# OutData.pm - Will pull settings from an XML config file into a format usable by the system.
# Created by James A. Pattie. Copyright (c) 2002-2004, Xperience, Inc.
use strict;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader);
@EXPORT = qw();
$VERSION = "1.2";
# new
sub new
my $that = shift;
my $class = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
my %args = ( periodNames => undef, @_ );
my $errStr = "Business::Payroll::XML::OutData->new() - Error:";
$self->{periodNames} = $args{periodNames};
if (!defined $args{periodNames})
die "$errStr periodNames not defined!\n";
$self->{version} = "1.1";
$self->{type} = "cooked";
$self->{dataFile} = ""; # only used for debugging purposes.
$self->{date} = "";
$self->{period} = "";
$self->{startPeriod} = "";
$self->{endPeriod} = "";
$self->{genSysId} = "";
$self->{persons} = [];
$self->{errorCodes} = {
0 => "version = '%s' is invalid",
1 => "type = '%s' is invalid",
2 => "date must be specified",
3 => "date = '%s' is invalid",
4 => "period = '%s' is invalid",
5 => "no persons defined",
6 => "person: %s = '%s' is invalid",
7 => "person id='%s', %s does not exist",
8 => "person id='%s', %s='%s' is invalid",
9 => "person id='%s' duplicated!",
10 => "person id='%s', item name='%s' duplicated!",
11 => "genSysId = '%s' is invalid",
12 => "%s = '%s' is invalid", # used by start/end Period variables.
return $self;
my $self = shift;
my $type = ref($self) || die "$self is not an object";
my $name = $AUTOLOAD;
$name =~ s/.*://; # strip fully-qualified portion
unless (exists $self->{$name})
die "Can't access `$name' field in object of class $type";
if (@_)
return $self->{$name} = shift;
return $self->{$name};
my $self = shift;
sub isValid
my $self = shift;
my @errors = ();
if ($self->{version} !~ /^(1.1)$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{0}, $self->{version});
if ($self->{type} ne "cooked")
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{1}, $self->{type});
if (length $self->{date} == 0)
push @errors, $self->{errorCodes}->{2};
elsif ($self->{date} !~ /^(\d{8})$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{3}, $self->{date});
if (length $self->{startPeriod} == 0)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{12}, "startPeriod", $self->{startPeriod});
elsif ($self->{startPeriod} !~ /^(\d{8})$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{12}, "startPeriod", $self->{startPeriod});
if (length $self->{endPeriod} == 0)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{12}, "endPeriod", $self->{endPeriod});
elsif ($self->{endPeriod} !~ /^(\d{8})$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{12}, "endPeriod", $self->{endPeriod});
if (! exists $self->{periodNames}->{$self->{period}})
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{4}, $self->{period});
if (length $self->{genSysId} == 0)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{11}, $self->{genSysId});
if (scalar @{$self->{persons}} == 0)
push @errors, $self->{errorCodes}->{5};
# validate persons
my %encounteredPersons = ();
foreach my $person (@{$self->{persons}})
if ($person->{id} !~ /^.+$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{6}, 'id', $person->{id});
if (length $person->{name} == 0)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{6}, 'name', $person->{name});
# validate items
my %encounteredItems = ();
foreach my $item (@{$person->{items}})
if (!exists $item->{name})
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{7}, $person->{id}, 'name');
elsif ($item->{name} !~ /^(.+)$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{8}, $person->{id}, 'name', $item->{name});
if (!exists $item->{value})
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{7}, $person->{id}, 'value');
elsif ($item->{value} !~ /^(-?\d+(\.\d+)?)$/)
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{8}, $person->{id}, 'value', $item->{value});
if (!exists $item->{comment})
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{7}, $person->{id}, 'comment');
if (exists $encounteredPersons{$person->{id}})
push @errors, sprintf($self->{errorCodes}->{9}, $person->{id});
$encounteredPersons{$person->{id}} = 1;
return ((scalar @errors > 0 ? 0 : 1), \@errors);
sub generateXML
my $self = shift;
my $result = "";
my $errStr = "Business::Payroll::XML::OutData->generateXML() - Error:";
my @valid = $self->isValid();
if ($valid[0])
$result .= <<"END_OF_XML";
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<payroll type="cooked" version="$self->{version}" date="$self->{date}" period="$self->{period}" genSysId="$self->{genSysId}" startPeriod="$self->{startPeriod}" endPeriod="$self->{endPeriod}">
for (my $i=0; $i < scalar @{$self->{persons}}; $i++)
$result .= " <person id=\"$self->{persons}[$i]->{id}\" name=\"$self->{persons}[$i]->{name}\">\n";
foreach my $item (@{$self->{persons}[$i]->{items}})
my $tmpName = $self->encodeEntities(string => $item->{name});
my $tmpComment = $self->encodeEntities(string => $item->{comment});
$result .= " <item name=\"$tmpName\" value=\"$item->{value}\"" . ($item->{comment} ? " comment=\"$tmpComment\"" : "") . "/>\n";
$result .= " </person>\n";
$result .= <<"END_OF_XML";
$result .= "$errStr Data not valid!\n\n";
$result .= join("\n", @{$valid[1]}) . "\n";
die $result;
return $result;
# string encodeEntities(string)
# requires: string - string to encode
# optional:
# returns: string that has been encoded.
# summary: replaces all special characters with their XML entity equivalent. " => &quot;
sub encodeEntities
my $self = shift;
my %args = ( string => "", @_ );
my $string = $args{string};
my @entities = ('&', '"', '<', '>', '\n');
my %entities = ('&' => '&amp;', '"' => '&quot;', '<' => '&lt;', '>' => '&gt;', '\n' => '\\n');
return $string if (length $string == 0);
foreach my $entity (@entities)
$string =~ s/$entity/$entities{$entity}/g;
return $string;
=head1 NAME
OutData - The XML Business::Payroll OutData Module.
use Business::Payroll::XML::OutData;
my $obj = Business::Payroll::XML::OutData->new(periodNames => \%periodNames);
Business::Payroll::XML::OutData will contain the parsed XML file.
It provides a method to validate that it is complete and also a method
to generate a valid XML file from the data stored in the data hash.
scalar new(periodNames)
Creates a new instance of the Business::Payroll::XML::OutData
array isValid(void)
Determines if the data structure is complete and usable for
generating an XML file from.
Returns an array. The first index is boolean (1 or 0 to indicate
if the object is valid or not). The second index is an array of
error messages that were generated based upon the errors found.
string generateXML(void)
Creates an XML file based upon the info stored in the
Business::Payroll::XML::OutData object. It first calls isValid()
to make sure this is possible. If not then we die with an
informative error message.
version - version of the XML file parsed
dataFile - the name of the file parsed or the string of XML
date - the date the Payroll was generated on
period - the period of time the payroll is for (weekly, bimonthly, etc.)
startPeriod - beginning date of the payroll period.
endPeriod - ending date of the payroll period.
genSysId - the id used by the generating system to identify this payroll
persons - the array of person data structures
NOTE: All data fields are accessible by specifying the object
and pointing to the data member to be modified on the
left-hand side of the assignment.
Ex. $obj->variable($newValue); or $value = $obj->variable;
=head1 AUTHOR
Xperience, Inc. (mailto:admin at pcxperience.com)
=head1 SEE ALSO
perl(1), Business::Payroll::XML::Parser(3)