# Copyright (C) 2011, Ioannis
use 5.010000;
use base 'Exporter';
use strict;
our $VERSION = '0.1';
our @EXPORT = qw( get_options );
sub get_options {
new Getopt::Compact
args => '[section]...',
modes => [qw(quiet debug verbose )],
struct => [ [ [qw(c config)], 'config file', '=s' ],
[ [qw(t relation)],'schema.table' , '=s' ],
[ [qw(l loglevel)],'loglevel', '=i' ],
[ [qw(L Logfile)], 'Logfile', '=s' ],
[ [qw(s summary)], 'summary' ],
[ [qw(e every)], 'sets copy_every=1' ],
[ [qw(n dry_run)], 'dry_run' ],
[ [qw(D disable_triggers)],'disable triggers' ],
[ [qw(T truncate)],'truncate table before loading'],
[ [qw(V vacuum)], 'vacuum analyze' ],
[ [qw(C count)], 'num of lines to process','=s' ],
[ [qw( version)], 'version' , ],
[ [qw(F from)], 'process from this line number'],
[ [qw(i indexes)], 'disable indexes during COPY '],
[ [qw(sample)], 'generate sample config file' ],