#!/usr/bin/perl -w
=head1 NAME
test Net::Graylog::Client
=head1 AUTHOR
kevin mulholland, moodfarm@cpan.org
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Test::More tests => 2;
BEGIN { use_ok('Net::Graylog::Client'); }
# as most people will not have a graylog server to hand, there is not
# much we can test, except that the module compiles and has some of
# the expected methods, esp those that autoload
sub add_data {
my ( $url, $key ) = @_;
my $events_created = 0;
my $du = Data::UUID->new();
my $uuid = $du->create_str();
my $started = time();
note("Creating messages with using tag:$uuid and key $key");
my $graylog = Net::Graylog::Client->new( url => $url );
foreach my $lvl ( valid_levels() ) {
my ( $s, $c ) = $graylog->$lvl(
message => "a $lvl message with key $key",
tag => $uuid,
counter => $events_created + 1,
testmode => 1
$events_created++ if ($s);
note( "Creating took " . ( time() - $started ) . "s" );
return $events_created;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ready to build the message to send
# this is a uniq key for this series of tests
my $ukey = $$ . "-" . time();
subtest 'authors_own' => sub {
plan tests => 1; # we need to add some data for the search tests
my $events_created = add_data( "http://sei:12202/gelf", $ukey );
ok( $events_created, "Sent $events_created messages" );
else {
subtest 'not_author' => sub {
plan tests => 1;
my $events_created = add_data( "http://fred.fred.com:12202/gelf", $ukey );
diag "...$events_created";
ok( !$events_created, 'Failed to create any events (as expected)' );
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# completed all the tests