use strict;
use AnnoCPAN::Config 't/';
#plan 'no_plan';
plan tests => 20;
# delete all notes
# select a distribution, pod, and section
my $distver = AnnoCPAN::DBI::DistVer->retrieve(
path => 'authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/My-Dist-0.10.tar.gz');
isa_ok ( $distver, 'AnnoCPAN::DBI::DistVer' );
my ($podver) = $distver->podvers;
isa_ok ( $podver, 'AnnoCPAN::DBI::PodVer' );
my $pod = $podver->pod;
isa_ok ( $pod, 'AnnoCPAN::DBI::Pod' );
my $section = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Section->retrieve(podver => $podver, pos => 6);
isa_ok ( $section, 'AnnoCPAN::DBI::Section' );
# create a note
my $note = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->create({
pod => $pod,
note => 'hi, mom!',
ip => '',
time => 1000000000,
section => $section,
isa_ok ( $note, 'AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note', 'new note' );
# count all the notes in the db
my @notes = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notes, 1, 'one note in the db' );
my @notepos = AnnoCPAN::DBI::NotePos->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notepos, 6, 'translated to every section' );
# try to post the same note again
my $dup_note = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->create({
pod => $pod,
note => 'hi, mom!',
ip => '',
time => 1000000001,
section => $section,
# it should have been rejected
ok ( !$dup_note, 'dup note' );
# "There can only be one"
@notes = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notes, 1, 'still one note in the db' );
@notepos = AnnoCPAN::DBI::NotePos->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notepos, 6, 'still only once per section' );
# test if the notes are assigned to the proper sections in other podvers
my %sections = (qw(
authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/ 7
authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/My-Dist-0.50.tar.gz 6
authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/My-Dist-0.10.tar.gz 6
authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/My-Dist-0.20.tar.gz 6
authors/id/A/AL/ALICE/My-Dist-0.30.tar.gz 7
authors/id/B/BO/BOB/My-Dist-0.20.tar.gz 6
my @sections = $note->sections;
for my $sect (@sections) {
my ($pos, $path) = ($sect->pos, $sect->podver->distver->path);
is ( $pos, $sections{$path}, "notepos($path)" );
# delete the note
@notes = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notes, 0, 'no notes left after deleting' );
@notepos = AnnoCPAN::DBI::NotePos->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notepos, 0, 'all links deleted' );
# create another note
$note = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->create({
pod => $pod,
note => 'hello, world',
ip => '',
time => 1000000002,
section => $section,
@notes = AnnoCPAN::DBI::Note->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notes, 1, 'one note in the db (again)' );
@notepos = AnnoCPAN::DBI::NotePos->retrieve_all;
is ( scalar @notepos, 6, 'once per section' );