# ****************************************************************
# Net::Axigen
# Add account in the domain. Set account data.
# ****************************************************************
# Copyright (c) Alexandre Frolov, 2009
# alexandre@frolov.pp.ru
# ****************************************************************
use strict;
require 'io_exception_dbg.pl';
print "Net::Axigen sample. Add account in the domain. Set account data.\n\n";
print 'Host: '; my $host=<STDIN>; chomp($host);
print 'Port: '; my $port=<STDIN>; chomp($port);
print 'Axigen admin password: '; my $password=<STDIN>; chomp($password);
my $axi = Net::Axigen->new($host, $port, 'admin', $password, 10);
# Print Axigen Mail Server and OS Version
my ($version_major, $version_minor, $version_revision)=$axi->get_version();
my ($os_version_full, $os_name, $os_version_platform)=$axi->get_os_version();
print "\n\nAxigen Version: ".$version_major.'.'.$version_minor.'.'.$version_revision.", OS: ".$os_version_full."\n";
# Printing of the current list of domains
my $domain_list = $axi->listDomains();
print "List of domains:\n";
print "------------\n";
foreach my $ptr(@$domain_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
print "------------\n\n";
print 'The domain in which the account will be added: '; my $domain=<STDIN>; chomp($domain);
# Print current account list
my $account_list = $axi->listAccounts($domain);
print "\nCurrent account list\n";
print "------------\n";
foreach my $ptr(@$account_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
print "------------\n";
print 'New account: '; my $acc=<STDIN>; chomp($acc);
print 'Account password: '; my $accpassword=<STDIN>; chomp($accpassword);
print "\nCreate account $acc".'@'."$domain with password $accpassword? (yes/no)";
my $create=<STDIN>; chomp($create);
if($create eq 'yes')
# Creation of the new account
$axi->addAccount($domain, $acc, $accpassword);
# Set utf-8 convertor locale to use Russian (default)
$axi->{ locale } = 'windows-1251';
# Set First Name and Last Name
$axi->setAccountContactData($domain, $acc, "Àëåêñàíäð", "Ôðîëîâ");
# Set subject and content of the quota limit notification
my $quota_subject='ÂÍÈÌÀÍÈÅ! Ñêîðî áóäåò èñ÷åðïàíû êâîòû íà ïî÷òîâûé ÿùèê (%3.3p% èç %SKb è %3.3q% èç %C ñîîáùåíèé)';
my $quota_msg='Çäðàâñòâóéòå, %N'."\n\n";
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'Âàø ïî÷òîâûé ÿùèê %A@%D ñêîðî ïåðåïîëíèòñÿ:'."\n";
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'îáùèé ðàçìåð ñîîáùåíèé: %sKb (ïðåäåë %SKb);'."\n";
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'êîëè÷åñòâî ñîîáùåíèé: %c (ïðåäåë %C)'."\n\n";
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'Åñëè ïî÷òîâûé ÿùèê ïåðåïîëíèòñÿ, Âû íå ñìîæåòå áîëüøå ïîëó÷àòü ñîîáùåíèÿ. ';
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'×òîáû ýòîãî èçáåæàòü, ïîæàëóéñòà óäàëèòå ÷àñòü ñîîáùåíèé.'."\n\n";
$quota_msg=$quota_msg.'Ñ óâàæåíèåì, Àäìèíèñòðàöèÿ.'."\n";
$axi->setQuotaLimitNotification($domain, $acc, $quota_subject, $quota_msg);
# Set account password (use it to change password)
$axi->setAccountPassword($domain, $acc, $accpassword);
# Set Russian language for the WebMail user interface
$axi->setAccountWebMailLanguage($domain, $acc, 'ru');
# Print new account list
my $account_list = $axi->listAccounts($domain);
print "\nNew account list\n";
print "------------\n";
foreach my $ptr(@$account_list) { print "$ptr\n"; }
print "------------\n";
my $ok=$axi->close();
print 'End: '."$ok\n";