use lib 'inc';
use lib '../pegex-pm/lib';
use lib '../testml-pm/lib';
use TestML;
my $testml = join('', <DATA>);
my $debug = 0;
my $tree = 0;
if (@ARGV) {
$testml =~ s/^/# /gm;
$testml =~ s/^# //m for 1..5;
my $markup = 0;
for (@ARGV) {
if (/^(byte|html|pod|markdown)$/) {
$testml =~ s/^# (Label.*\n)# (.*\*$_)$/$1$2/m;
$markup = 1;
elsif (/^diff$/) {
$testml =~ s/^#(Diff )/$1/m;
elsif (/^debug$/) {
$debug = 1;
elsif (/^tree$/) {
$tree = 1;
else {
$testml =~ s/^# (%Include $_\.tml)$/$1/m;
$testml =~ s/^# (Label.*\n)# (.*)$/$1$2/gm unless $markup;
testml => $testml,
bridge => 'main',
sub parse {
my ($self, $swim, $emitter) = @_;
$swim = $swim->{value};
$emitter = $emitter->{value};
my $parser = Pegex::Parser->new(
grammar => 'Swim::Grammar'->new,
receiver => "Swim::$emitter"->new,
debug => $debug,
eval 'use XXX; XXX($parser->grammar->tree)'
if $tree;
str $parser->parse($swim);
%TestML 0.1.0
Diff = 1
Label = 'Swim to ByteCode - $BlockLabel'
*swim.parse('Byte') == *byte
Label = 'Swim to HTML - $BlockLabel'
*swim.parse('HTML') == *html
Label = 'Swim to Markdown - $BlockLabel'
*swim.parse('Markdown') == *markdown
Label = 'Swim to Pod - $BlockLabel'
*swim.parse('Pod') == *pod
%Include block.tml
%Include bugs.tml
%Include comment.tml
%Include edge.tml
%Include head.tml
%Include hyper.tml
%Include link.tml
%Include list-data.tml
%Include list.tml
%Include meta.tml
%Include para.tml
%Include phrase-func.tml
%Include phrase.tml
%Include pre.tml