use strict;
use Test::More tests => 5 + 11 + 1;
my $board = Game::Life::NDim::Board->new( dims => Game::Life::NDim::Dim->new([1,1]) );
diag "end";
sub looping {
diag 'looping';
my $count = 0;
$count++ while (ref $board->next_life);
is($count, 4, "2 x 2 board has 4 lives");
sub stringify {
diag 'stringify';
is("$board", "0 0\n0 0\n", "Stringify");
sub surround {
diag 'surround';
my $board = Game::Life::NDim::Board->new( dims => Game::Life::NDim::Dim->new([9]) );
my $life = $board->get_life([5]);
is((scalar @{ $life->surround }), 2, "1D is surrounded by 2 cells");
$board = Game::Life::NDim::Board->new( dims => Game::Life::NDim::Dim->new([9, 9]) );
$life = $board->get_life([5, 5]);
is((scalar @{ $life->surround }), 8, "2D is surrounded by 8 cells");
$board = Game::Life::NDim::Board->new( dims => Game::Life::NDim::Dim->new([9, 9, 9]) );
$life = $board->get_life([5, 5, 5]);
is((scalar @{ $life->surround }), 26, "3D is surrounded by 26 cells");
# general formula surrounding cells = n^3 - 1
sub get_life {
diag 'get_life';
my $board = Game::Life::NDim::Board->new( dims => Game::Life::NDim::Dim->new([9,9]) );
is_deeply($board->get_life([0,0]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([0,1]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([0,2]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([1,0]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([1,1]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([1,2]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([2,0]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([2,1]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
is_deeply($board->get_life([2,2]), $board->items->[0][0], '');
#warning_like {eval{ $board->get_life([0, -1]) }} qr/^Cannot get game position from/, 'wrap request should fail with error';
eval{ $board->get_life([0, -1]) };
ok($@, "Get an error when not in wrap mode and using a wrap position");
is_deeply($board->get_life([0,-1]), $board->items->[0][-1], 'Wrap mode on gets wraped cell');