use 5.006;
use strict;
use warnings FATAL => 'all';
use List::Util 'max';
use POSIX qw/ floor /;
use Carp;
=head1 NAME
Schedule::Poll - Evenly schedule recurring events with various intervals
=head1 VERSION
Version 0.01
our $VERSION = '0.01';
use Schedule::Poll;
# Let's run a few things every 3 seconds,
# and some things every 6 seconds
my $config = {
foo => 3,
bar => 3,
baz => 3,
zip => 6,
zoo => 6,
zat => 6
my $poll = Schedule::Poll->new( $config );
while(1) {
if (my $aref = $poll->which ) {
for my $each (@$aref) {
print "$each fired!\n";
sleep 1;
=head1 METHODS
=head2 new
Constructor. Excepts a hashref with the values being an interval in seconds. The interval should be a divisor of 86400.
my $href = {
foo => 300 # 5 minutes
bar => 600 # 10 minutes
baz => 5 # 5 seconds
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = { };
$self->{config} = $_[0];
croak "Missing data" unless exists $self->{config};
croak "data is not a hashref" unless ref $self->{config} eq 'HASH';
my $config = $self->{config};
my @intervals;
for my $interval (keys %{$config}) {
croak "$config->{$interval} is not an even divisor of 86400" if (86400 % $config->{$interval} != 0);
push (@intervals,$config->{$interval});
my $max = max(@intervals);
$self->{max} = $max;
my %groups = ( );
for my $each (keys %{$config}) {
push ( @{$groups{ $config->{$each} } }, $each);
my %schedule;
undef @intervals;
undef $config;
undef $self->{config};
for my $interval (keys %groups) {
# Count of members in each group:
my $members = scalar @{$groups{$interval}};
my $iter = 1;
if ($members/$interval >= 1) {
# > 1 req per second. Loop
# through the members and assign
# them to slots in the interval
# Ex:
# members = 7
# interval = 5
# 1 2 3 4 5
# ---------
# | | | | |
# | |
# With the above example, the 1st and 2nd second slots in that interval
# will contain 2 requests, the remaining slots will have 1
# First, We need to determine how many times this
# interval group will repeat given a max interval.
my $sets = $max/$interval;
while ($members >= 1) {
$iter = 1 if $iter > $interval;
my $set = 0;
while ($set < $sets) {
my $slot;
if ($set == 0) {
$slot = $iter;
else {
$slot = ($set * $interval) + $iter;
push ( @{$schedule{$slot}}, $groups{$interval}[$members -1]);
else {
# < 1 requests per sec. We can spread
# the reqests out over multiple seconds
# Ex:
# requests: 3
# interval: 9
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
# -----------------
# | | |
# .. so 1 request for every 3 seconds.
my $rate = floor 1/($members/$interval);
my $sets = $max/$interval;
while ($members >=1) {
$iter = 1 if $iter >= $interval;
my $set = 0;
while ($set < $sets) {
my $slot;
if ($set == 0) {
$slot = $iter + ($rate -1);
else {
$slot = ($set * $interval) + ($iter + ($rate-1));
push ( @{$schedule{$slot}}, $groups{$interval}[$members -1]);
$iter += $rate;
$self->{schedule} = \%schedule;
bless $self,$class;
sub current {
my $self = shift;
my $max = $self->{max};
my @time = localtime();
my $second = ($time[2] * 3600) + ($time[1] * 60) + $time[0];
my $y=0;
if ($second > $max) {
while ($y < $second) {
$y += $max;
return $second - ($y - $max);
} else {
return $second;
=head2 which
Returns an arrary reference containing the items for that current tick interval.
sub which {
my $self = shift;
my $current = $self->current;
my @who;
if (exists $self->{schedule}{$current}) {
for my $each (@{$self->{schedule}{$current}}) {
return \@who;
return 0;
=head1 AUTHOR
Michael Kroher, C<< <michael at> >>
1; # End of Schedule::Poll