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<h2>June Meeting</h2>
<h4>June 14th, 6:53pm at Free Geek, 1741 SE 10th Ave</h4>
Perl Hacks You Probably Never Knew Existed
<a href="index.cgi?chromatic">chromatic</a>
Perl is a powerful language with many secrets. It&#39;s no wonder that we call the true masters of Perl gurus &#8211; they have studied and discovered arcane knowledge and arcana.
In this talk, Perl Hacks lead author chromatic will show off several hacks you probably didn&#39;t even know existed. Some are practical. Some are disgusting. Every one is worth learning for when you find a problem you just can&#39;t solve any other way. Even if you&#39;ve heard of them before, he&#39;ll show <em>how</em> they work &#8211; so you can create your own practical mayhem!
Potential hacks include:
<li>Source filtering without source filters</li>
<li>Using shared libraries without a compiler</li>
<li>Creating truly private methods</li>
<li>Reading and writing lexicals without permission</li>
<li>Controlling the runloop from pure Perl</li>
<li>Making invocantless methods</li>
<li>Making multimethods without source filters</li>
If you have a preference, please feel free to mark the most interesting subject &#8211; or suggest one.
This talk is most suitable for intermediate Perl programmers, though there is likely something an experienced Perl programmer doesn&#39;t know and it should be entertaining for novices as well.
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PDX.pm meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:53pm, typically at <a href="http://freegeek.org/">Free Geek</a>. Meetings are free-of-charge for all <a href="index.cgi?PortlandPerlMongerMembers">PortlandPerlMongerMembers</a>. The cost for non-members is $2,000,000,000.00 per person.
Membership is free and open to everyone on a self-serve basis &#40;just join the <a href="index.cgi?MailingList">MailingList</a> or add yourself to the members page, come to meetings, and have fun.&#41;
For other upcoming meetings, see the <a href="index.cgi?FutureMeetings">FutureMeetings</a> page.
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<li><a href="index.cgi?shirts2006">shirts2006</a></li>
<h2>Also on the PDX Kwiki:</h2>
<li><a href="index.cgi?PortlandPerlProjectsPage">PortlandPerlProjectsPage</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?PortlandPerlMongerMembers">PortlandPerlMongerMembers</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?BookReviews">BookReviews</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?Library">Library</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?sqlDebate">sqlDebate</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?MailingList">MailingList</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?PerlApps">PerlApps</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?RECompendium">RECompendium</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?WhatIsALightningTalk">WhatIsALightningTalk</a></li>
<li><a href="index.cgi?OSCON2005Hotels">OSCON2005Hotels</a></li>
Hey, where&#39;d the list of past meetings go? Oh, they&#39;re on the <a href="index.cgi?PastMeetings">PastMeetings</a> page.
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