use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../../lib";
my $form = Form::Sensible->create_form( {
name => 'test',
fields => [
field_class => 'LongText',
name => 'unlimited_text',
field_class => 'LongText',
name => 'long_text',
maximum_length => 10,
should_truncate => 0,
field_class => 'LongText',
name => 'long_truncated_text',
maximum_length => 10,
should_truncate => 1,
} );
## test maximum_length
unlimited_text => 'A' x 11,
long_text => 'A' x 11,
long_truncated_text => 'A' x 11,
my $validation_result = $form->validate();
#print STDERR Dumper($validation_result->{error_fields});
ok( !$validation_result->is_valid(), "form with field longer than max length failed");
is( scalar(keys %{$validation_result->{error_fields}}), 1, "correct number of incorrect fields" );
is( $validation_result->{error_fields}->{long_text}->[0], "Long text is too long", "too long text should not be valid");