#!/usr/bin/env perl
# create_api
# should be able to be used with any swagger backed api-docs
# (c) Kevin Mulholland, moodfarm@cpan.org
# this code is released under the Perl Artistic License
use 5.16.0;
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use Furl;
use JSON;
my $verbose;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# basic debug to STDERR, redirect to anywhere you like
sub other_debug {
my ( $lvl, $debug ) = @_;
if ( !$debug ) {
$debug = $lvl;
# set a default level
$lvl = 'INFO';
say STDERR strftime( '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', gmtime( time() ) ) . " [$lvl] " . get_program() . " " . $debug if ($verbose);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# if the url contains braces {}, these need to be escaped
sub escape_braces {
my ($url) = @_;
$url =~ s/\{/%7B/g;
$url =~ s/\}/%7D/g;
return $url;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fetch json from the passed url
sub fetch_json {
my ($url) = @_;
debug( "INFO", "Fetching $url" );
$url = escape_braces($url);
my $json;
my $furl = Furl->new(
agent => __PACKAGE__,
timeout => 1,
my $res = $furl->get($url);
if ( $res->is_success ) {
$json = decode_json( $res->content );
# add json into the furl response, a bit dodgy to do this but keeps things
# clean
$res->{json} = $json;
return $res;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# main
my $program = get_program();
my %opt = init_app(
help_text => "Build a perl module to interface with a server API from a hosted Swagger API",
help_cmdline => "",
options => {
'verbose|v' => 'Dump extra useful information',
'url|u=s' => {
desc => 'URL of swagger server (eg http://localhost:12900/api-docs)',
required => 1,
validate => sub {
my $url = shift;
return $url =~ m|^http\s?://.*?/api-docs/?$|;
'module|m=s' => { desc => 'Name of perl module to create', required => 1 },
'file|f=s' => { desc => 'File to write module into'},
my ($commands, %names);
set_debug( \&other_debug );
$verbose = $opt{verbose};
debug( "INFO", "Started" );
$opt{url} =~ s|/$||; # remove any trailing '/'
# 12900 is the default port for the graylog reporting server
# api-docs is the base url for the docs, gives us JSON to find other docs
# based on swagger
my $base_url = $opt{url};
# from the base url we can get the list of api components
my $res = fetch_json($base_url);
if ( !$res->is_success ) {
msg_exit( "Could not connect to $base_url (" . $res->message . ")", 2 );
my $api_data = $res->{json};
if ( !$api_data || !$api_data->{apis} ) {
msg_exit( "This server does not seem to provide Swagger APIs", 2 );
#@todo save the API files that were fetched from the server
foreach my $api ( @{ $api_data->{apis} } ) {
my $api_url = "$base_url$api->{path}";
$res = fetch_json($api_url);
if ( !$res->is_success ) {
say STDERR "Could not obtain API from $api_url (" . $res->code . ")";
my $apis = $res->{json};
# say STDERR p($apis);
if ( !$apis || !$apis->{apis} ) {
say STDERR "Could not decode API from $api_url";
$commands .= "=head2 $api->{name}
foreach my $ops ( @{ $apis->{apis} } ) {
my $path = $ops->{path};
# array of operations
foreach my $op ( @{ $ops->{operations} } ) {
my $doc = "# " . ( "-" x 77 ) . "\n\n";
my $name = $api->{name} . "_$op->{nickname}";
# prefix
$name =~ s/([A-Z])/_$1/g;
$name = lc($name);
$name =~ s/^_//;
$name =~ s|/||g;
# somethines the delete methods have the same name as the
# list methods, this allows us to have distinct names
if( $names{$name}) {
$name = lc($op->{method}) . "_$name" ;
$names{ $name} = $name ;
$doc .= "=head3 $name\n\n";
$doc .= "$op->{summary}\n\n" if ( $op->{summary} );
$doc .= "Note: $op->{notes}\n\n" if ( $op->{notes} );
my $current = "sub $name {
\tmy \$self = shift ;
\tmy (\$params) = \@_ ;
\tmy (\$url) ;
\tmy \@required ;
# if we need to include a parameter in the path
if ( $path =~ /\{/ ) {
my $new = $path;
$new =~ s/\{(.*?)\}/\$params->{$1}/g;
$current .= "\t\$url = '$new' ; \n";
else {
$current .= "\t\$url = '$path' ; \n";
# now add in any required fields
my @req;
my $optional = "";
my $required = "";
foreach my $p ( @{ $op->{parameters} } ) {
if ( $p->{required} ) {
$required .= " * $p->{name}\t$p->{description}\n";
else {
$optional .= " * $p->{name}\t$p->{description}\n";
push @req, $p->{name};
$doc .= "Required parameters\n\n$required\n" if ($required);
$doc .= "Optional parameters\n\n$optional\n" if ($optional);
# decide what data is being returned
if ( $op->{produces} ) {
if ( grep ( /application\/json/, @{ $op->{produces} } ) ) {
$doc .= "Returns: Normal Furl::Response with decoded JSON in json element\n\n";
elsif ( grep ( /text\/plain/, @{ $op->{produces} } ) ) {
$doc .= "Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible plain text response in content\n\n";
elsif ( grep ( /applicatino\/xml/, @{ $op->{produces} } ) ) {
$doc .= "Returns: Normal Furl::Response, XML in content\n\n";
else {
$doc .= "Returns: Normal Furl::Response, encoded data in content\n\n";
else {
$doc .= "Returns: Normal Furl::Response, possible data in content\n\n";
# check required parameters in the script
$current .= "
\tmap { die( \"Missing parameter \$_ \") if( !\$params->{\$_}) ; } qw( " . join( ' ', @req ) . ") ;
$current .= "
\tmy \$res = \$self->_furl->" . lc( $op->{method} ) . "(\$url, {}, \$params);\n";
if ( $op->{produces} && grep ( /application\/json/, @{ $op->{produces} } ) ) {
# add a JSON decode if needed
$current .= "
\tif ( \$res->is_success ) {
\t\tmy \$json = decode_json( \$res->content );
\t\t\$res->{json} = \$json;
\t}" ;
$current .= "\treturn \$res;
$commands .= "$doc=cut\n\n$current";
# read the data section after __END__
my $module = join( "", <DATA> );
$module =~ s/%%MODULE%%/$opt{module}/gsm;
$module =~ s/%%COMMANDS%%/$commands/gsm;
my $package = get_program() ;
$module =~ s/%%AUTHOR%%/$package/gsm;
if( $opt{file}) {
} else {
say $module ;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ABSTRACT: API Client for %%MODULE%%
=head1 NAME
use %%MODULE%% ;
my $api = %%MODULE%%->new( url => 'http://server:12345' ) ;
$api->api_command( message => 'testing', 'debug') ;
This module has been autogenerated against a Swagger API, hopefully
the author has fixed up the documentation
=head1 AUTHOR
autogenerated by %%AUTHOR%%,
Which was created by kevin Mulholland, moodfarm@cpan.org
=head1 Notes
# I am assuming you are using Dist::Zilla and have set [PkgVersion] in yout dist.ini
# to create the $%%MODULE%%::VERSION variable
package %%MODULE%%;
use 5.16.0;
use strict;
use Furl;
use Moo;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
=head1 Public Functions
=over 4
=item new
Create a new instance of the api connection
my $api = %%MODULE%%->new( url => 'http://server:12345') ;
url the url of the server API, of the form http://server:12345
has url => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has user => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has password => ( is => 'ro', required => 1 );
has _furl => (
is => 'ro',
default => sub {
return Furl->new( agent => __PACKAGE__, timeout => 1 );
init_arg => undef
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------