use 5.008001;
our $VERSION = '0.031';
package IO::LCDproc;
=head1 NAME
IO::LCDproc - Perl extension to connect to an LCDproc ready display.
use IO::LCDproc;
my $client = IO::LCDproc::Client->new(name => "MYNAME");
my $screen = IO::LCDproc::Screen->new(name => "screen", client => $client);
my $title = IO::LCDproc::Widget->new(
name => "date", type => "title", screen => $screen
my $first = IO::LCDproc::Widget->new(
name => "first", align => "center", screen => $screen, xPos => 1, yPos => 2
my $second = IO::LCDproc::Widget->new(
name => "second", align => "center", screen => $screen, xPos => 1, yPos => 3
my $third = IO::LCDproc::Widget->new(
name => "third", screen => $screen, xPos => 1, yPos => 4
$client->add( $screen );
$screen->add( $title, $first, $second, $third );
$client->connect() or die "cannot connect: $!";
$title->set( data => "This is the title" );
$first->set( data => "First Line" );
$second->set( data => "Second line" );
$third->set( data => "Third Line" );
Follow the example above. Pretty straight forward. You create a client, assign a screen,
add widgets, and then set the widgets.
=head2 IO::LCDproc::Client
It is the back engine of the module. It generates the connection to a ready listening server.
=head3 METHODS
@IO::LCDproc::Client::ISA = qw(IO::LCDproc);
use Carp;
use Fcntl;
=item new( name => 'Client_Name' [, host => $MYHOSTNAME] [, port => $MYPORTNUMBER] )
Constructor. Takes the following possible arguments (arguments must be given in key => value form):
host, port, and name. name is required.
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %params = @_;
croak "No name for Client: $!" unless($params{name});
my $self = {};
$self->{name} = $params{name};
$self->{host} = $params{host} || "localhost";
$self->{port} = $params{port} || "13666";
$self->{cmd} = "client_set name {$self->{name}}\n";
$self->{screen} = undef;
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
=item add( I<SCREENREF> )
Adds the screen that will be attached to this client.
sub add {
my $self = shift;
$self->{screen} = shift;
=item connect()
Establishes connection to LCDproc server (LCDd).
sub connect {
my $self = shift;
$self->{lcd} = IO::Socket::INET->new(
Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$self->{host}", PeerPort => "$self->{port}"
) or croak "Cannot connect to LCDproc port: $!";
sleep 1;
=item initialize()
Initializes client, screen and all the widgets with the server.
sub initialize {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = $self->{lcd};
my $msgs;
print $fh "hello\n";
$msgs = <$fh>;
if($msgs =~ /lcd.+wid\s+(\d+)\s+hgt\s+(\d+)/){
$self->{width} = $1;
$self->{height} = $2;
} else {
croak "No stats reported...: $!";
fcntl( $fh, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK );
print $fh $self->{cmd};
print $fh $self->{screen}->{cmd};
print $fh $self->{screen}->{set};
print $fh $_->{cmd};
@IO::LCDproc::Screen::ISA = qw(IO::LCDproc);
use Carp;
=head2 IO::LCDproc::Screen
=head3 METHODS
=item new( name => 'MYNAME', client => $CLIENTREF )
Constructor. Allowed options:
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %params = @_;
croak "No name for Screen: $!" unless($params{name});
my $self = {};
$self->{client} = $params{client} || croak "No Client: $!";
$self->{name} = $params{name};
$self->{heartbeat}= $params{heartbeat} || "on";
$self->{cmd} = "screen_add $self->{name}\n";
$self->{set} = "screen_set $self->{name} name {$self->{client}->{name}}\n";
$self->{set} .= "screen_set $self->{name} heartbeat $self->{heartbeat}\n";
$self->{widgets} = undef;
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
=item add( @WIDGETS )
Adds the given widgets to this screen.
sub add {
my $self = shift;
foreach (@_){
push @{$self->{widgets}}, $_;
@IO::LCDproc::Client::ISA = qw(IO::LCDproc);
use Carp;
=head2 IO::LCDproc::Widget
=head3 METHODS
=item new( name => 'MYNAME', screen => $SCREENREF )
Constructor. Allowed arguments:
align, type (string, title, vbar, hbar, ...), xPos, yPos, data
sub new {
my $proto = shift;
my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
my %params = @_;
croak "No name for Widget: $!" unless($params{name});
my $self = {};
$self->{screen} = $params{screen} || croak "No Screen: $!";
$self->{name} = $params{name};
$self->{align} = $params{align} || "left";
$self->{type} = $params{type} || "string";
$self->{xPos} = $params{xPos} || "";
$self->{yPos} = $params{yPos} || "";
$self->{data} = $params{data} if( $params{data} );
$self->{cmd} = "widget_add $self->{screen}->{name} $self->{name} $self->{type}\n";
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
=item set()
Sets the widget to the spec'd args. They may be given on the function call or the may be
pre specified.
xPos, yPos, data
sub set {
my $self = shift;
my %params = @_;
$self->{xPos} = $params{xPos} if($params{xPos});
$self->{yPos} = $params{yPos} if($params{yPos});
$self->{data} = $params{data} if($params{data});
$self->{data} = " " x $self->{screen}{client}{width} if(length( $self->{data} ) < 1 );
my $fh = $self->{screen}->{client}->{lcd};
print $fh "widget_set $self->{screen}->{name} $self->{name} $self->{xPos} $self->{yPos} {" .
($self->{align} =~ /center/ ? $self->_center($self->{data}) : $self->{data}) . "}\n";
sub _center {
my $self = shift;
return ( " " x ( ($self->{screen}->{client}->{width} - length ( $_[0] ) ) / 2 ) . $_[0]);
=item save()
Saves current data to be user later.
sub save {
my $self = shift;
$self->{saved} = $self->{data};
=item restore()
Restore previously saved data.
sub restore {
my $self = shift;
$self->{data} = $self->{saved};
$self->{saved} = "";
=head1 SEE ALSO
=head1 AUTHOR
Juan C. Muller, E<lt>jcmuller@gmail.comE<gt>
Copyright 2005 by Juan C. Muller
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.