use strict;
use Data::Dumper qw/Dumper/;
use File::ShareDir qw/dist_dir/;
my $dir = file($0)->parent;
plan( skip_all => 'Test can only be run if test directory is writable' ) if !-w $dir;
# set up templates
my $template = Template->new(
INCLUDE_PATH => dist_dir('W3C-SOAP').':'.$dir->subdir('../templates'),
# create the parser object
my $parser = W3C::SOAP::XSD::Parser->new(
location => $dir->file('eg.xsd').'',
template => $template,
lib => $dir->subdir('lib').'',
ns_module_map => {
'http://eg.schema.org/v1' => 'MyApp::Eg',
'http://parent.schema.org/v1' => 'MyApp::Parent',
'http://other.schema.org/v1/' => 'MyApp::Other',
sub parser {
ok $parser, "Got a parser object";
is $parser->document->[0]->target_namespace, 'http://eg.schema.org/v1', "Get target namespace";
ok scalar( @{ $parser->document->[0]->elements } ), "Got some elements";
ok scalar( @{ $parser->document->[0]->simple_types } ), "Got some simple types";
ok scalar( @{ $parser->document->[0]->complex_types } ), "Got some complex types";
sub written_modules {
push @INC, $dir->subdir('lib').'';
my %test_data = (
el1 => '1234',
el2 => 1234,
el2_5 => 1,
el3 => 'abcd',
el4 => {
first_thing => 'a string',
second_thing => 'SUCCESS',
el5 => {
first_thing => 'another string',
second_thing => 'FAILURE',
el6 => [
first_thing => 'el6 first thing',
second_thing => 'SUCCESS',
first_thing => 'el6 second first thing',
second_thing => 'FAILURE',
el7 => {
first_thing => '1st',
choice2 => 'choice no 2',
last_thing => 'wooden spoon',
el8 => {
first_thing => '8: 1st',
third_thing => '2012-06-14',
#fourth_thing => 4,
fith_thing => '2012-06-14+10:00',
local_choice3 => 333,
el9 => {
other => {
other_one => 'Other One',
other_two => 55,
el10 => 'A string',
my $eg = eval {
ok !$@, "No error in creating eg object"
or diag $@;
isa_ok $eg, 'MyApp::Eg', 'Get an actual object';
$test_data{el2_5} = 'true';
$test_data{el4} = [$test_data{el4}];
$test_data{el5} = [$test_data{el5}];
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
if ( $eg ) {
is_deeply $eg->to_data(stringify=>1), \%test_data, 'Get out what you put in'
or diag Dumper $eg->to_data(stringify=>1), \%test_data;
else {
ok 0, 'Got no object';
is ref $eg->el4->[0], 'MyApp::Parent::complexThing', 'Get a list of objects';
my $xml = XML::LibXML->load_xml(string => <<'XML');
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
my @str = eval { $eg->to_xml($xml) };
ok !$@, "Convert to XML ok"
or diag $@;
like $str[-1]->toString, qr{http://other.schema.org/v1/}, 'Contains a sub namespace reference';
#note join "\n", map {$_->toString} @str;
is $str[2]->toString,
'<WSX0:el2_5 xmlns:WSX0="http://eg.schema.org/v1">true</WSX0:el2_5>',
'Boolean value is serialized correctly';
sub written_modules_alias {
push @INC, $dir->subdir('lib').'';
my %test_data = (
el1 => '1234',
el2 => 1234,
el3 => 'abcd',
el4 => {
first_thing => 'a string',
second_thing => 'SUCCESS',
el5 => {
first_thing => 'another string',
second_thing => 'FAILURE',
el6 => [
firstThing => 'el6 first thing',
secondThing => 'SUCCESS',
firstThing => 'el6 second first thing',
secondThing => 'FAILURE',
el7 => {
firstThing => '1st',
choice2 => 'choice no 2',
lastThing => 'wooden spoon',
el8 => {
first_thing => '8: 1st',
third_thing => '2012-06-14',
#fourth_thing => 4,
fith_thing => '2012-06-14+10:00',
local_choice3 => 333,
my $eg = eval {
ok !$@, "No error in creating eg object"
or diag $@;
isa_ok $eg, 'MyApp::Eg', 'Get an actual object';
$test_data{el6}[0]{first_thing} = $test_data{el6}[0]{firstThing};
$test_data{el6}[0]{second_thing} = $test_data{el6}[0]{secondThing};
$test_data{el6}[1]{first_thing} = $test_data{el6}[1]{firstThing};
$test_data{el6}[1]{second_thing} = $test_data{el6}[1]{secondThing};
$test_data{el7}{first_thing} = $test_data{el7}{firstThing};
$test_data{el7}{last_thing} = $test_data{el7}{lastThing};
delete $test_data{el6}[0]{firstThing};
delete $test_data{el6}[0]{secondThing};
delete $test_data{el6}[1]{firstThing};
delete $test_data{el6}[1]{secondThing};
delete $test_data{el7}{firstThing};
delete $test_data{el7}{lastThing};
$test_data{el4} = [$test_data{el4}];
$test_data{el5} = [$test_data{el5}];
$test_data{el8}{third_thing} = '2012-06-14T00:00:00';
$test_data{el8}{fith_thing} = '2012-06-14T00:00:00';
local $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;
if ( $eg ) {
is_deeply $eg->to_data(stringify=>1), \%test_data, 'Get out what you put in'
or diag Dumper $eg->to_data(stringify=>1), \%test_data;
else {
ok 0, 'Got no object';
sub cleanup {
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/Base.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/Base.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/el5Type.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/el5Type.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/el6Type.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/el6Type.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/localComplexThing.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/localComplexThing.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/localOther.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/localOther.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg/subThingType.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg/subThingType.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other/Base.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other/Base.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other/el13_4Type.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other/el13_4Type.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other/el13Type.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other/el13Type.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other/otherComplexThing.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other/otherComplexThing.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Parent/Base.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Parent/Base.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Parent/complexThing.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Parent/complexThing.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Parent/moreComplexThing.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Parent/moreComplexThing.pm';
unlink $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Parent.pm') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Parent.pm';
rmdir $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Parent') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Parent';;
rmdir $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Other') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Other';
rmdir $dir->file('lib/MyApp/Eg') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp/Eg';
rmdir $dir->file('lib/MyApp') or note 'Could not remove lib/MyApp';