# FedIncome.pm
# Created: Thu Feb 14 15:24:49 CST 2002
# by JT Moree
# $Id: FedIncome.pm,v 1.12 2004/10/22 23:45:33 pcxuser Exp $
#2002-2003 Xperience, Inc. www.pcxperience.com
# license: same as perl
=head1 NAME
use Business::Payroll::US::FedIncome;
my $fedIncome = Business::Payroll::US::FedIncome->new();
if ($fedIncome->error())
die $fedIncome->errorMessage();
This module will calculate Federal Income Taxes for the US based on internal tables when given a gross amount
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Business::Payroll::Base Exporter AutoLoader);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = '.3';
use constant TRUE => 1;
use constant FALSE => 0;
=head1 Exported FUNCTIONS
=head2 scalar new()
Creates a new instance of the object.
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->SUPER::new(@_);
my %args = ( @_ );
# make sure the Parent isValid.
if ($self->error)
return $self;
$self->{periodDays} = {
annual => 260,
semiannual => 130,
quarterly => 65,
monthly => 21.67,
semimonthly => 10.84,
biweekly => 10,
weekly => 5,
daily => 1
$self->{debug} = 'no';
$self->{dataTables} = {
'20010701' => {
tables => {},
dailyWithholdingAllowance => 11.15,
dailyTableRows => [
{singleBottom => '0.0' , percent => '0' , marriedBottom => '0.00' },
{singleBottom => '10.20' , percent => '.15' , marriedBottom => '24.80' },
{singleBottom => '110.40' , percent => '.27' , marriedBottom => '191.90' },
{singleBottom => '239.20' , percent => '.30' , marriedBottom => '404.60' },
{singleBottom => '532.30' , percent => '.35' , marriedBottom => '658.50' },
{singleBottom => '1150.00' , percent => '.386' , marriedBottom => '1161.70' },
'20020101' => {
tables => {},
dailyWithholdingAllowance => 11.54,
dailyTableRows => [
{singleBottom => '0.0' , percent => '0' , marriedBottom => '0.00' },
{singleBottom => '10.20' , percent => '.10' , marriedBottom => '24.80' },
{singleBottom => '32.90' , percent => '.15' , marriedBottom => '71.00' },
{singleBottom => '114.00' , percent => '.27' , marriedBottom => '198.30' },
{singleBottom => '249.30' , percent => '.30' , marriedBottom => '421.90' },
{singleBottom => '549.80' , percent => '.35' , marriedBottom => '680.00' },
{singleBottom => '1187.50' , percent => '.386' , marriedBottom => '1199.60' },
'20030101' => {
tables => {},
dailyWithholdingAllowance => 11.73,
dailyTableRows => [
{singleBottom => '0.0' , percent => '0' , marriedBottom => '0.00' },
{singleBottom => '10.20' , percent => '.10' , marriedBottom => '24.80' },
{singleBottom => '32.90' , percent => '.15' , marriedBottom => '71.00' },
{singleBottom => '115.80' , percent => '.27' , marriedBottom => '201.30' },
{singleBottom => '253.50' , percent => '.30' , marriedBottom => '430.00' },
{singleBottom => '558.50' , percent => '.35' , marriedBottom => '690.80' },
{singleBottom => '1206.30' , percent => '.386' , marriedBottom => '1218.70' },
'20030601' => {
tables => {},
dailyWithholdingAllowance => 11.92,
dailyTableRows => [
{singleBottom => '0.0' , percent => '0' , marriedBottom => '0.00' },
{singleBottom => '10.20' , percent => '.10' , marriedBottom => '30.80' },
{singleBottom => '37.30' , percent => '.15' , marriedBottom => '85.80' },
{singleBottom => '118.50' , percent => '.25' , marriedBottom => '249.00' },
{singleBottom => '263.50' , percent => '.28' , marriedBottom => '454.00' },
{singleBottom => '571.90' , percent => '.33' , marriedBottom => '713.70' },
{singleBottom => '1235.40' , percent => '.35' , marriedBottom => '1254.20' },
'20040101' => {
tables => {},
dailyWithholdingAllowance => 11.92,
dailyTableRows => [
{singleBottom => '0.0' , percent => '0' , marriedBottom => '0.00' },
{singleBottom => '10.20' , percent => '.10' , marriedBottom => '30.80' },
{singleBottom => '37.30' , percent => '.15' , marriedBottom => '85.80' },
{singleBottom => '118.50' , percent => '.25' , marriedBottom => '249.00' },
{singleBottom => '263.50' , percent => '.28' , marriedBottom => '454.00' },
{singleBottom => '571.90' , percent => '.33' , marriedBottom => '713.70' },
{singleBottom => '1235.40' , percent => '.35' , marriedBottom => '1254.20' },
return $self;
=head2 integer isValidArg( gross => $gross)
gross - floating point > 0
method -
allowances - integer > 0
period - annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, semimonthly, biweekly, weekly, daily
marital - single | married
periodDays -
round - yes, no
This method will check an argument sent in for validity. returns 0 for no, 1 for yes .
NOTE: Only send one argument at a time. If you send all you will not know which one is invalid
sub isValidArg
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( @_ );
if (exists $args{gross} )
if ($args{gross} !~ /^\d+(\.\d+)?$/)
{ return 0; }
{ return 1; }
if (exists $args{marital} )
if ($args{marital} ne "married" && $args{marital} ne "single" )
{ return 0; }
{ return 1; }
if (exists $args{date} )
if ($args{date} !~ /^\d{8}$/ )
{ return 0; }
{ return 1; }
if (exists $args{allowances} )
if ($args{allowances} !~ /^\d+$/ )
{ return 0; }
{ return 1; }
if (exists $args{round} )
if ($args{round} =~ /^(yes)|(no)$/i )
{ return 1; }
{ return 0; }
if (exists $args{period} )
if (exists $self->{periodDays}->{$args{period}} )
{ return 1; }
{ return 0; }
return 0;
=head2 integer calculate(
gross - total amount of pay
date - date to be paid on. affects tax rates format YYYYMMDD
method - the method to use for calculation (currently only percentage )
allowances - federal allowances
period - annual, semiannual, quarterly, monthly, semimonthly, biweekly, weekly, daily
marital - single or married
round - yes, no - defaults to yes - or should user sprintf the result. seems that would be more efficient
# periodDays - reference to a hash containing ratios for number of days in periods. defaults to undef, hash can be overriden by the user specifying a hash ref to the same structure, different data.
sub calculate
my $self = shift;
my %args = (
gross => "",
date => "",
method => "",
allowances => "",
period => "",
marital => "",
periodDays => undef,
round => "yes",
debug => 'no',
my $gross = $args{gross};
my $date = $args{date};
my $method = $args{method};
my $allowances = $args{allowances};
my $period = $args{period};
my $marital = $args{marital};
my $periodDays = $self->{periodDays};
my $round = $args{round};
my $withholdingAllowance = 0;
my $modifiedGross = 0;
my $foundDate = undef;
my $tax = 0;
my $base = 0;
my $bottom = 0;
my $percent = 0;
$self->{debug} = $args{debug};
if (! $self->isValidArg(gross => $gross))
{ $self->error("Invalid gross: $gross\n"); return undef; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(allowances => $allowances))
{ $self->error("Invalid allowances: $allowances\n"); return undef; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(marital => $marital) )
{ $self->error("Invalid marital: $marital\n"); return undef; }
if ($round =~ /^(yes)$/i) # need to know round specifically
{ $round = "yes"; }
elsif ($round =~ /^(no)$/i)
{ $round = "no"; }
{ $self->error("Invalid round: $round. Use 'yes' or 'no'\n"); return undef; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(period => $period ) )
{ $self->error("Invalid period: '$period'"); return undef; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(date => $date))
{ $self->error("Invalid date: '$date'"); return undef; }
{ $foundDate = $self->lookupDate(date=> $date); }
if (not defined $foundDate)
{ $self->error("Could not lookup date: $date\n"); return undef; }
#step 1 - modified Gross
$withholdingAllowance = $self->{periodDays}->{$period} * $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{dailyWithholdingAllowance};
$modifiedGross = $gross - ($allowances * $withholdingAllowance);
#step 2 - lookup
if (! exists $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{tables}->{$period} || ! exists $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{tables}->{$period}->{$marital} )
my $result = $self->generateTable(period => $period, marital => $marital, date => $foundDate);
if (not defined $result || $result != TRUE)
{ $self->error("Could not generate Table"); return undef; }
if (not defined $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{tables}->{$period}->{$marital} )
{ $self->error("Error: calculate -- table $period->$marital is not defined!\n"); return undef; }
my $table = $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{tables}->{$period}->{$marital};
if ($self->{debug} eq "yes")
print "\nfound: $foundDate\n";
print "withHAllow: $withholdingAllowance\n";
print "Gross $gross\n";
print "period $period\n";
print "mGross: $modifiedGross\n";
print "marital: $marital\n";
print "rows ";
print scalar @{$table};
print "\n";
for (my $row = 0 ; $row < scalar @{$table} ; $row++)
print "$row";
print "\t t \t" . $table->[$row]->{bottom};
print "\t b \t" . $table->[$row]->{base};
print "\t p \t" . $table->[$row]->{percent};
print "\n";
print "mGross = $modifiedGross\n\n";
for (my $row = scalar @{$table} -1; $row >= 0 ; $row--)
if ($modifiedGross >= $table->[$row]->{bottom})
$base = $table->[$row]->{base};
$bottom = $table->[$row]->{bottom};
$percent = $table->[$row]->{percent};
last;#$row = 0;
if ($self->{debug} eq "yes")
print "b $base, p $percent, t $bottom\n";
$tax = ( $base + (( $modifiedGross - $bottom) * $percent) );
$tax *= -1 if ($tax !~ /^(0(\.00)?)$/);
if ($round eq "no")
{ return sprintf("%.2f",$tax); }
return sprintf("%.0f",$tax) . ".00"; #round to whole number
=head2 bool generateTable(
## generated tables look like this
# {$period =>
# { single =>
# [
# {bottom => , base => , percent => } ,
# ] ,
# married =>
# [
# {bottom => , base => , percent => } ,
# ]
# },
# }
sub generateTable
my $self = shift;
my %args = (period => "", marital => "", date => "", debug => 'no', @_ );
my $base = 0;
my $foundDate = $args{date};
my $bottom;
my $period = $args{period};
my $marital =$args{marital};
if ($args{debug} eq "yes")
{ $self->{debug} = "yes"; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(date => $foundDate) )
{ $self->error("generateTable: Invalid date '$foundDate'"); return undef; }
if (! $self->isValidArg(period => $period ) )
{ $self->error("generateTable: Invalid period '$period'"); return undef; }
my @dailyTableRows = @{$self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{dailyTableRows}};
my $table = $self->{dataTables}->{$foundDate}->{tables};
if (not defined $dailyTableRows[0])
{ $self->error("Error: dailyTableRows is invalid\n"); return undef; }
my $row;
for ($row = 0; $row < scalar (@dailyTableRows); $row++)
$bottom = $dailyTableRows[$row]->{$marital.'Bottom'} * $self->{periodDays}->{$period} ;
$bottom = sprintf("%.0f", $bottom);
if ($row == 0)
{ $base = 0; }
$base = ( ($dailyTableRows[$row -1]->{percent} *
($bottom - $table->{$period}->{$marital}->[$row -1]->{bottom}) )
+ $table->{$period}->{$marital}->[$row -1]->{base} ) ;
my %tempRow = ( bottom => $bottom,
base => $base ,
percent => $dailyTableRows[$row]->{percent} ) ;
#dont forget to create array single first
push(@{$table->{$period}->{$marital}}, \%tempRow);
} #endfor
if ($self->{debug} eq "yes")
print "dataTables->\{" . $foundDate . "\}->\{tables\}->\{" . $period . "\}->\{" . $marital. "} with $row rows\n";
return TRUE;
=head2 string lookupDate (date)
Returns the date closest to the given date that is less than or equal to it
sub lookupDate
my $self = shift;
my $found = undef;
my %args = (date => "", @_ );
if ( $args{date} !~ /^\d{8}$/)
{ $self->error("Invalid format for date:'$args{date}' in lookupDate\n"); return undef; }
#walk over dataTables hash looking for a close match
foreach my $current (reverse sort keys %{$self->{dataTables}} )
if ($current <= $args{date})
$found = $current;
return $found;
=head2 string firstDate()
This method will return the earliest date in the datatables.
Combined with the lastDate method, you can find the date range of the data
sub firstDate
my $self = shift;
#grab keys from hash and order reverse so that the latest one is first
return (sort keys %{$self->{dataTables}})[0] ;
=head2 string lastDate()
This method will return the earliest date in the datatables.
Combined with the firstDate method, you can find the date range of the data
sub lastDate
my $self = shift;
#grab keys from hash and order reverse so that the latest one is first
return (reverse sort keys %{$self->{dataTables}})[0] ;
=head1 NOTE
All data fields are accessible by specifying the object
and pointing to the data member to be modified on the
left-hand side of the assignment.
Ex. $obj->variable($newValue); or $value = $obj->variable;
=head1 AUTHOR
JT Moree
=head1 SEE ALSO