album',
-fields => 'album_id',
-where => [album_id => ['d',1]],
-rawsth => 1,
# Uncomment this execute to get the test to pass. The bug is that this execute
# should not be necessary
# Get the first album row (Note that sqlite uses 'undef' when a result set has
# been exhausted, and also when there is an error).
my $result = $sth->fetchrow_hashref;
ok ($result, "fetchrow_hashref");