use strict;
my $server = Test::RedisDB->new;
plan(skip_all => 'Could not start test redis-server') unless $server;
my $former_val = $ENV{'REDIS_CACHE_SERVER'};
$ENV{'REDIS_CACHE_SERVER'} = $server->host . ':' . $server->port;
subtest 'defaults' => sub {
my $suggestor = new_ok('Suggest::PrePop');
cmp_ok $suggestor->cache_namespace, 'eq', 'SUGGEST-PREPOP',
'Cache namespace';
cmp_ok $suggestor->min_activity, '==', 5, 'Minimum activity';
cmp_ok $suggestor->top_count, '==', 5, 'Default item count to return';
cmp_ok $suggestor->entries_limit, '==', 32768, 'Entries limit';
subtest 'simple' => sub {
my $suggestor = new_ok('Suggest::PrePop');
ok $suggestor->add("my fun search", 10), 'Can add an item';
eq_or_diff $suggestor->ask("my", 10), ['my fun search'],
'A single entry in the suggestions now';
cmp_ok $suggestor->prune, '==', 0, 'Not enough entries to prune anything.';
cmp_ok $suggestor->prune(0), '==', 1,
'Removing all entries removes the one we added';
subtest 'full' => sub {
my @test_data = (
['mycroft holmes', 10],
['mycroft', 11],
['myc', 2],
['sherlock holmes', 6],
['sherlock', 5],
['surelock', 1],
['watson', 4],
['moriarty', 15],
['prof moriarty', 8],
['prof. moriarty', 9],
['professor moriarty', 8],
['professor james moriarty', 6],
['doctor watson', 10, 'doctors'],
['dr. watson', 6, 'doctors'],
['dr watson', 6, 'doctors'],
['the doctor', 10, 'doctors', 'who'],
# Limit is only applied on prune.
my $suggestor = new_ok('Suggest::PrePop' => [entries_limit => 7]);
foreach my $item (@test_data) {
ok $suggestor->add(@$item),
'Add "' . $item->[0] . '" ' . $item->[1] . ' times';
['', 'DOCTORS', 'WHO'],
'Empty, DOCTORS and WHO scopes'
['moriarty', 'mycroft', 'mycroft holmes'],
'Single letter prefix matches'
['mycroft', 'mycroft holmes'],
'Double letter prefix matches'
eq_or_diff($suggestor->ask('dr'), [],
'Doctors live in their own search space');
$suggestor->ask('dr', 5, 'doctors'),
['dr watson', 'dr. watson'],
'...where we can find them.'
$suggestor->ask('t', 5, 'doctors'),
$suggestor->ask('t', 5, 'doctors', 'who'),
'Do not get cross-namespace dupes'
'prof. moriarty',
'prof moriarty',
'professor moriarty',
'professor james moriarty'
'Score order more important'
eq_or_diff($suggestor->ask('prof', 1),
['prof. moriarty'], 'Can limit to just the top entry');
['sherlock holmes', 'sherlock'],
'Can find both sherlock entries'
cmp_ok $suggestor->prune, '==', 5, 'Prune back to the entries limit';
['sherlock holmes'], 'Leaving only one sherlock entry');
cmp_ok $suggestor->prune(0), '==', 7,
'Can completely empty default namespace';
cmp_ok $suggestor->prune(0, 'doctors', 'who', 'junk'), '==', 5,
'Can completely empty "doctors" and "who" namespaces even with junk';
# Try to leave the environment unmangled, if possible.
$ENV{'REDIS_CACHE_SERVER'} = $former_val;